The Unwanted Duel

A couple days had past since we left the mountain.

We continued on our journey, passing by forests and rivers, always looking for the next prey to hunt for. We never come acrossed anything truly unique, strange, or strong, otherwise Wolf's marks would not have been few.

Anyways, those who proved at least a small modicum of a challenge were shortly lived after one arrow embedded itself into its body.



Cursed Arrows:

-Obtained from a core, containing the last vestiges of an angry, dying dragon. Those hit by its curse, imbued in each arrow, is inflicted by slowness and poison. Damage and duration of effects scales off of the level of the user. Can be switched ON or OFF.

Currently: OFF


This was obtained when I absorbed the leftover dragon core Naofumi gave me.

It was a useful skill, and its even a passive skill nonetheless! That means that it has no requirements to use, and can be turned off and on at will.

Wolf complains, saying a 'chase is more fun when the creature flees as fast as it can,' so I just turned it off. Who am I to deter a fun chase? Even I get excited from time to time, chasing after those who flee from me with Wolf, although Wolf always gets to them first.

Speaking of Naofumi, he should've met a girl outside the village on their way down the mountain path, according to canon anyways.

I'm quite a distance away from the capital, but with Portal Bow...

Portal Bow is a skill used to teleport to locations with the Dragon Hourglass, and has three slots to teleport to. You can remove a slot, so it's adjustable.

It is a great skill, but all things great have consequences and requirements. Portal skills like this has a level requirement of Level 50.

Good thing we have already reached that level just a few hours ago from our never-ending hunting of monsters. We don't need sleep after all.


𝗠𝗮𝗿𝗸 of the Kindred (75)(3) => (78)



Kindred (Lamb and Wolf)

HP: 590/590

MP: 590/590

-𝐎𝐜𝐜𝐮𝐩𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧: Hero of the Bow Level 50 / The Eternal Hunters ???

STR: 189(3)(+6) =>198

VIT: 56(+3) => 59

DEX: 362(9)(+6) =>377

INT: 56(+3) => 59

LUC: 61(+3) => 64



Bow of the Hunter (Legendary Armament)

Attack: 315(+11)=> 326

Special Skill:

-Portal Bow

-Piercing Horn Arrow

Special Passive:

-Cursed Arrows


Still though, sleeping is quite nice, especially after our relentless hunt of reaching our goal, getting to Level 50. That's why we took a couple hours off just resting on the highest treetops, staring into the starry night sky.


6:16:41 - till Third Calamity

6 days, 16 hours, and 41 minutes left.


Morning arrives. I got up and stretched, with Wolf nearby eating a rabbit.

Anyways, this is the day where Naofumi will arrive at the capital in order to get holy water. I won't necessarily actually meet up with him there, I just want to be there to witness...that scene...

Oh how glorious it would be.

Wolf agrees with my sentiments, looking up from his meal with a bloody grin.

After preparing ourselves, I used the Portal Bow skill, and we soon disappeared in a blue light...

Only to reappear back at the Dragon Hourglass in Melromarc's capital.


There were only a few nuns there, many who were surprised at our manifestation.

"Oh! We-welcome, Brave B-Bow Hero!"

One of the nuns managed to stutter out a greeting, which I nodded to, and started to leave the building. Wolf phased into the ground as I left the building.

Walking out the building, the capital outside was filled with people walking about, doing their own business.

'This really does feel like a city...' I thought as I looked around.

Naofumi should've arrived here by now...but where-

My train of thought was interrupted as I spotted him running past by me quickly from out of a small alley, with what seems to be a demihuman soldier, who looking around for him as he arrived into a crowd.

"H-hey! Wait!"

Naofumi wasn't having none of that, merging into the crowd. Before he managed to fully sneak away, however, a voice stopped him.

"AHHHHHH it's you!"

We both turned to look at the voice, and the crowd parted, revealing...Motoyasu, pointing at Naofumi.

"Finally! Naofumi, I found you!"

Motoyasu made his way towards him.

"You, what are you doing!?"

"What the hell are you talking about? Don't try to pin anything on me!"

"Are you seriously playing dumb? Tch, good luck with that! We already know that you're the owner of that overweight, fat bird!"

Fat bird...did he mean Filo? Filo is indeed much fatter than normal filolials...

"That bird, give it to us! We'll kill it!"

"Pffftt! What are you even talking about? It was all your fault, you should've been more careful before you approached her!"

What are they even talking about? What did he mean-

Ah, I remember.

"Are you still playing dumb? That damn bird was after me the moment it saw me!"

"What do you mean?"

Like I just said!. That stupid fat bird of yours tried to run me down!"

I saw Naofumi looking down at Motoyasu's armor, noticing that a piece of armor was on his crotch.


Yep, it looks like Filo kicked Motoyasu in the crotch long ago, perhaps a little after she was born.

Apparently Naofumi also realized that, because he began laughing hysterically.


The hell! What are you laughing at?!"

"Hahahaha-its just, just-hahahahaha!"

"You bastard...!"

It really was funny. I could tell in the distance that Wolf was laughing to, enjoying the front row seats. I am also enjoying it. If only I could see it for myself...

As I focused back on their conversation, they moved on from the fat bird to Filo.

"You slaver, let the girl go!"

What do you mean? Raphtalia alreay turned you down."

"I'm not talking about know all about it! You have a new slave, don't you? I saw her leaving that weapon shop!"

This Motoyasu, he doesn't even realize he's talking about the same person. And this guy is a hero? Dear legendary spear, I don't doubt there are many people across the multiverse that has an affinity for a hero and a spear, but out of all of them, why did you choose Motoyasu?

"Are you talking about Mel? She's not even a slave!"

I don't know her name! It's the girl wit hthe blonde hair.

"Blonde hair? It's not Mel then, she has blue hair. That was Filo who you saw."

Motoyasu started screaming in excitement, all of a sudden more passionate. I don't really like where this is going.

"Yes, exactly! That blonde girl with little wings on her back! You call her Filo?"

"Is it because she's a girl that you want her-?"

"No! It's not that, its just, its...I've never seen such an ideal girl!"

"What the hell?"

"There's really a girl out here that's just like that one girl from that anime!"

Is he talking about an anime character he'd seen back in his old world? Hmm, as far as anime and games go, there are characters similar to angels. Those holy, pure, angelic girl characters.

"I can't help it, I really, really, REALLY like angels...!" Motoyasu began to blush, his hands covering his face, shaking his head back and forth.

Naofumi stared at Motoyasu in horror, realization slowly dawning on his face.

"Shut the hell up! I don't want to hear about your sexual preferences!"

The crowd moved back away from him, feeling disturbed. Even his party members looked annoyed. No wonder they're silent, they must be not supporting Motoyasu in his endeavor.

"Anyways, let that girl go!"

You think I'm just going to go along with what you say? Man you're annoying!"

If you won't...then we'll have to fight it out until you agree!"

He raised his spear, pointing it at Naofumi.

Naofumi panicked, raising his shield, and shouted-

"You want to fight here?! Stop! There'll be casualties and damage if we-"

"Chaos Spear!"

It didn't matter, Motoyasu ignored his warnings and used a skill, throwing a spear. Naofumi barely blocked it, the spear skimming the shield, and it flew off down the street before hitting a store, the walls collapsing.

The crowd who was watching this hero drama started screaming in a panic. I leaped backwards onto the nearest rooftop, watching the fight. Wolf popped up next to me, also curious to see how the fight will play out.

"Hey! Stop-!"

"Air Strike Javelin"

Motoyasu ignored him once more, pointing his spear again at him again, and sent it flying.

Naofumi blocked it, gritting his teeth.

"Let her go!"

"Why would I?!"

Motoyasu shook his head.

"So you won't listen, huh?"

The crowd surrounding the fight started to protest.

"Come on, stop it!"

"Control yourselves!"

"I don't care whether or not you are Heroes, just don't fight here!"

As more shouts of protest grew more and more frequent, Naofumi stared hard at Motoyasu"

"God dammit Motoyasu! Calm down! And you guys, stop him too! There are still civilians here!"

He shouted at Motoyasu and his parties, but they ignored him, the party especially laughing at Naofumi.

That's when one of the party members spoke up. Malty.

"Everyone, please remain calm! This is a duel between the Spear Hero and the Shield Hero! It is a legitimate duel permitted by the Crown, whom I represent here today!"

Of course, she's also causing more chaos. If I had the choice, I would have Wolf hunt her...but she is still needed. Unfortunately.

The crowd wasn't having none of that.

"Are you serious!"

"Give me a break!"

The one of the shop owners started shouting in discontent, and soon the people on the streets started joining his protest. It was to be expected, who would want a fight to start here, a fight that can destroy them and the surroundings?

"You would dare to speek against the Crown!? You barbarian!"

...this Malty, really. She's stirring up even more chaos, as her supporters were mixed in the crowd with those who wanted the fight to be stopped. Confusion grew, and it seemed as if a riot was about to break out.

Naofumi is really at the end of his books.

We won't interfere though, because the situation was about to be dealt with soon anyways. But for now...a fight is about to cotinue.

"Second javelin!"

Motoyasu created two glowing spears and he threw them at Naofumi. He managed to block one in time, only for the other to graze him a little.

"First Heal!"

Naofumi healed himself with magic. It's the only way really, in this situation. He can only defend and heal himself, with Motoyasu attacking without worries. And if he uses that cursed shield, it would hurt the innocent civilians in the surroundings. What a pain.

We would love to seem him go all out to absolutely obliterate that pervert.

"Please stop this fight, Spear Hero!"

All of a sudden, the soldier that were chasing Naofumi, and his other soldier friends walked out from the crowd, stepping in between them.

"This area is heavily trafficked by the civilians, can't permit you to duel here."

"Yes we can."

Malty immediately stepped in, pulling out her legitimate certificate of the Crown. She continued-

"Your assistance is not necessary here. This is a duel between the Heroes, and the interferences of a lowly soldier will not be tolerated.


The soldiers looked confused at the situation. On one hand, he had a duty to protect the capital and its citizens, and on the other, orders from the Crown. This really is a corrupted country.

"E-Even still! The country and its people, it's a soldier's duty to protect them. Even if it is the personal affairs of the H-Heroes, if they threaten our country, I...I must try to put a stop to it!"

...a bright soul seems to glow in the night amongst the darkness. Even Naofumi looked surprised.

"And so, because the Shield Hero is unable to fight, I...I will take his place in the duel, as his sword!"



Both Naofumi and Motoyasu both became speechless at the soldier's words.

"I-I will too!"

Then a kid that looked like a wizard timidly spoke up with a soft voice, walking up to the side of Naofumi, and readied his wand.

Another soldier?

"You imbeciles! You would challenge me? Challenge the Crown!? Do you understand my position?"

The soldiers remained undeterred from her threat.

"Your position is irrelevant, we are merely carrying out our orders and duty."

Malty's face started turning red in anger at the response.

"You insolent fools! You think you can ignore the will of the Crown?!"

As the soldiers shuffled uneasily, and the situation became even more tense, all of a sudden, as if a guardian angel has descended from the heavens to save them, a soft voice came from the crowd.

"I will not permit the personal disputes of Heroes to be settled in this area!"

The soft voice appeared from the crowd, and the crowd parted ways, looking at the person with respect and relief, as if seeing a real authority figure.

How strange to see people act so respectfully to that person. All the authority figures we've seen, which were only Aultcray and Malty, were scoundrels who loves chaos, and doesn't mind the loss of innocent lives and casualties. Naofumi must have had the same train of thought, because he was also surprised, looking suspiciously towards the source of the voice.

As the person came into view, followed on both sides by Raphtalia and Filo, who were both looking uncomfortable, Naofumi seemed to realize who she was.

And I did to. Wolf meanwhile was still confused.