Unexpected Meeting

"In exchange for guarding the caravan, I shall keep a lookout from the back of the last wagon. Is that fine with you?"

"Y-yes, tha-that is fine. Thank you."

It was a misty morning, and the man talking to me shivered and nodded his head in thanks, walking to the other people near the caravan as quickly as possible.

After we left the area where the Wave occured, we traveled east for at least a day to a small town, where there was coincidentally a caravan with six carriages heading out of the Melromarc's queendom.

They were heading to a country called Shieldfreeden, a country that exists to the east of Melromarc. Shieldfreeden has never been really talked about as much in the novels, but it is said to be a place where the sentient races, the demihuman, beastman, and humans coexist.

Although we've mostly seen demihumans and humans, beastmen are also similar to demihumans, but look more beastlike.

The reason why we have never seen beastman in Melromarc is because they're mostly in the pro-demihuman countries like Siltvelt.

With a pro-human country like Melromarc and a pro-demihuman country like Siltvelt right next to each other, war could easily happen. In fact, war happened a couple decades ago.

Now it's just tension between the two countries, with human slaves in Siltvelt, and demihuman slaves in Melromarc.

Why haven't I been ousted yet if I was in a pro-human country? Well, I've never truly been near human settlements, with a few rare occasions of course. Us being in the capital of Melromarc a couple times without getting harassed was quite rare as well.

However, if we did get harassed by human scum, well...let's just say I have a good friend that can 'persuade' them otherwise.

Anyway, Shieldfreeden is an area mostly untold and unexplained by the author of this world, and we're heading there.

The only countries I have heard outside of Melromarc, was SIltvelt to the West, Zeltobe to the Southwest, Q'ten Lo on an island to the West, and Faubrey.

I don't know much about Faubrey, not care about it, but I've heard they have advance technology, such as guns and airship carriers, like blimps.

While Wolf hid in a nearby forest, hunting down monsters, I managed to get a deal with the caravan leader. In exchange for accompanying them, I will protect their caravan from dangers.

How did I make a deal with him? At first he ignored me, and then I gave 'evidence' and thorough 'persuasion' with my abilities. Apparently my skills seemed to have scared him, and yet made feel relieved at the same time.

It also helped that he and his fellow members of the caravan doesn't have the pro-human mentality.

Confronting dangers like monsters or other unsavory enemies are rather common when traveling on the road, and so it is easy to assume that he must've appreciated the extra assistance.

This whole time, Wolf remained hidden from sight. I sense he's nearby, but I can't really tell what he's doing. There is a very good chance he's looking for prey.

Meanwhile, while the rest of the caravan was preparing their cargo, I opened my status...


Kindred (Lamb and Wolf)

HP: 630/630

MP: 630/630

-𝐎𝐜𝐜𝐮𝐩𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧: Hero of the Bow Level 54=>57 / The Eternal Hunters ???

STR: 209(3)(+6) =>218

VIT: 60(+3) => 63

DEX: 377(9)(+6) =>392

INT: 60(+3) => 63

LUC: 65(+3) => 68



𝗠𝗮𝗿𝗸 of the Kindred (91)(3) => (94)



Bow of the Hunter (Legendary Armament)

Attack: 360(+38)=> 398

Special Skill:

-Portal Bow

-Piercing Horn Arrow

-(New) Soul Strike

Special Passive:

-Cursed Arrows


Soul Strike (MP Cost: 20-?):

-This skills allows one to shoot an arrow that pierces the soul, dealing true damage. Skill damage increases along with the amount of mana the user puts into the skill.


While I was moving east, I checked on my status already. As expected, the skill for a soul attack is sitting in my skill slot.

It can also increase in power as long as I put in the mana.

If I had this ability in the first place, I would have been able to absolutely decimate Glass in a landslide without a single hitch.

The question still remains, however...

With my stats this high, how did I not have an advantage over Glass? I knew that Glass was at a more higher level than me, probably in her 60's or 70's, and is of a race that is a little similar to ours, yet...

Was there something else I must do? I do know that other heroes have different upgrade techniques, and their techniques can be added to my own, but...

We are an anomaly in this world.

Before the next wave arrives, I must figure out a way to gain more power...

Through moral and legal means of course.

Continuing to muse over the possibilities of different upgrade techniques, I heard the caravan leader shouting to the rest of company.

"Alright people, double check to see if there's anything else we need or don't have! We're leaving in a few minutes!"

I moved took my seat at the back of the last wagon, getting comfortable while waiting for the caravan to start moving.

It will most likely going to be a long ride.


The morning mist cleared, making way for a blue sky to appear, with clouds slowly floating across it. The sun was almost at its highest peak in the sky as the caravan moved, unhindered by obstacles.


During the ride, I kept pondering through my thoughts of what I was going to do...until I suddenly remembered something.

It seems that I had forgotten, but in my memories...there was a time where I played music with my bow a couple of times. The bow I used as a weapon, can actually be a musical instrument?

It came as quite the shock to me. In my first life, I also played music, but it was with the piano and guitar.

How I can play music with my bow? Well, it just happened.

I was currently at the back of the last wagon, sitting down at the edge, dangling my feet. I then willed my bow to change, just like in my memories...

...Nothing seemed to happen.

I tilted my head to the side slightly, pondering.

What was I doing wrong? Was there something else I have to do? Perhaps I should put more 'intent' in the reason why?

Shrugging, I looked at my bow once more and willed it to changed, but this time with the reason that I want to play music.

And it did.

The pointed tips at the end of each bow seemed to grow a bit longer, and many more strings of blue energy appeared from one end, and extended to the other. The middle of the bow extended and curved more outwards, making it look like a small harp-like instrument of some sort.

Looking at it, it looks a little similar to a harp, but much smaller, and with a much more smaller string count.

How could a person play this sort of instrument without knowing chords and notes?

In my memories, I learned to play music with trial and error, and so that's the only thing I can rely on. After all, in my original memories, I never played any instruments remotely similar to this bow in my hand. Perhaps my skill in piano and guitar in my old life can help me a little...

Trial and error is key.

Holding the bow with my left hand, I started strumming the strings of my bow with right hand, plucking the strings at various places gracefully. Everytime I pluck a string, the area where it was plucked release a soft glow of light, but only for a second.

This continued for a few minutes, and as time passed, I grew more confident in my bow music skill, and soon...


Somehow, children of various ages, from four to nine years old, surrounded me while I was testing the sounds of each note produced by the bow. The people of the caravan seemed to have brought children along with them as well.

The caravan was moving at a slow pace, and so children can walk with it easily, while the adults watched them nearby. They must've heard me playing the bow.

'Is this their first time hearing music? If so, it's no wonder they're amazed. I wasn't even trying a real song at all...'

As I began to try thinkig of a real song to play, my thoughts strayed to a game I had in mind. A game I had played, even before League of Legends.

'Why didn't I think of this before? With a harp-like instrument like this, it could be easily done...

I held my elongated bow with my legs, and began strumming and plucking my strings with two hands swiftly and gracefully, from the deepest sounding end, to the lightest, and then back, the sound changing slightly each round.

A Prelude. A Final Fantasy Prelude. More specifically, FFVII, but I did enjoy the other Final Fantasy games.


"How amazing..."

Some of the adults joined my audience at this point. They stared in awe at my clearly breathtaking skills, and the children listening to my music started whispering excitedly.


For hours, the caravan traveled steadily across the road, no interruptions in sight. We are now in a forest, where there could be hidden dangers.

Although the children and adults have went back to their respective wagons, some still tried to keep silent, listening to my music.

Of course my music could be a distraction to the guards, but I assured them that if there was danger incoming, I would tell them. I had Wolf after all.

They didn't seem to really trust me at all, but with the caravan leader's assurance, they stopped the questioning stares.

Anyways, where was Wolf?

I looked to the trees to the left of us. He probably is hunting as usual, killing whatever is coming near the caravan, chomping down on the unfortunates happily.

Furthermore, we have a lot of capable people with us, such as us, so minor obstacles are not a problem.

Over the hours, I played many variations of the prelude of Final Fantasy, from FFI to FFXV. Although some of them are playable with a harp, other instruments like violins, trumpets, flutes, and drums are sorely needed.

I had to make due with what I have.

While I was focusing on progressing my music skills, I suddenly sensed two strangers approaching the caravan through the foliage, but I didn't bother intercept them, and kept playing my instrument.


As soon as the caravan guards and people heard an unfamiliar voice, they immediately moved into action.


"Get ready to defend the caravan!"

As some of the adults moved the children to the back and the rest hurriedly moved to the side to set up a defensive battle formation, two unknown strangers came walking out of the foliage from the right.

"Who is that?"

"Adventurers? They don't seem to be bandits..."

A rather tall auburn haired man came out from the shrubs and trees first, smiling and waving his hand in a friendly manner. On his back was a rather large scythe, with an emerald jewel on it. The other stranger, a woman, came into view from behind him.

She has white skin that looks like ivory. Her hair is a shade of bluish-green, which seems to sparkle under the sunlight.. Her hair is pulled back into a braid of three thick strands and draped. She wears multiple bangles with a massive gem on both hands.

Both of them looked quite foreign, and they would easily stand out in a crowd as there was this sort of presence around them...although they don't seem as unique compared to me.

"Yo! Sorry to barge in like this unannounced, but we're uh...kinda lost."

The man with red hair scratches the back of his head and laughs helplessly..

"My name is L'Arc Berg-but please, call me L'Arc. My companion over here is Therese."

The woman, presumably said companion, stepped forward and curtsied.

"My name is Therese Alexandarite, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance," she said, introducing herself.

"Uh, I'm sorry, but I can't quite understand you..."

The leader of the caravan stepped forward, his face a mixture of wariness and curiosity. Ah, she must've spoken in a very heavy sort of accent. My bow, like all the legendary weapons, has the ability to translate all language for us to understand others easier. It's very useful ability, althought I haven't tested written langauge yet.

"Oh, yes, my apologies-"

Therese suddenly moved her hand over the scythe L'Arc on his back, and brushed it with her fingers. More precisely, the emerald gem on the scythe. Then, all of a sudden, a floating orb came into view.

Afterwards, she started speaking again.

"I'm sorry for the confusion, I will use magic to make myself be able to converse well. Is this alright?"

"Yes, that is better. So, are you both adventurers?"

"Yes, that's right."

As they were talking, I still strummed the strings, deep in thought once more.

So did they just arrive to this world? Through the rifts during the Wave of Calamity no doubt. Was it from another Wave in the world, or did they sneak out from the Waves we were at?

Be that as it may, however, it does not matter whether or not they're from another world.

As long as they do not interfere with us, we won't interfere with them.

Until the right time comes, I won't be the first to engage in a conversation with those two.


The caravan started moving once again, heading towards Shieldfreeden once more.

In the end, the two newly employed 'adventurers' somehow easily joined our traveling caravan. How did they managed to do that? Well, unlike me, they're naturally good natured people who can socially converse well with many a people.

'Well, mostly L'Arc,' I mused, observing the two. I was able to assume that while L'Arc is the type to naturally talk to others, Therese prefers to stay away from the activity, keeping her mind to herself if given the chance.

While one talks with the others, and one sat in one of the wagons, I kept occupying myself by playing my instrument.

After a while of strumming the harp-like bow, I heard applause from behind.

"...Um, excuse me, miss...?" I turned around, seeing Therese just getting on the wagon I was on, and sat down in a seiza a few feet away, putting her hands on her lap. "That was a lovely song you just played."

"Thank you." I responded simply, and turned back around, looking down at my bow, and strumming the strings once more. It was an action that showed that I was in thought, a signal to show that I was occupied.


Apparently Therese didn't get the signal at all, because she just sat there, smiling politely. The situation then became awkward a few seconds later, and she started playing with her hair, trying to think of something to talk about...and she did.

Realization dawned upon her face.

"Ah! Oh, yes, my apologies for not introducing myself," she nodded her head, placing a hand over her chest. "My name is Therese, Therese Alexanderite."

"My friend and I were lost, and while searching for a town nearby, we came across this traveling caravan. With the caravan leader's permission, we were able to stay along for the ride for the duration of the travel, and so I thought I should get to know the other passengers."

"...I see."

Underneath my mask, my face distorted.

'That wasn't a signal for you introduce yourself, that was a signal meant for you to leave...'

"May I know your name?"


Should I say my real name, or a fake one? I can't really say Kindred, as some people know us by that. Although most don't know what I look like, our name must've been at least known to a small minority of people.

"My name...is Lamb."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Lamb. I hope we get along well," Therese said, smiling. She didn't seem give a single thought to the peculiar uniqueness of my name

I'd never really wanted to interact with these people, only keeping to myself. Although...maybe I should get close to them.

"It is also a pleasure to meet you as well, Therese Alexanderite," I said, nodding my head.

"Please, just call me Therese. It's more comfortable that way for me."

With an opportunity like this, it would be a waste to end our 'bonds' after a short interaction. I know them quite well, after all, since the information comes mostly from the light novel.

They were here to kill us holy cardinal heroes.