Chapter 4 new old home

Looking ahead they approach the house as they see the house as they drive over the gravel road.

Glancing over to the left Robert notices the cornfield which he has never seen before.

Hey, love since when is that there. Julia shrugs her shoulder breastfeeding Kathy.

Hey, watch out says Julia there's a kid. Robert traps the breaks and looks for the kid Julia saw.

There is no kid. There was she insists, well if there was he is no longer there.

Looking around Julia tries and spot the kid she just saw he had black shiny hair and pale skin with darkish eyes.

Love, maybe you just tired he says as they approach the house on the left is a barn the house is huge with faded white walls and mold all over the walls.

This place needs a lot of cleaning up he says as he breaths in deep. At least all our stuff is moved and packed now we can just settle in he smiles as he walks up to the house on the corner of his eyes he notices a shadow and suddenly a sharp pain shoots through his head.

Holding his head, Julia starts to worry Robert? Are you ok? I am fine just the sun he says. Ok, let us get this stuff inside so you can rest a bit she says as they carry the stuff approaching the door it is about five meters with old bronze handles as they turn push it down the breaking sound of the door opening.

Entering the house they notice the huge chandelier on the roof which is very high up as the sunshine through the top window and the light of the sun reflected on the glass chandelier and shined down towards the entrance of the door as they cover their eyes.

Walking forward they see the old paintings up on the wall one of the paintings catches Robert's eye it's a black wolf in a pose to attack staring as if it's staring right at him. Julia couldn't help noticing the Modern helical set of luxury stairs with curved glass railing and glass steps, stainless steel stringers. Exclusive elegance and engineering for Glass Grand Design Stairs.

The engineers designed this staircase with a boxed internal stringer to wrap around the existing concrete column, which is a structural element of the building. The internal stringer acts as a support for the frame-less glass railing but also for the entire stairway. The external glass railing is fixed to steps supports and it has a stainless steel handrail fixed to the side of the glass.

The treads are in toughened laminated frosted glass fixed to stainless steel tubular supports. All fixings are in stainless steel. The landing balustrade both on the ground floor and first floor are in frame-less glass. It has stainless steel rails fixed to the floor to match the railing design.

When walking across the house they entered an open plan kitchen which has accumulated a lot. of dust on the oak wooden table, the cupboards on were mounted to the wall the paint was peeling off and Julia opens the cardboard and noticed the spider webs and the molded bread on the Inside.

This place needs some serious cleaning up and fixing says Robert turning around there was a fridge and coal stove still in perfect condition.

As they then walked over to the taps and turned open the taps first rusted came out as it made a loud sound through the pipes and the sound faded and clean water started coming out.

Robert then took Julia, s hand and headed upstairs where there were three tall wooden doors, the master bedroom was the middle door which they approach as they open the door and stepped inside the walls were painted glossy white on the corner of the room was a built-in cupboard that was made of oak wood perfectly varnished with a carved flower perfectly situated in the middle as Julia touched the cardboard not believing this beautiful varnished cardboard is so old and yet looks new glancing over to the middle of the room where the king-size bed. The white Silk comforter perfectly covering the bed without a crease although the exterior of the house has suffered many winters and storm seasons, the old wooden floor has been sheltered inside. It still bears the characteristic hues of American walnut, dull, but in a way more beautiful than any engineered product could be. It is a woodland dream that we have the pleasure to walk on, its colors soothing before the red glows of the hearth and that is what made the house feel more homely to them.

The crystal-like chandelier hung from the roof in the center of the room as Robert switched on the light checking if it is still working, to their surprise it was still working. Laying Kathy down on the bed Julia laid next to her feeling exhausted after the long day.

Robert then went to the bathroom opening the tap and was delighted to see there is no plumbing issues, the perfectly white ceramic tiled floor blended in with the walls.

As he exited the bathroom going to the third room. It had only a cradle and a chest of draws with toys around it.

Robert walked across the room and picked up a music box with a tinkling bell finding it odd he places it on the chest of draws as he is about to exit the door suddenly bangs close.

For a moment he got a fright then realized the window was open and the wind blew it close.

Closing the window he can't help but notice like a child in the cornfield wearing a yellow jacket as he wipes his eyes and the child is no longer there.

I must be tired he says to himself as he exits the room and goes lays next to Julia drifting off to sleep.

Suddenly waking up to a scream as Robert sits up and looks at the time it is twelve-thirty in the morning. Kathy and Julia are asleep as he climbs out of bed with all his clothes still on walking over to Kathy,s room opening the door slowly as the doors rusted hinges make a crackling sound.

Entering the room he notices the window is open.

As he recalls closing it earlier he steps to the Window as he looks out it is raining, as lightning and thunder came Marching from far away with increasing tread.

Lightning and thunder raged with fury as a flash of fork and lightning and a great clap of thunder came close upon each other, a bolt of lightning tore across the sky and a peal of thunder followed.

Suddenly there is a cold breeze in the room as the door shuts a Robert hears a whisper for the roof of the room looking up he sees a dark shadow on the corner of the room as he pulls his gun aiming it who are you? The lightning strikes in the room and suddenly there is no one as he wipes his eyes.

I got to keep this together he says to himself. Closing the windows as he is about to exit the door he ears whispers down the staircase pulling out his gun he slowly steps down the stair reaching to the bottom and see nothing except all the windows blowing open and close.

Heading to the fridge be opens up the fridge and takes out a beer sits by the table rethinking everything.

There is something about this place that gives me the chills of laying his head on the table and falling off to sleep.

Waking up sweating Julia wakeups breathing she had something holding her down while she was asleep.

She never had those dreams for years and suddenly it is back again she gets out of bed, it is one in the morning as she steps out of the room Robert she shouts across the hallway are you in the bathroom honey?

No answer as she then steps slowly downstairs and finds Robert asleep on the table as she runs her fingers through his hair and says come to bed. Stretching out he follows her as they both climb into bed.

Hey, do you feel any? negative energy from this place says? Robert, no you just love let's get rest as she folds her arms around Kathy and kisses her on the forehead.

Falling back off to sleep. Robert starts to dream of seeing himself entering Kathy room where the cradle is and suddenly there is a white chair with an old lady sitting there knitting singing lullaby she has grey hair and is wearing a blue knitted Jersey looking up at him as he steps forward saying where is Kathy the lady glances at him and continues knitting where is Kathy he demands suddenly there is an outburst loud cry as he holds his ears and blood starts coming out if his eyes.

The lady chokes him holding him in the air whispering Kathy is mine as her eyes change white and a dark pupil in the center of their eye.

He feels himself losing breathing as he tosses his head sideways his body weakens. As he wakes up it is three in the morning.