Chapter 1:

Life is a mystery you can't solve, no one can prevent what's going to happen from a second to another, sometimes you feel it's just the same routine that's going to repeat till death and then you start getting annoyed but life comes to prove you wrong like it happened with David.

David NICKOLS, 29 years old, a tall and a handsome man with hazel eyes and a brown hair; he works at THE GARDIAN newspaper as a journalist. David lives alone in a small simple house in LONDON but that didn't make him feel lonely because he had a good relation with his neighbours, they all are friendly, sometimes he invites them other times they invite him, they have dinner together and make parties too; there is also his best friend Theo a handsome black man, he's lovely, honest, sweet and dangerous sometimes like everyone, they've been working together this way they knew each other and became best friends, they pass a lot of time together so living alone didn't bother David at all. At work, his life is a little messy because his relation with his boss was not so good, she hated him from the first time they've met and since then he had difficulties to impress her with his work.

The morning of 28 March 2030 a tiny meteor has fallen in north of France, it damaged almost all the north of France, the world was in shock looking to the fact that this event didn't happen since the dinosaurs have been extinct which is 66 million years ago which is a very long time ago. For a journalist this could be the moment of his life even though others are in panic, it could change his life and his destiny; David insisted a lot before he got the opportunity to take care of this event, looking that he works in science fiction domain he didn't want anyone else of his team to take this opportunity, after insisting so much and a long list of arguments he managed to convince the boss and flied directly to south of France since the north is closed. After hours of travel and moving from place to another he managed to arrive to the nearest place possible to the area of the event, he was so exhausted from moving all around add to that he couldn't get in, it was closed and forbidden to get in, only to the specialists to study the fact and the guards around making sure no one passes until the automatic stopping line is placed (the automatic stopping line is a group of iron columns that once placed and activated, they send electrical signals between them and anyone who tries to pass through it, dies immediately); a lot of people have been around and journalists from every country, everyone was curious to know what happened and how did it happen, some of them were thinking that aliens came to earth like it was predicted in old legends and the rumours were coming out and panic increases in people but scientist were more afraid of a virus or a sickness coming with the meteor not to mention the damages caused by it; so then David couldn't have information for his article, he already was so exhausted, he couldn't get inside and see with his eyes and more than that if he doesn't find a way to cross the guards before they finish placing the automatic stopping lines, he won't have any chance to get there, he got to find any solution to save his job and honour else his boss would have the joy of firing him. When night came, almost all the people left the place only the journalists, the scientists and the security guards; it was getting darker, David took advantage of the night and started screaming in a near place to attract the guards' attention: "Help! Help me please, there is something here, help" Some of the people there went to see what is it and Dav flew away from that place, he used the fact that the guards' attention is distracted and with a way he got into the dangerous zone, following his curiosity and taking his guard to not be seen or caught as for the ones who went to see who needed help, they didn't find anything or anyone so they came immediately to their position looking for any suspecting things. David was visiting and taking pictures the whole night (the camera doesn't need a flash, to take photos at night it's sufficient to activate the night mode and the pictures taken would look like you took them during the day), after the sunrise, he had to leave before the stopping lines are finished otherwise he'd be stuck inside, in his way out he remarked a very small light so by curiosity he went to check what it was; when he'd been close he found a shiny stone like a diamond, he got hypnotised and amazed by its beauty so he tried to touch it but he got like an electric shock and fell down.

Later when he opened his eyes he found himself surrounded by French nervous doctors, the first thing he asked about after regaining his consciousness was his camera but he got no answers, the doctors went outside the room and looked at each other, David didn't know how he got there or what happened or where his stuff are. Outside the room the doctors were talking about him and wondering if anything happened to his mind since nothing happened to his body after they found him on the ground, they finally came in and began to ask the man laying in the bed questions:

- "Vous parlez français monsieur? (Do you speak French sir ?)

- Uh...Un peu (Uh a little bit)" answered David with a weak accent.

- "Quel est votre nom? (What's your name ?)

- Mon nom est David NICKOLS. (My name is David NICKOLS)

- Alors Mr. NICKOLS comment vous vous sentez ? (So Mr. NICKOLS, how do you feel ?)

- pense. (Normal...I think)

- Rien de bizarre ? rien ne vous fait mal ? (Nothing strange ? Nothing hurts?)

- Non, pourquoi ? C'est passé quoi ? Et pourquoi je suis ici ? (No, why ? What happened? And why am I here?)

- C'est quoi la dernière chose dont vous vous souvenez de quoi Mr. NICKOLS ? (What is the last thing you remember Mr. NICKOLS ?)

- J' une lumière, j'allais voire c'est quoi et je suis là. (I've...seen a light, I went to see what it was and I'm here)

- Vous étiez dans un endroit dangereux Mr. NICKOLS, on vous a trouvé à coté des pièces du météore tombé et on a peur que vous aviez pris un virus, on ne sait pas encore si y a des dangers ou non mais on doit vous garder pour assurer votre sécurité et la notre aussi. (You were in a dangerous place Mr. NICKOLS, we found you near the meteor's pieces and we're afraid that you've caught a virus, we don't know yet if there are dangers or not but we have to keep you for your safety and ours too)

- Attendez un peu, je pense pas moi avoir vraiment compris, vous disez que moi rester ici et avoir un virus et je suis danger ? (Wait a minute, I don't think I understand right, you're saying that I'm staying here, I'm having a virus and I'm a danger?)

- Oui c'est ça, en quelque sorte. (Yes, kind of)

- Pas possible moi rester ici, mon job m'attends il faut retourner chez moi. (There's no way to stay here, my work is waiting for me I have to go back home)

- On s'excuse mais on ne peut pas vous laisser avant de vérifier que tout va bien avec vous." (We're sorry we can't leave you before making sure everything is good with you)

David wasn't comforted by the idea, staying there means backing late to LONDON and may lose his job, he didn't refuse to stay he didn't really have a choice but he was thinking in the same time of a way to get out of there.

The next day after analysing him and blood tests and all the medicines' stuff they did the past day, they finished by letting the man go, they didn't find anything strange or not normal with him and the law doesn't allow them to keep a person without having a proof that he has something strange or he's sick but the doctors were not comfortable with the idea of letting him go, they were thinking that he at least should be under eyes to follow his state after all it's not a game they're playing, it's a meteor that has fallen and no one can know what could this meteor have brought from the space; yet they had no choice other than letting him go, so for security they didn't close his case definitely.