How to Tame a Fairy(3)

"Anyway, what made you visit, Ellen?"

This was it. Ellendise cleared her throat and placed her fan down.

Her expression became serious in an instant. The Viscount noticed this and was also preparing himself.

"I'm sure you must have heard from the butler that I visited Valrug and talked to him. I--"

The butler suddenly entered the room and he crouched down to whisper something to the Viscount. Ellendise wasn't able to hear what they were saying but she was very tempted to use magic so she find out.

Luckily, she resisted the urge to do so.

"I'm sorry, Ellen. Something came up and another guest has arrived. I wanted to keep talking to you but this matter is quite important. I hope you would understand. "

Ellendise wanted to ask who else was more important than the count's daughter and his niece? But Ellendise held it in.

"It's fine, Uncle. I'd like to meet with Valrug instead. I also don't want to keep troubling you." The Viscount was relieved at her understanding behavior.

"Quickly, inform our guest that I will be there immediately. Ellen, I'll have one of the maids escort you to my son's study room."

Ellendise shook her head.

"It's fine, Uncle. I know that way. "

The Viscount seemed reluctant to let it go but after a few more urging from Ellendise, he reluctantly accepted.

Ellendise heard a small giggle on top of her before a somewhat light object landed on her head.

"Look! I found it! I found it!"

Cestine chanted happily, showing her a green magical pendant.

"Hehe.. I also taught the mean old maid a lesson! I hung her upside down the garden and chopped her hair off!"

Ellendise's lips twitched a little. Cestine was still a fairy. It seemed she was just as vicious as the books said.

Fairies were solitary and unsociable creatures but once they have taken a liking to someone, they can turn into the best companion ever.

Kinda like a familiar.

"Thank you, Cestine. Let's go meet my friend now. "

"Okay! Okay!"

Ellendise went to Valrug's study room and knocked on the room. The customary shout of "Go away" was heard but Ellendise ignored it and opened the door.

"What are you, deaf? I said go away! I'll.."

"You'll what?" Ellendise interrupted which made the ginger haired boy halt on his movements.

"It's you!"

"Not you. It's 'Ellen'." She corrected.

"But why are you here...?"

Ellendise pulled him up and smiled.

"I said I was going to give you a gift, right?" She said. "It's this."

Ellendise handed him the magical pendant.

"Let's go and wake her up."

Valrug trembled while looking at the magical pendant. He was torn between throwing it away and accepting it.

It looked like an ordinary pendant but Valrug knew that this belonged to her mother.

It had suddenly gone missing a few years ago and his cousin somehow was able to get her hands on it.


"A friend helped me." Ellendise explained before tugging his hand.

"Come on! What are you waiting for? Cestine went through a lot of trouble to find this! So let's go!"

"Hehe.. Ellen, this human has a funny face."

"Pfft.."Ellendise held in the laughter as she half dragged, half pulled the petrified Valrug towards the hall.

"I don't know where aunt's bedroom is so you lead the way."

When he still remained unmoving, Ellendise pinched his cheek.

"Ouch! Ouch! What are you doing?!" The sour looking almost eleven year old threw her a dirty look. Ellendise gave him a meaningful look.

"This girl.."


Under her watchful gaze, Valrug led the way to the Viscountess' room. It was only a few walks from his study room but somehow, his footsteps slowed down.

Standing infront of her mother's room, Valrug's face was unreadable.

He nervously glanced at Ellendise.


He grabbed the doorknob and slowly opened the door. When they entered the room, a woman was lying in a bed.

Her beautiful ginger curls framed her shallow and thin face. Even her skin had gotten pale from thr lack fo sunlight.

She was hardly breathing.

Valrug's knees trembled.

"Mom.." He whispered with tears in his eyes..It had been months since he was last in here and his mother's condition had greatly deteriorated.

Meanwhile, Cestine buzzing all around the room until a doll caught her attention.

"Hey! This looks likes my mom! Ellen, look! This looks like Cestine's mom!"

Cestine showed pointed her flower hands at the knitted doll lying on the vanity table. Ellendise was a bit surprised.

'Did she said Mom?' Ellendise suddenly felt nervous. Did she somehow made a mistake and mistook this fairy for another?

Cestine happily inspected the doll. She looks so taken by it that she hugged it and flew in circles around Ellendise.

Valrug nearly fell when he saw this.

"A...Are you a mage?"

"No..This is my friend. She's a fairy. Her name is Cestine."

"Hehe.. This doll really looks like Mom! But Mom is definitely more pretty!"

"A f-fairy..?! What is she doing with my mom's doll?"

Ellendise bit her lip while watching Cestine play with the knitted doll in midair.

"She says the doll looks like her mother."


"Don't 'oh' me. Hurry up and give the pendant to auntie."

Valrug hesitated before starting at the pendant.

"Will it really work?"

"Do you trust me?"


'This brat...' Ellendise sighed while massaging her temples.

"Even if you don't trust me, atleast trust this pendant. "

"Is mom really going to wake up if I put this on her?"

"Why don't you find out?"

Valrug's palms started to sweat as he slowly moved his gaze towards the sleeping face of his mother.

She looks no different than a corpse. His heart ached at her deteriorating condition and he unconsciously clenched his fists.

He calmly took a few steps forward and touched her hand.

"Mom, please wake up. You've been asleep for so long. "Valrug whispered. He glanced at her face once before taking the pendant in his hand and placing it around her neck.

There was a long and an unbearable silence for a while.

Valrug's hands shook and he was about to shout when a bright light suddenly enveloped the whole room.

His scream rang across the whole mansion as he covered his face.

The maids hurriedly entered the room but they were also blinded by the bright light coming from the bed.

Ellendise also kept her eyes close, waiting silently.
