Sleeping Beauty(1)

Scratch scratch

The sound of her pen writing against paper was the only thing that could be heard in the room.

Dear Big Brother,

How was your stay at the academy? Have you been studying hard? I hope you could tell me more about your life there.

You must have heard of the incident from mother and father. However, rest assured that you don't have to worry anymore because I plan on asking Uncle Rufus to teach me how to wield a sword.

Tomorrow is Valrug's eleventh birthday. Since aunt has woken up, Uncle has been busy lately. But no doubt, he's been happier these days. He also told me that you haven't send him any letters recently nor have you visited.

I hope you would contact him soon. Take care, big brother.


Ellendise Ariadne Mielle Vitron


"It's done!" Ellendise sealed the letter and stamped it with the family seal. She also did a quick protection spell that would only allow the receiver to read it.

"Rachel, send this to the postman."

"Yes, my lady." Rachel bowed her head and accepted the letter before going out. Both Rachel and Jill were the only ones privy to her magical abilities. They never said a word to the count or countess and they were both sensible enough to know that Ellendise was keeping her abilities a secret for a good reason.

It was when Rachel returned that Ellendise informed them to help her try on the dress she had commissioned. It had arrived a few days ago and it was only now that she was in the right mindset to try it.

"Oh my! My lady, this is definitely an eye-catching dress! "

"Lady Ellen is so pretty!"

"It's like the stars are within reach.."

"Now that you say that.."

Ellendise looked at the mirror. She was still not used to this doll like face and abnormal features.

Silver hair and reddish eyes.

It reminded her of a rabbit although she didn't have the personality of one.

Letia was the one who was most likely the little bunny. She was pure, innocent and was easy to tric--

Ellendise boarded the carriage with the count and countess.

Both of them didn't shy in looks and were just as handsome and beautiful as they were in their youth.

"Ellen, darling. I like your dress a lot. Rachel told me it was you who designed it." Countess Debora said, looking very pleased at her daughter's appearance.

"Thank you, mother. But compare to you, my beauty pales. Mother looks especially beautiful in her red dress." Ellendise wasn't lying. The countess was indeed beautiful and she couldn't believe this woman was in her late 30s already.

The count was just as handsome and was wearing a matching suit.

"Ellen, do you want me to hire a tutor to teach you art? It is a worthwhile hobby." The count suggested. He didn't hide the fact that he was also impressed.

Ellendise shook her head.

"Instead of that, I'd like to learn how to wield a sword from Uncle Rufus."

The couple were silent at her request. How often did a daughter ask their parent to learn how to wield a sword?

There was only a low population of female knights. And rarely do females of nobility learn swordsmanship.

In a world where magic users were dominant, rarely do people choose the way of the sword. Not only was it difficult but there was extreme prejudice against them.

The count was the first to answer.

"Ellen, learning swordsmanship is not easy. Furthermore, don't you want to learn magic instead? Your Uncle is very strict and I'm afraid you would have a hard time."

Ellendise was aware it would be difficult but nothing has always been easy so why complain?

She was a principled person who learned for the sake of helping herself. In her past life as Rianne, she attended defense class and studied martial arts.

Although Ellendise still retains the knowledge and experiences of fighting to defend her life, her current body was still very weak and lacks the appropriate training.

Although she has maintained doing yoga exercises every morning, it was still a vast constrast to people who were shaped by proper training.

"Ellen, you're already ten. If you want to learn magic, it's fine but learning swordsmanship is a bit..." The countess was worried. For a woman of nobility, it really isn't a good thing to learn this kind of thing when learning magic is the most preferred choice.

Ellendise wanted to disagree but seeing that her parents had become uncomfortable, she was forced to back down and compromise.

"It would be very nice if I could learn magic from a tutor. It would be advantageous for me when I attend the academy."

"Oh honey, you still have five years before that happens!"

"I agree. But I suppose an early start would indeed be advantageous. I'll go and find you a suitable tutor."

"Thank you, Father."

The family of three arrived at the Viscount's mansion. Ellendise didn't feel an ounce of pity for her brother who was stuck in the academy.

In the first place, Nitense had no desire to socialize or participate in banquets held by nobility. His sword was his life and it was mostly the only thing he cares about.

Despite this, Nitense was actually very easygoing and friendly. He knows how to direct the conversation and leave when need be.

Ellendise has already experienced 28 years of forced socialization to become a perfect daughter. In this life, she would do as she please and not be the same person as Rianne was.

Before they could enter, Ellendise stopped the count and countess.

"Mother, Father.. Is it okay for me to be a bit selfish tonight?"

Her sudden question surprised the two but parents were parents and they knew exactly what their child meant.

The countess crouched down and cupped her face. The loving face of her mother who had taken care of her ever since she woke up in this body was as gentle as she remembered.

"Ellen, if it makes you happy then it's okay to be a little selfish. Mother will always support you. Do not forget that. Because your happiness is my happiness. "

Ellendise's eyes watered but she held back the tears in her eyes and calmed her emotions. How long did she craved this kind of love?

Rianne Luxtred wasn't an orphan but with the life she lived, there was basically no difference. Her birth mother had ignored her and acted indifferent.

Despite all the things that Rianne did, that woman had never once acknowledged her.
