A Fairy's Vanity (2)

"Cestine, it's not good if you scare people. The residents would have been injured due to a moment of irrationality if I hadn't intervened." Ellendise said in a soft reprimanding tone.

Cestine puffed up her cheeks.

"That bad mortal was mean to Cestine! Very mean!"

Ellendise nodded. "Yes. But you also have to consider that this is my home and many of my family's people live here. Getting the innocent involved in a fight is wrong. "

Cestine rubbed her face helplessly. "I don't like those other humans! They've got nothing to do with me!"

This was a given. Fairies were really vain and didn't care much about other races.

"But they're my family." Ellendise reasoned."They're the people of the county so as the count's daughter, they are my responsibility. If if was Cestine's family who were in danger, you would also feel worried and aggrieved, right?"

Unexpectedly, the fairy was quick to rebuke her.

"Cestine's family isn't weak like humans. Cestine can kill them alone! Cestine's mom can flatten this whole place, too!"

Ellendise sighed. Of course, why would the strong care about the weak? To a powerful creature, they would naturally care about themselves and not spare anything for those weaker than them. It wasn't their business what happened to the weak.

As expected, this was still a 'dog eat dog world'.

"Just don't let it happen again. Otherwise, I'll be really sad."

Cestine flew on her shoulder and rubbed Ellendise's cheek with her flower hands, her pretty blue eyes looking at Ellendise.

"Ellen, don't get sad. I'll deal with the mean mortal next time."

"How about I deal with him for you? I'll bully him back for Cestine, so next time, don't listen to him, okay? Cestine is very pretty afterall."

Pretty blue eyes lit up with delight.

"Ellen, you're the best! Cestine is very happy!"

Ellendise smiled. Sure enough, fairies were very vain.


At an underground laboratory, a masked figure was polishing his sword meticulously with care. Though his focus wasn't solely on the blade, his body has memorized the actions so many times that it became ingrained on him.

"Rabbit meat. Rabbit sauce. Rabbit stew. Ah, so many choices, too little ingredients." The figure said in an toneless voice that sounded somewhat disappointed.

His words were accompanied by a sigh afterwards.

A knock then sounded on the door.

Annoyance flashed in a pair of blue eyes.

"What?" This time, he used a deathly cold voice that made people scared witless.

The door opened and revealed a tall figure in magenta robes and pointy wizard hat.

"Tch. Is that the kind of tone you should use towards your master?"

"Then what tone should I use, master?" Agnus didn't glance at his visitor but his voice was filled with cold mockery.

Tower Master Rogen felt like he had lost some face. Sure enough, this disciple of his never once respected him!

He resisted the urge to teach this mannerless boy a lesson.

"You think I don't know what you did? Trespassing on Count Vitron's territory just to terrorize a girl no older than ten and using magic inside private property? Are you not scared of the law, boy?" Tower Master Rogen was so angry that he could barely keep the anger in his tone.

This unruly boy was very talented in magic but this boy was also a walking disaster without restraints. This was because the boy had a certain bloodthirsty tendency.

Tower Master Rogen knew the 'flower pots' his disciple was keeping. He had heard rumors about it. Just now, there was a giant display of a drake's set of teeth in the hall. Not to mention a giant basilisk's skull hanging at the center of the laboratory.

If this wasn't creepy, then what was it?

"Reinstrom! You maybe talented in magic but that doesn't excuse your lawless actions!"

"So noisy." Reinstrom, aka Agnus, muttered in an annoyed tone. What he really hated the most was when people shout or raise their voice.

It annoyed him to no ends.

Tower Master Rogen was so angry at this that he marched towards Agnus and raised his staff, intending to hit the mannerless boy on the head to teach him a lesson.

Who knew that he would be eating loss instead?

A pair of aqua blue eyes flashed in an instant. The carefully cleaned sword was swung yet again.


A shriek resounded in the underground halls. The door was left opened so naturally, the loud voice travelled but it didn't reach anyone's ears aside from the two occupants in the laboratory.

Agnus stood up and pulled out a white cloth, wiping the blood on his sword.

The severed arm holding the staff was stepped on by his right foot. He purposely dug deeper, crushing the severed hand's bones. Then without waiting for another second, burned the entire hand along with the staff using his hellish blue flames.

Tower Master Rogen instantly felt a cold chill when the masked figure took off their mask and cloak.

The darkish blue hair bled into a deep red. His eyes widened.

Red hair and blue eyes.

Only the royal family in the whole Empire could possess such traits!

The Tower Master felt himself withering at the cold gaze directed to him. He felt his knees weakening when he saw his disciple pull out a flower pot with.

"Recently, someone told me that it's ugly to plant severe hands because they easily decompose. But bones and teeth are another thing. Potted skulls would seem nice. Ah, I can imagine it already. "Agnus' eerie smile didn't fit his youthful appearance. At the tender age of fifteen, the Emperor's only brother was an insane yet insane psychopath who has a thing for exotic gardening.

He also likes to collect people.

"Master, you didn't answer my question earlier. What tone should I use? Tell me. I'm very curious. "

The Tower Master stiffened. His unruly disciple turned out to be the Emperor's psychotic brother. No wonder he had always given him a bad feeling despite his unique talent.

Nevertheless, he was still the Tower Master. Even if he was old and wrinkly and his hand was severed, he was still the Tower Master and a very influential figure.

His face twisted.
