Not Perfect (3)

"I have a question." She raised while looking up at him. When she met his aqua blue eyes, the words that were supposed to come out got stuck in her throat.

What was she doing? She was not supposed to know his identity. How could she ask this question? He was already suspicious of her, she could not let him be more interested.

But... maybe she could ask something that would help her make things easier.

Ellendise calmed down, trying her best not to show that she was scared. "Back then, I remember seeing bright blue flames that came alive during the night. "

"You saw it wrong." He immediately interjected.

Ellendise smiled.

"Did I? You fought so well back then that it would have been ashamed if I missed it, right? I especially like the flaming blue sword you held. I really thought you were the fairy instead of Cestine. With how well you moved and danced, I couldn't help but think of someone."

His aqua blue eyes blinked.

'A fairy? I do not look like an insect.' He frowned, feeling somewhat offended. What did she mean by saying this?

"Don't say such nonsense, rabbit girl." He grabbed her head again which was comparably smaller and crouched down to meet her gaze. His aqua blue eyes did not look kind.

"But I haven't asked my question yet.." She purposely made it sound like it was unfair of him to halt her like this when she was only in the middle of pointing out the important facts.

"I am really very curious, you know.... You carry a mana disturbance tool around you and a sword that looked like it was made from holy steel. These two items are very expensive and no ordinary person can afford them."

A mana disturbance tool was already a priceless item that was worth thousands of gold coins.

Let's not even talk about holy steel. It was so rare and expensive in the entire Empire that it costs just about a marquis' one year salary.

"Sir Mage... is very rich and has a lot of connections. Connections that would allow one to buy something as rare as holy steel that only royalty can afford." Ellendise said with a smile.

Her words were meant to test the waters but his expressionless eyes gave nothing away. She could not help but imagine an insensitive block of wood.

Ellendise continued, "Sir Mage also happens to have a unique pair of aqua blue eyes similar to the royal family. This eye color somehow reminds me of the ocean." She said, lips twitching in amusement, "I also noticed something before but judging from Sir's aura, you are a fire and ice mage. Those hellish blue flames that were a combination of two opposite elements could only be subdued by holy steel. I heard from my etiquette teacher that someone from the royal family is also able to control fire and ice."

Ellendise smiled even further and spoke in a very amazed manner. "You must really be someone amazing."

Instead of feeling cornered or apprehensive, the Archduke showed a different reaction.

"So you finally realized it now?" He sounded very proud as he said this, his chest puffing out to show his arrogance.

Ellendise did not expect him to be so narcissistic and vain.

"Unfortunately, I cannot compare to someone as great as Sir Mage so I would like to ask you. When are you planning to leave me alone? "

Agnus furrowed his brows. Just now she was praising him so why did she suddenly asked this question? This rabbit girl is really annoying. He unconsciously tightened his hold on her head.

Ellendise frowned and tried to remove his hand away. It hurt being grabbed like that. Was he trying to crush her skull?

'Annoying..' She thought.

"This is very rude of you. Please remove your hand. It is most inappropriate to mess my already messy hair!"

"You are being annoying."

"Why is it my fault?"

Agnus hmph'ed. "Because I said so. So you must listen to me and stop antagonizing me. I am an amazing person. I am more than worthy to be your master. You are the one who is unfit to be my disciple. But because you are entertaining, I will keep you by my side."

She was certainly not going to be a part of his collection of people. Although it would be really great to have him as a golden thigh, the consequences outweighed the pros. She would end up living a much more messy life if she were to continue associating with him which was not good.

Ellendise's eyes dimmed.

"Yes. I am unfit to be your disciple or apprentice so you may look for someone else to occupy the position."

Did he really think she was easy to be bullied? She was still older than him. Although there was a disparity between their strengths, she could still use words to persuade him.

Agnus looked at the doll like face infront of him. Her face did not look as bright as before and there was a trace of hostility threatening to rise in the surface. It excited Agnus. The rabbit girl he found was starting to show its real colors.

It was akin to seeing a cub slowly turning into a ferocious beast.

'Red eyes like the devil. The Goddess Mortia was rumored to have red eyes and silver hair.' Agnus pondered. 'Still..'

"This is great. This is great!" He couldn't help but exclaim aloud.

He placed his arms on her waist and lifted her small body up. "You will be my rabbit from now on. I will raise you."

Ellendise's eyes widened at his sudden actions especially when her bare feet only touched the air. What was going on? What was he up to this time?
