Update (4.5)

Hello! this is the author. I dropped this a while ago, but recently, I've decided to pick it back up again. Although, the first four chapters will be rewritten from how it was originally, there probably won't be that many differences. Please, comment and review, and let me know what you think of the rework! I should be finished with the second part of A hero & the Test in two or three weeks at a minimum, but feel free to tell me your thoughts on the rewritten chapters! I'll only post the next part once I've got a clear idea for what to do afterwards: one of the main problems I had with this beforehand was that I was always unsure of what to do. I hope to put out chapters on a biweekly basis at a minimum, once I finish with the next part of this series. I'm sorry for not updating in a while, but I do hope you enjoy the story! I feel like the rewritten parts are far better then the original. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to comment them. I'll try to respond as best I can! (At this point, I just finished rewriting Chapter 1, currently working on #2.)