Chapter 6: The First Sleep Over

It's amazing how fast three weeks went. Lexi was officially together with Axel, as well as Noah and Eric. It was fight night for the guys and it was being held down at the Devil's Ring. The small trio decided to stick to dark washed jeans, and cute tops, or muscled dark grey shirt in Eric's case. They were just planning on meeting the guys there. Pulling into the parking spot Noah had made special for Eric in the front showing their ID's at the door. It was a strict 18 and up place. Anyone under 21 had to wear a bracelet so they couldn't not but alcohol you still had to present ID when buying anyway. The front guard checked the names on all of them to a list in his hand and called another guard to come collect them.

"Going to need you guys to go with him." "Is something wrong?" Lexi asked looking at him while the other two eyes grew with a little concern. "Oh no, miss just the boss man had us on look out for you three to be brought back to them when you got here. They're in the back getting ready waiting for you." They let a little breath of relief. "Oh ok, you had me on the line for a minute." Eric said walking through the door being held open. Everyone knew who Eric was and was going out of their way to make us feel welcomed. "What's with the all the special treatment going on here?" Lexi asked as they accepted the sodas brought to them on the way back.

"Well you see Noah is basically the guy making sure we all get paid so any man of the big boss man is not the one anyone wants to offend. Than you got the sweet little one back there." The guard said talking about Jessenia. "The Beast is the best most scariest fucker in this place. He finally got him a woman, no one is dumb enough to piss that man off he could actual hospitailize any one of us in less than three damn minutes. Guard said with a chuckle. "Than there's you Axe is one of the fastest smartest guy here right under the Beast and they family. Ain't no one here willong to get a double ass whopping. Not to mention the group is more like family so it's not just one person you offend when you make them mad. That being said your men are well respected so it's only natural to show the same to you." He said with a smile to them as he put his hand on the door.

"OK here we are." He knocked on the door. It swung open. With Jaxon standing in front of it shirtless wrapping his hands up. "Yeah", he asked looking up. "Oh hey lovelies come in here. Thank you Tomas." As the guard nodded and shut the door. Xavier walked up spinning Jess around. "Hey baby, did you guys get back here ok, any one give you any trouble?" He asked in a deep husky protective tone. "No trouble, they treated us like we were walking the red carpet. It's a little weird." She said hugging him close. "That's the way it should be baby." He said leaning in cupping her cheeks for a deep kiss. Smiling as he pulled away. She turned to see all the rest of the guys who are in long shorts and no shirts covered in tattoos. Starting to think you had to be built like a Greek god to be a part of this whole thing she heard Eric speak up. "Well damn I can't say the same for the girls but I'm starting to feel a little over dressed." Everyone started to laugh good with him. Noah pulling him into him his back to his chest. "We can fix that a little later tonight if your still feeling left out?" Noah said as he nibbled on his ear lobe making him blush.

"So how is everyone feeling?" Lexi said sitting on Axels lap while he just sitting there with a smile like he got what he wanted for Christmas." "We feel fine. How about y'all is this your first time being a part of something like this?" Jaxon asked looking around the room. "Yes but I'm fine now." Ryder joked. "It is for us. SO is there anything we should expect or watch out for?" Jess asked. "Actually there is. Sit and stay together not up front in the ring stay back few rows. Sometimes fighters get carried away in our world and sometimes find ourselves on the ground still going at it. Also It get's more rowdy the closer to the front you get. Also stay away from guys like all of them especially if they've been drinking. YOU never know how they can act up here." Xavier said looking here dead in the eyes.

"Stay away from the ring bunnies, they ones dressed like they need more clothes and don't let what they say get to you they nasty as hell, and gross. Also come back here when we done or one of us will come sit or wait with you. Just because we know the guys that train here don't mean we trust and know those watching some are here for the other town. Just stay safe and if anything happens you tell security they know who you are." Axel added on holding Lexi tighter to him.

"If for any reason you guys get uncomfortable, or uneasy, or just can't watch anything else tell a security guard and they'll bring you here to our room and you guys can wait. We have a little area we have to wait in until our fights are up and than we're free to sit out with you guys or come back here. I set everyone up like baseball all those on deck need to be up and ready and waiting you never know how long one of these matches will go." Noah said looking around one arm wrapped around Erics waist. "Also if remember some of the vets we work out with are here too they'll also help you if you get into any trouble." Ryder added.

"Ok baby we are the last five we got to get out there now because it's almost over so it's going to go Jaxon, Ryder, Noah, Axel and than me I'm last ok. Try to have a good time and just remember we're big boys we're ok and we got this. No yelling and threatening the guys for touching us or looking at me funny." Xavier said looking at her with a pointed look. "Fine." She mumbled they guys smirking at her. They learned quickly at sparring the other day Jess had a protective side for each of them when some of them took a cheap shot at Jaxon and Axel while in doubles to be an ass and she got right up nose to nose with each of them yelling about cheap shots are for pathetic cowards. Even though they didn't do anything but reel her back in and laugh. The guys actually really liked that someone cared for them as much to go up against someone almost doubled her height and tripled her weight.

Another guard came and took them to some seats but not before Xavier and Ryder called out to him. "Anything happens to them, I'll personally drag your ass in that ring and finish you." Xavier said pointing to him. "Yes, Beast they'll be fine." "Better be." Ryder said. They got settled a little ways back into higher seating to see better. The crowd was absolutely nuts, they took this all to heart and so into it was almost like an intoxicating energy. Like watching Rocky and feeling like you can take over the world walking out the theater.

All the guys had finished their matches in about ten minutes it felt like forever. I had to remember to keep my butt planted when the opponent got a good hit in one of our guys. It was crazy how worked up each of us got. Especially when a group of girls ahead of us tried cat calling to them. I thought Lexi was going to destroy some girl by dragging her out by her ugly red weave. For trying to get up and grab Axel when he left the ring. They gave us death glares when they all came back wearing shirts to watch Beast match and sat with us. Fans went nuts. Security had to gather around to make sure they all kept to them selfs. Than it was time.

It was so weird seeing him up there it was like I was looking at a different man. He was zoned in focused, even looked comfortable and relaxed he was ready to go. This was is this was Xaviers element, the only place he felt like he had any control in his life. The best part was he was sharing this with me, not just me but people he cared about. Her heart was soaring just to be apart of it. His opponent was trying but he you couldn't not only see his fear but smell it a mile a way he looked like he was the same size and almost built as Xavier but a little smaller.

The other one they called the Creeper came out him like a wild dog swinging a little wildly in what hopes would have been a hit. Xaiver took three steps back with a little bit of a slight turn and stuck the man three times and the man dropped to the floor on his side knocked out cold. Looking at the clock it read two minutes and thirty seconds. The whole group was laughing my jaw was dropped, the crowd was going ballistic that was the fastest thing ever. "Well looks like you're his lucky charm there sweetness." Jaxon said laughing. "He did say he wanted to make this quick because he wanted to get back to his woman." Ryder added smirking and raising his eyebrows to Jess. Making her blush. He walked out of the ring and walked straight over to her. Reaching out his hand she took it, and all of them followed the two back to the dressing room so he can grab his things and get ready to leave. In minutes they were out the door. In the parking lot saying good night to the rest of the guys.

As he lifted her out of the truck and walked her to the door he pulled her closer to him playing with her heads. "So your first fight experience, what you think?" He asked. "It was eccentric. The energy flowing through the building, the crowd, hell even you guys I see how hard you guys work to get where you are, but I get it. I do. It could work me up about the possibilities of you guy s getting hurt, but you could get hurt no matter what job you have really. So I had a great time, and I get why you guys do this." She said as he lifted her chin more towards him, he leaned down a little kissing her deeply.

"Thank you for coming, being supportive, and understanding of all this. It means a lot to me. I loved having you there I don't know I just feel better knowing your close to me." "I get what you mean. Hey um. I was thinking if your ok with it maybe you could." She looked down starting to stutter. "You know maybe if you wanted to." He pulled her chin back up to look at him. "Breath baby. What do you want to ask me?" He said sweetly. Looking into his eyes.

"I wanted to know if you would feel comfortable staying with me. Like staying over." She said scared at the words that just came out of her mouth. "You want me to start sleeping over?" He asked shocked. His heart skipping a beat. "Well it's just I feel better when your around and lately I've been having trouble sleeping unless it's falling asleep when we talk to on the phone. I just thought maybe it would be better if you were next to me. You know if you think it's too soon or not right about it, you could just forget I asked. I didn't mean to cross a line or anything." She rushed out like she does when she gets nervous.

"Hey calm down baby it's ok. It just took me by surprise for a minute. I would love to curl up next to you baby girl. I told you I want this to be full of honesty, and open communication, yeah. I don't want you to feel bad for doing that. I just want you to be sure you're ok with this because I'm taking all this at your pace love. I'm ready to start staying over when you want or need to or whenever you let me. Hell baby I'd stay everynight if you'd let me. I haven't been sleeping well lately either, I was going to bring this up next week you know we would be knowing each other for seven months Saturday. I was worried I scare you off though since it's only been month."

"No Xav, I don't scare that easy. Ok so do you want to maybe start sleeping at each other's places?" She asked. "I know everyone moves at their pace. I think we're at this place though. It feels right ot me. What you think?"He asked just to make sure she was really ok with it. "I think we're there too. So I could clear a drawer and some closet space for you so you could keep some things to make it easier for you." She said unlocking her down. Turning back to look at him. "That would be great baby thanks. Would it weird you out to know I did that for you last week?" He asked kinda looking down and up at her.

"No, it doesn't weird me out. Can I have a scary honesty moment with you?" "Always Jess." He said stepping back to get a good look at her. "There is something that feels right about us. I know that it may seem like we are moving fast, but honestly we're not. Everyone needs to go at what they think is right. This whole thing feels right to me. Xavier I feel like I've known you forever. It's like my heart recognizes you before the rest of me did. I cant explain it. I just feel so connected to you in ways I can't explain so I just wanted you to know where I stood on us. That's my scary honesty moment." She said.

He pulled her close and cupped her face to smash his lips to hers. "You're right." He said pulling back than pecking her lips again. "About everything you just said. You're right on point. "He said taking one last peck. "I love you Jess." He said starring at her in the eyes. She felt the breath leave her body, and heart stop than start again. "Now I'm going to go get my bag of clean clothes from the truck while you take that sexy ass in the ass and mental freak out I'll be right in. I don't have no expectations of you right now Jess. I just wanted you to know my scary truth. I agree with all you said, I love you." He said turning around before she could say anything back to get his stuff and lock up his truck.

Shutting the door behind her she made her way to her room still in the shock of what Xavier had just confessed. Grabbing her night clothes to get ready to change. Pulling some towels ready for him to be able to take a shower. She heard the door shut and all three locks turn over. Listening to his foot steps coming down the hall. Handing him them towels." You read my mind baby thank you." He said pulling out some clean boxers and some night shorts. He was in the bathroom door way inside the bedroom. Turning to look at her. "Did I scare you?" He asked. It was alittle tense as they held eye contact for a minute or two taking a deep breath he felt nervous to his core.

"I-I- I love you Xavier. I just needed to absorb it for a minute. You didn't scare me. You helped me. All those things I said out there, that's what it all adds up to. Right? That's what this is?" She asked. He nodded. "I believe it is." She came up to him wrapped her arms around his neck. He still holding towel and clothes in his massive hand wrapping around her waist. "So this is real right? We both here in this place together same page? You in this with me?" Xavier asked a little nervous. "Ya. We in this, right here. Together for as long as you'll have me." She said pressing her lips to his lazily. "Well damn girl I guess you better just move in with me because I ain't letting you go baby." He said laughing. "All in good time my love." She said running her finger down his nose playfully. He laughed as she pulled back and he slapped her butt as she walked away going into the shower to hurry and get back to his woman.

She changed the whole time not being able to shake the smile from her face. Walking into the kitchen to grab a drink. She heard the shower quit knowing he would be getting out soon. Popping open a Snapple Apple she heard her phone ring. It was 8 p.m not being to late she picked up to see mom on the screen with a picture of the devil. Taking a deep breath for strength. She pressed answer.

"Hello." She said in normal tone. "Jessie, how are you? I was wondering if you were going to answer for me or let it go to voicemail." Her mother said in that tone that sets her off instantly but she was biting down he resentment. "No mom, I'm here. I'm doing good. How are you? How's dad?" She asked as Xavier came and wrapped his hands around waist from the back opening his mouth for a drink. "You know your father he's doing great baby. I just got in you know this time of year is the end of our fiscal year so I was helping making sure the numbers were set in place in the morning." "Oh ya I forgot it's that time of year, you must be so tired." "No honey I'm fine. I wanted to call you a couple days ago but so caught up with this damn numbers." "It's ok mom I know you got stuff going on. What did you need to talk to about a coule days ago?" She said taking one last drink form the bottle before giving it completely to the sxey man behind her laying her head back on his chest.

"Well I wanted to talk to you about the conversation I had with your dad. He has informed me that you have a boyfriend. Is that true? He said you're with someone you been talking to for six months but I know that can't be true right?" Her mom said with a mocking laugh through the phone that rubbed both Xav, and Jes the wrong way. She mouth I'm so sorry to him. He shook his head to tell her not to worry. "No mom dad was telling you the truth. I have man now we've been officially together for about month this Saturday but we have been getting to know each other for the last six months. I know I should have told you. I just really didn't want you to give me the lecture. I'm sorry I did't tell you yet mom." She said shaking her head looking down at the counter waiting for her mother to start.

Covering the phone for a second as her mother takes a minute to tae in what she said just told her. "Baby you might want to go find something to do for a little but this is going to take a minute and it's never pretty." She whispered. "I'm going to sit right here, and support ya through it, I know how she gets you." He said pulling a stool up on the other side of the bar on the counter. Thank you she mouth. "Put it on speaker I'll stay quite I want to hear what she got say about this." Are you sure?" He nodded. "Jessenia what are you thinking with these days? One day you just up and leave everyone here to go to some small as town. Leaving your friends, your job, Dimitri hell you even left your family. Have stopped for one minute and thought about how you doing that would affect any one else?" Taking a deep breathe.

"Mom you know how much I hated that city. I told you all the time I wasn't happy and I wanted to leave. All you said was give it time. I gave it twenty six years mom enough was enough I was suffocating there and you know it." "That may be but what about your job? All that time in school playing around to be in the food service you had the best restaurant in town eating out of the palm of your hand and you traded all that success in for some damn hole in the wall café?" "Hey you starting to cross some lines now mom Ms. Whitman's café is the most successful bakery in this whole region and you know it. I bust my ass mom every day and I am making t I'm doing great here mom." SH snapped back. Xavier nodding his head reaching for her hand rubbing the back of it with his thumb.

"What about Dimitri? Look honey I know that man hurt you. I know what he put you through but he is only human. People make mistakes baby that's how we grow. I think it's time you started let go and start forgiving it's not healthy Jessie." "Mom, I know I have already let go. In fact I let it go six months ago mom that's how it was so easy for me to leave I had nothing there for me mom. I need you to start understanding that. I'm finally happy. I got a great job, great friends, a great home Hell mama I even got a great man by my side now I wouldn't be able to have all that if I wasn't capable to let go. The only one still holding on to anything mama is you." She said as Xavier brought her wrist up to his lips.

"I don't know what boy you got now, but you have a great man waiting here for you. Dimitri is so hung up on you it's heart breaking. You haven't seen him. Here this poor boy is a damn mess waiting for you to come back like you should here where you belong and there you ae thinking you moving on. Honey I get you feel you need a rebound or feel like you getting revenge or something being with that boy you think you with but you need to end it now pick up that phone and call Dimitri. We all know how perfect you are for each other. Hell honey even his family misses you. I think you should grab your keys and come up here and work it out. It's time to start being an adult now honey. You just wasting precious time starting your future with him." Jessie and Xavier just starred at the phone. Shaking her head.

"I can't believe those words just left your mouth. Are you being serious right now. Mom I'm not with Xavier to get back at anyone or rebound off anything. I want nothing to do with Dimitri I wish him nothing but the best and true happiness mama I do from the bottom of my heart. But that happiness is not with me. I am being an adult, I did stop wasting precious time I am finally happy. I don't understand why your fighting for me to be with someone I don't want mom he slept with Chloe for four months that's not a mistake that's a choice now if he's having issues with that there's no one to blame for that but him. I need you to get over it mom. You know how I feel about trust mom.Dad can understand me and support me why can't you? Just one time for one time can you just be on my side and support me your actual fucking daughter mom?" She snapped.

"I am always on your side. You just don't make the best decisions. He's learned form his mistakes and he is a better man now. Everyone deserves a second chance honey. You know this." "Yes I do know this very well mom. That's exactly what I did I gave myself a second chance and I thank god every day I did because it brought me right where I need to be I belong here mom. I'm never coming back there other to visit you and dad. I'm happy here I found trust, faith, happiness, and I found love in Xavier mom I'm not letting him go for anything. Nothing you say can change that. So I'm hanging up now because you have insulted me in almost every possible way and should have nothing else to say I'll call you later mom I love you but I can't talk to you right now." She said as she slammed her finger on the hang up button.

Running her hands up her face through her hair. "I am so sorry baby. Please don't listen to her she's a crazy lady who doesn't know anything about me apparently." She said eyes watery about how he would take this. "Hey it's ok baby. I know how she is you and your friends did warn me already. I think she's crazy to force someone you don't want." He said puling her close to him her hands coming up his bare chest in her short shorts and tank top. Trying to fight the how good that feeling was making him feel to his core. "I think it's sexy as hell you standing up to her fighting for us baby." He said in a deep sexy tone. "I'll always fight for you baby." She said resting her forehead to his. "Me too honey. Come on let's just shake her off and go get your sexy ass in bed we got to get you up early for work. I'm excited to spoon you close to me." He said pulling her to the bedroom.

"Don't worry baby I just want to hold you close no funny stuff. Lay down he said as he pulled down the covers, and turned off the light plugging in both their phones with his spare charger in the bag. Coming into the bed he turned her to her left side covering them both up and pulling her back to his chest. "I love you Jessie." He whispered kissing her head through her hair. "I love you Xavier." Breathing in deeply they finally let into the sleep they've been chasing for the last few days.