I am going to mis her but I am surprised that she told me that she loves me we got married not that long ago
Sir a man said,is there something wrong
What no there is not
Ok said the man
But in Apollo's head he was scared that he would not come back to his wife but he had to put that in the back of his head for now
My lady a maid said as I watched Apollo ride away, what is it the maid asked no there is nothing wrong I am going back to my room if you need me
I went back to the room then sat there and cried about the thot of Apollo not coming back to me but I know he was but at the same time I was not
I started to black out of all the crying win I woke up I was still in bed but someone had changed me I asked the maid and she said yes
I am sorry my lady you just look uncomfortable
It is ok I said then asked if Apollo was back she said no but he is coming back today
It as been days since he left me here but he is coming back today so I was so excited
I took a bath then I got dressed in my prettiest dress then did my hair I left it down and went to have breakfast it was silent win I was finished one of the maids came and told me Apollo was back but you might what to wait to see him I asked why she just looked at me then said he was hurt badly I could feel my self starting to cry then I said let me see him
But my lady
Follow me
I got up and follow her she led me to a part of the castle that I have not been in before then she led me to a door then opened it here he is I walked in to see him in pain,some of his soldiers he sow me but before he could say anything he was in pain again the soldiers sow me and said my lady one of them asked if you really what to see him like this
I do not care what he looks like he is my husband
After a long time he finally fell asleep his soldiers left I was still in there by my self which was not bad I moved his hair out of his face then kissed his cheek then I sat in a chair next to him then I fell asleep win I woke up I was in bed next to Apollo I was confused and scared but then Apollo woke up to me staring at him
Like what you see said Apollo
I then blushed hard and looked away Apollo how did we get here I asked
Apollo looked at me then said I carried you here changed you then I lade next to you then fell asleep