He wipes all the blood off of my knee and rapes it
Thank you for helping me
You are welcome,now get some rest it's late
Ok,what about you are you going to go to sleep,I asked
Yes but I have something to do be for I do
As he walks to the door and opens it,good night Hazel
Good night,I fall asleep instantly
How stupid am I for letting her get hurt,the demon inside me is hungry and it wants her,as I walk around the castle I make my way back to the room as I get inside Hazel is asleep on the bed I get dressed in my sleeping clothes and lay next to her and hold her in my arms being mad at myself for letting her get hurt,and soon I fall asleep
I walk up to see Apollo laying next to me in bed and him holding me in his arms,I get up and start a bath for myself and lay in the hot water for a little while and then I get out and get dressed into a red dress with black flowers on it. Then I have one if the maids put my hair in a bun and when I check the bed Apollo was gone. When I asked a maid where he was she said that he was waiting for me in the dining room to eat breakfast I said thank you and walked to the dining room,I opened the door and sow Apollo sitting and waiting for me. I sat down next to him and he had the maids bring in the food we ate in silence