Chapter 12 : Devil in the flesh

The next morning woke up and washed my fash . I went down stairs to eat breakfast and found an unusual man sitting at my table drinking tea with my beloved mina. I screamed in fear thingking it was one of Vanhelsing's men but later to find out it was someone entirely different than iv'e expected.

Vesuvius: Who the fuck are you?...

Lucifer: Oh i have so many names .... Guess who i am... I starts with L ....

Vesuvius: Loidy hahahahaha.....

Lucifer: No...

Vesuvius: Lester

Lucifer: No!

Vesuvius: Luke

Lucifer: Getting warmer L.U . is correct four letters more ....hahahhaha

Vesuvius: Lorelei hahahahah

Lucifer: No you idiot!

I am the adversary of God ! Who am i?

Vesuvius: Lucifer! OMG! The fuck ! How? ...Why are you here? ... Aint you suppose to be in hell doin some scary shit?

Lucifer: Well i was ti'll i heard the news of god helping a vampire slay Van Helsings army.

I have something for you child a gift . A weapon i forged in hell fire that be lethal to werewolves. This here is a hell dagger made of hellfire and silver . Here is my gift to you . Vanhelsing stole something from me i want you get it back .

Its my wings you see .....

Vesuvius: Wtf how? How can he just steal your wings ?

Lucifer: Well he broke into my house in Los Angeles and stole it from my secret volt. And hes kept them hidden from my reach ever since.

Vesuvius: Well shit ill help ya get them ! Do i get a reward?

Lucifer: Bring them to me in Los Angeles at the Lux night club and ill let to the back entrance.

All drinks on the house for you and your friends.

Vesuvius: Alright youve got yourself a deal!

Lucifer: See ya later ....

Lucifer then opens a portal in the kitchen living room leading to hell and walks in and vanishes and closes the portal behind him.

Mina: Yeah that was lucy hes nice❤

Vesuvius: Yeah hes cool. A little to beatiful if ya know what i mean, a little gay. hahahahaha

Mina: Nah hes hot.... are you jealous?

Vesuvius: No .... hes just a little fruity lookin . hahahahah

Mina: Maybe but atleast we got an ally.

Goodmorning daddy gimme a kiss❤

Wann join me in the shower?

Vesuvius: Yeah baby imma get you well.

Mina: Mmmmm come on daddy im ready💦💦💦💦💦❤

Me and mina got done having a little fun in the shower and as soon as stepped put the shower lucifer popped out of nowhere.

Vesuvius: Ahhhhhh! Wtf Lucy! What are you doin here ?

Lucifer: Im getting bored in hell can i stay here for a while ?

Vesuvius: Yeah stay as lobg you like.

Lucifer: Cool !....

Mina: Hey Lucy ! Back so soon i see? Whats up?

Lucifer: Hell is so boring i wanna stay here for a while.

Mina: You can stay in moms room shea pretty lonely ...

Lemme go ask mom .Maaaaaa!?

Mom: Yes ?

Mina: We have a visitor can he stay in your room tonight?

Mom: Oh my whos that?

Mina: This is.....

Lucifer: Im Lucifer madam nice to meet you

Mom: Oh hello gorgeous ! You can stay in my room right now... Mmm lemme see that dick .....

Mom and Lucifer run up to the room and stay the rest of the night together . And as for lucifer hes gonna be wore out hahahahah.