"That's what I'm saying." Rana stepped forward one foot. You will be kept in a safe place so that no one can reach you. Then I will see the devils with one hand. ' | "In that case, I'll go wherever you go, until it's over."
Rana has got in touch with many girls in his professional life, his experience has shown that there is no benefit in fighting with this zeal, the argument is completely useless here. He looked at the girl for a moment. In a monotonous structure, the feminine features inside the nicely fitted gray suit, the gala rouse, the neck army chain, are all very attractive, draw close. The suit was probably made in Paris, he guessed. Do you have any idea how to handle the matter, Mumtaz? I will call you Mumtaz, how; Not Parka, okay? ' | Mumtaz, the girl muttered in a muffled voice. After a moment he said, sorry, I used their real names. Yeah Al that sounds pretty crap to me, Looks like BT ain't for me either. But it is difficult to use pseudonyms when thinking of old friends. One more thing made me very uncomfortable.
What? '
'I am the daughter of a Palestinian Muslim. Muslim girl but Jewish name! We used to pray inside the house, in secret. That way, we should all have an Islamic name to use in secret, right? ' | 'Maybe there was, but they didn't know, only maybe their parents knew,' said Rana. Then Shakila grabbed a word from Mumtaz and asked, do you recognize each other while working on the footed cake? Who knows whose target? | Shakila Mumtaz shook her head. I knew. I also knew who the target was. That's why you see Laila and me together while rescuing her from the beach. ' Hesitantly, an expression appeared on his face, eyebrows fluttered, his head moved from side to side. Sorry, not Laila Kanan, her name is Rabia now. '
Yes, Rabia Siraj. Rabea is my old girlfriend. I talked to him this morning. ' In Dublin?
Shakila pressed her lips and smiled. You see, keep a lot of news. Yes, in Dublin. ' 'On the playline? Did you talk to him on the playline? ''Don't worry, Mr. Masud Rana: 'Rana, only Rana.'
"All right, Rana. Don't worry, Rana. I only uttered three words on the phone. Let me explain then - I have to spend some time with Rabea before starting this parlor. We create a simple sign language to speak on the Vela line. What do you hear? Suppose, it is said, "Shabana is ill. The reply was, "I will meet with you this afternoon."
Money? ' "How is your mother?" Rana was shocked.
Hasil Shakila Mumtaz. It's a foot cake warning, Rana "How is your mother". The sentence is pronounced in the discussion. "Shabana is sick" and "How is your mother" are the same thing. The word mother is the trigger, meaning, 'Your identity has been leaked. To take necessary steps. " Do you understand now?
"It's still exactly what it was five years ago."
Yes. Again we have to take the necessary steps. How did I know, Shanna? I was in Paris, Rana. I returned this morning. I sat on the plane and read the report of the second murder in the newspaper. Before the first report. Was reading. We became alert after Firaeza was killed, but after Nasreen was killed, the way her tongue was cut ... 'This is the first time Rana saw Shakila Mumtaz getting upset. The girl swallowed hard and tried to control herself. He said to cut the tongue. They're mocking us, aren't they? It's scary! '
Yes, the satire is not subtle, it is very grounded. ' 'The murder of revenge is never subtle. How do you know the mafia if you commit adultery in the family? '
Rana shook his head. The work is cruel but meaningful. ' The last news of such a murder came to mind when Runner, Laker's genitals were cut off.
It also makes sense to cut out the tongue. ' That's right. So what does the word "Shabana ill" mean? '
This means that our identity has been leaked. Where to meet me.
'Where is that?
'Where I'm going. My Air Lingas flight will depart from Heathrow at 8:30 p.m.