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It looked. It seemed that if you raised your hand from here, you could touch the Civita on the side. On the left side of the coil, Laha descends the stairs. | 'How to get out of the building?' Rana wanted to know. You mean, like, saltines and their ilk, eh? He is looking down. In the middle of the sky-scraping building, you can see nothing but a courtyard.

'Only those who have the key can use the exit door,' said Mumtaz. Mate has four sets of keys — I have three. To the manager, to me. We will open the door and enter the narrow passage, a car has passed by the shay-room, another door at the end. Two doors can be played with the same key. If you open the second door, you will reach Berkeley Street. '

Go then, boy! ' | Mumtaz turned to the Lahar stairs, holding the rail in one hand. At that moment, Rana heard footsteps running from the side of the emergency room.

Hurry up! ' He said in a hushed voice. I'm telling you to run away! Get down! Do not close the door. A dark green Bentley can be seen opposite the Hotel Mayfair. Will be waiting for me in the hotel lobby. If you see both my hands, come out and run towards the car. And if you see one hand in my pocket, it will be lost for half an hour. Will be back in half an hour and wait, for me. Even then the same signal! Go now, go! '

Mumtaz hesitated for a second, then hurried down the stairs. The stairs began to shake as if they had collapsed. Rana took his eyes off and turned to the door of the emergency exit, holding the ASP Nine MM in his hand, holding it close to his waist.

The sound of running feet is approaching. When he heard the sound and thought that the distance was right, Rana immediately opened the two doors. In such a crisis, it is necessary to calculate the time. Apa put a little time in Rana's hand to make sure that her target was not the police. If the police think he is a criminal or an illegal intruder, it is possible to chase him. | But there is no reason to think the lakes are dusty because the British police do not use the • 45 coat. As soon as Rana opened the door, the front door stood. Oddly enough, they were already burning in the passage, so Rana could see both of them clearly. Of course, even standing on one side of the door, they can see OK clearly. Seeing the lake in front stop, the people in the back also stood up. Both are strong.

Muscular. No doubt, a member of the hit team.

The front lane shot. He is on the right side of the runner. The closed passage sounded like a left explosion. A large part of the karate was torn apart, scattered around in pieces of wood. The second shot went in, went out through the side of the runner's head. This time Rana also fired, but not directly on either side of the two targets. Shot down, hitting just below the knee. It is not a matter of killing people with the help of ASP, but if Rahat Khan's clear instructions are not followed, the BCI will not come forward to rescue Rana if he is in danger. Rana refuses to go to jail in England for murder. He fired two shots in a row and both of them aimed at the walls on both sides and heard the sound of shots and gunshots almost simultaneously. A scream at the last minute. Not waiting to see where the car was, Pechanga started descending the stairs at the speed of the storm. Mumtaz was nowhere to be seen below.

Reaching the first door, this time it was as if another shout came from above. Mumtaz left the door open. Rana caught the yellow catch on top of it, ran through the passage, and came out on the road in a few seconds. At first, he turned to the left and then to the left again, without putting his hands in his pockets. The doorman of the hotel, Bentley, opened the door with the car key. Maeda gave him a bounty and Rana smiled softly when he saw Mumtaz coming out of the hotel. | Bentley faces Berkeley Street. Rana moved to Berkeley Square with a start. Once to the left, then to the right, he turned and entered Sevener Square. From there to Upper Esvenor Street, then to Park Lane packed with vehicles. | 'Keep an eye out,' Rana advised Shakila Mumtaz, who is sitting quietly next to her. I'm assuming you'll notice if there's a lake in the back. After the park, I will cross the exhibition fence, turn left, and read at M4. You know all the rules, just in case you forget ... '

I haven't forgotten, 'said Mumtaz with a sigh. We're running away, aren't we? '

Which, of course, made the video an overnight sensation. I'll be on the right path for more than half a minute. I will not move forward without looking back. I will try to deceive every moment. | 'Even while they are watching,' said Mumtaz, clearly. | Right. ' Hasal Rana, though still has a cruel look on his face. What will happen to your luggage, have you thought anything, Mumtaz ??