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| Rana looked sad and serious, shook his head. Many of the former Raghav-Bayals of the Espionage world are writing books in their spare time. Some of them say that Israeli military intelligence has almost been swallowed up by Mesad. One has made it clear that the existence of EMI is in fact just a name. Rana does not believe that this is true. There is a conflict between military intelligence and the MASAD, but it does not seem to be a threat to either side's existence. | 'Penny for them, J-B?' Shady sat up comfortably, moving on the bed. | No, I thought, military intelligence officers, are much more violent than Mesad. Officers like Kurshi Goret have received a lot of advanced training, they are not considered to have any policy or conscience.

"And the bad news is, Kurshi Goret himself is here, J-B." The smile on his face gradually faded, making Shady look sad and tired. Do you know the bigger bad news? We have lost Bejanmata and we have to forgive her again, Miss Mumtaz. ' | "Sabina," muttered Mumtaz, the tone of the protest almost bursting. Rana noticed that he was feeling nervous and bathing.

McGraw Shady raised one hand and began to count the fingers. Mumtaz, Sabina, Fuza Marina. ধ্য Diet, who can remember so much! ' He raised his hand in front of his face and raised a huge hi, then broke the paradigm. Anyway, let's try to get some sleep. '

Lost? ' Rana asked sharply. | 'Shelter has taken refuge, J.B. He is forever adept at disappearing. As soon as the issue of disappearance arose, I gave you another piece of news. He has been able to disappear, not just Tayma's chair. '

"I don't want to hear that the ISB director himself has disappeared."

'This is not the time to joke, J-B. Although the matter is just a rumor, we have never been deceived in the past by giving importance to such rumors. Of course, it doesn't matter. Flying like a straw in the wind.

'A straw to grab?' 'A straw is not that straw, J-B. It is beyond Tayma's power to catch it. All right! ' Rana is waiting.

'The rumor is that an officer bigger than Colonel Kurshi Corbett has entered Ireland. Surely I don't know anything yet,

So don't ask me any questions. For now, I am saying goodbye to both of them. I wish you a happy dream. ' Shady got out of bed, walked to the corner of the room, leaned over, and picked up Walker from the floor.

| 'Thank you, Shedi,' said Rana, walking up to the door with Shedi. May I ask you something?

Don't ask me for permission. ' You lost the chair ...

Yes. I can't find the second lake anywhere - if at all here. He comes. '

'Are you still looking for them then?' 'In a sense, yes. Our real problem is the lack of PowerBall.

"If you can corner any of them, what will you do with them?"

'I will take him on a plane and send him back to Israel. But before he is cornered, he will go to safety, I know. You know where the haven is. We can't touch him there. '

Orwell Street? 'Asked Rana. Yes, at their embassy. He will cover his body there. ' So he's not there right now? ' 'How do I know that?

They came out from Grafton Street to St. Stephen's Green. Two yards back, Rana is a little to the left. He has only one packet in his hand and his right hand is hanging in front of the Batam Khela jacket. McGraw-Shady has been thinking a lot since he left their hotel room, and he is worried about how the unexpected flow of events is changing the situation. Rabea is alive, Mumtaz is very angry with her for not saying that. | 'But why not tell me? Did you see me cry You know what I was suffering from the news of his death! He is alive to know, but did not tell me ... '

"I knew he was probably alive." Okay, well, but why didn't you tell me that? '

'One reason, I wasn't entirely sure. Another reason is that Taema's proud foot cake has seemed like a very raw operation to me from the very beginning. I still feel confused.