Zaheer Abbas could not collect such details. He has gathered very little information about the other three or their targets. They did not cooperate properly, or he was less interested, it is not clear. The runner has been skeptical since the beginning, whether the foot cake operation will target five of them, or only two of them, Ella Kadesh and Colonel Kurshi Goret. Ella Kadesh and Colonel Kurshi were the main targets, it was better to swallow the other three fao-baits, but if they didn't swallow, nothing would come of it.
| Zaheer Abbas has failed to control the foot cake operation. The runner needs to bother with all the information to find out why he failed, where his failure is. He needs to know if there is more information in the information. | A car is running through a village. There are fewer people on the streets. A cathedral can be seen in front. A few bars on the other side of the road. The whole thing is me again, Shana Mumtaz, 'said Rana.
I told Tayma everything, 'Mumtaz replied in a faint voice as if she had no desire to talk about foot care. | And only once. What is the feeling of getting the offer?
I need to talk about space-time-pot before explaining my feelings. None of us were born then, our parents were in a refugee camp. The Jews have taken over their land, set fire to their houses, and surrounded them under the sky. They are being forced to live inhuman lives year after year. Some young people rallied and resisted, most of them at the hands of Israeli soldiers. Some crossed the border and fled to Lebanon. And some Lakes started brokering Jews, to ensure their own safety. Lakes came to the refugee camps from various international organizations, many of them spies or intelligence agents. Among them were representatives of Israel's ally the CIA and the British Secret Service, as well as spies from Egypt, Syria, Libya, and Bangladesh.
| As far as I know, two representatives from Bangladesh selected ten of the numerous educated youth in the refugee camps. To liberate the motherland, they were offered to work secretly against the Jews. The proposal says they will flee the camp, but will not leave Israel. Five boys will marry five girls, live as Jews in the capital by birth, forget they are Muslims. They all agree. | We were born much later. I am thirteen years oldThe first thing I know is, I'm not really Jewish, 'Muslim. I am forbidden to tell the secret to anyone. I am talking about the persecution of Palestinian Muslims, their freedom struggle. I learn to understand that Jews are our enemy. Patriotism rose inside me. Not only me, but five of us have had the same experience, maybe a little over nineteen or twenty. | 'When I was offered a job, I was only nineteen. I was probably a little ahead of my age in all respects. However, at first I did not take the matter seriously. It seemed like a funny thing. Later I realized what was dangerous. I am not involved in any work. ' 'Aren't you excited to get the offer?'
No! It was an adventure. According to him, Tayma is only nineteen years old. Wouldn't you be excited if you were given the job of teasing a girl who was older than you, but not ugly? '
Rana did not answer the counter question, what was the political ideology of Tayma at that time? This means that when people think about their security first, they usually choose a political ideology that can bring security to their minds.
'What exactly do you mean by that?' Mumtaz's torn nerves are being exposed this time.
| When this exciting adventure was proposed, was there enough political awareness inside Taema? You know yourself to be a Jew until you are old, you know Israel is your country. Not only that, you know that Palestinian Muslims, even all Muslims in the world, are the absolute enemy. Suddenly it was said, You are not a Jew; It is the Jews, not Muslims, who are your worst enemies. Did you accept the matter easily? "
Mumtaz took a deep breath. If you want to know. In fact, I never had any interest in politics. I thought everyone was delusional — right-wing, left-wing, center-right, everyone. Communism or capitalism did not make any impression on me. America or Russia, both seemed equally evil to me. I am a Muslim, I learned to hate Jews after knowing this, it would not be right to say that. Similarly, I used to hate Muslims before I knew it, it would be wrong to say that. What Kurshi used to say, he said - there is no obligation in religion and politics. | Is that so? ' Colonel Kurshi surprised Corbett's political outlook