Zander seems to be the officer. Rashwari's appearance made a great impression on the strong military structure. The way the runner responded quickly, noticing the anxious look, is not difficult to understand. He possesses a keen intellect, conscious alertness is one of his characteristics.
'You mean, like, their training is so good that they know for sure how hard they will die or just faint, so what? ' At the end of the speech, Rana was going to pronounce the name of the colonel, he managed himself at the last moment.
'Of course, Mr. Rana. There is nothing wrong with their training.
Colonel Corbett's English is flawless, but the eloquence is more perfect. Rana was amazed by his attractive personality and fashionable demeanor, but all this could not hide his immense power and confidence. Colonel Corbett is a man who will take his orders for granted, and will always be in control of the situation. He was a little taller than he had looked twice before. Although covered in a brown suit, it is not difficult to understand that his body is muscular. Unusual agility in the normal movement did not escape the runner's gaze. | He stared at the runner with a hard look, a look of faint humor in Kala, and Gael's eyes seemed to come out and disappear. Then, slowly
62 Eight tilts are ambulance, jolted, slowed down; Tilted again, then the arrow flew fast. Rana thought they had left Main Road and were heading back to Dublin. But it is difficult to say for sure. Stained glass in the window of the ambulance, vision does not go. There is a screen just behind the driving seat, separate from the driver or the windshield in front of it. To them. It may be that they are going to Wiklai along the mountain path. If not, why would the car shake after a while?
Rana looked at Mumtaz. He is lying on a stretcher. Not moving. Hope did not die, just lost consciousness. Who knows how hard he has been hit on the neck, Sirius without any damage. | 'Don't worry about him, Mr. Rana. Your girlfriend is fine. It is forbidden to kill my people, I have only allowed them to be unconscious. '
A little line of laughter burst into the corners of Colonel Corbett's lips. Rana was surprised and noticed that laughter is not a joke or an end, we have a feeling.
'I have to ask, what is the matter with Gaeta? ' The ambulance was shaking loudly, accompanied by the sound of the engine, and Rana had to raise his voice as he spoke. Either the driver is not accustomed to driving this type of car, or they are running on a complicated mountain road. | The angle of the lips slightly widened is that of Colonel Corbett, the sound that came out of the throat, which can only be compared to the smile of a contented happy man. Hey brother, Masood Rana, why are you just pretending. You know why, what, everything. '
| 'So you have an idea?' Rana shrugged. But all I know is, I was giving a lift to one of my girlfriends, then suddenly I saw that we had been kidnapped. He paused for a moment, then raised an artificial look of astonishment on his face, and what a surprise, you see, you know my name too! How the hell do you know my name, anyway? '
This time Colonel Corbett laughed out loud. Rana, throw my dear good. Please, Perez — don't try to fool me! ' He shook his head and showed it to Mumtaz. Do you know who this girlfriend of yours is, what did she do? I know you will shake your head. But my doubts, his identity, and achievements, my identity and deeds, you all know — at least in part. Don't know why, my files are in many foreign agencies. I can't help but pretend at the headquarters of Bangladesh Counter Intelligence. Also, you can't stay in my office without Tamar. Not only that, you know everything about Operation Foot Cake. Learn more about the brutal punishment currently being meted out to participants in the foot cake operation.
Foot cake? ' Rana pretended to be surprised. He patted his back in his mind, the campaign to be stunned was great.
'Operation Crut Cake.'
Foot cakes are very rich food, and things I don't eat for a long time. What did you say? Operation Cream Cake? Or a footed cake? ' Rana shrugged. Foot hack and cream, I have never heard of such an operation in my life. What? Operation? Foot cake operation? ' He raised one shoulder again and shook his head in frustration. There must have been something wrong somewhere. ' He is taking a little time to bring anger in his face and language. What a surprise! I do not understand anything. All I know is, Mumtaz asked me to give her a lift ... '
Colonel Corbett's lips quipped. When? Last night, her