WebNovelAGENT 0056.04%


They were going down the stairs, the inside of the fort felt cold and safe. The western sky has already begun to turn red, but there is still plenty of light outside, but the shadows inside the rocky hall are as dark as they are cool.

It will be like watching the sunset, 'said Rana with a bright smile, mainly to keep the girls happy. Seeing the colonel's face, he understands that escaping from here will not be an easy task. Reaching the door, he asked her where she would get in the car.

| If Mumtaz sits in front of me, does anyone have any objections? You, Rana, sit back with Rabeya. We will all keep our heads down as much as possible. | 'I don't mind,' said Rabea, looking at the runner with a twinkle of joy in her eye.

| We will keep all the windows open, 'said Rana. If you have to shoot back.

'Okay,' said the Colonel, shaking his head. That will be fine. '

'I can talk to you alone, can you? Rana asked, grabbed his elbow and pulled him to one side. If we can get out of danger, where will we go? '

Get out of this country first, then we'll see. But there is no place in the world where Goodrich's taste is hidden. Taema must be caught in the end.

'Does Lamar have any idea where Shamim Hassan and his colleague Ella Kadish might be?

Can you tell me where they were last seen? " I can. You? " On Anari Island. "I didn't hear it, but it's been a long time coming."

Snapchat Khan told Tayma the news a week ago. They must have gone somewhere else. But getting out of here means burning the boat with our own hands. In other words, I want to say no help to my people, not immortal.

. I will get very little help from my people if we follow the instructions of the boss. "

| "Goodrich expects us to go to either of the two ports, Dublin or Shannon."

| "If we want to get out of Ireland, we have to go to either of them."

The colonel stared blankly. Not necessarily. To use

Like I still have some contacts. In fact, you have. But I can take everyone out quietly. ' | Rana showed Dubai. It is not possible to go north, is it? Not only the BCI but also the British Secret Service is banned. | I'm not thinking about the answer, 'said Colonel Corbett. Once they are out safely, they need to be deceived. Let them understand. We are heading towards Dublin, then come back and take another path. I'm actually thinking of West Cork. Once I get there, it won't be a problem for me to cut quietly. All right? ' | Rana shook his head. Then you are driving the car. '

'I at least know where to change cars. After a while, a smile appeared on the colonel's lips as if he had just remembered this word. I also know a good hotel where they won't look for us. '

'Pretty,' didn't start, but didn't end. He left in another context, how many of their telephones are here? ' As if suddenly an intellect came to mind. | 'Here, here, one. ' The colonel showed a table at the bottom of the stairs. There is another communication room - at the top of the stairs, the door on the left. There is another in the main bedroom, next door.

Number one, the rest of the extensions? "

Yes. ' The number was said by the Colonel, he remembered the run. The line has gone to the communication room, where they keep the radio equipment. The hall and the main bedroom line are two extensions. Why? | An idea came to mind. Keep the girls happy. Take it out with you. It only takes me ten minutes. '

Colonel Corbett raised his eyebrows. Who knows if I'll get ten minutes. Is the work urgent?

Which, I think. ' Rana turned towards the girls, turned around, left his long legs, and walked towards the stairs. The hand is not in so much pain, but it is weak.

The communication room is small, occupying most of the space, a few layers of radio equipment, a tape machine, and a computer. Oculus is placed on the modern office desk, pads, butter, and calculators are spread on the table. The telephone is in the middle of the desk, in front of the main radio. Rana had unbuckled the belt from his waist before entering the room, this time separating the miniature tool kit hidden in the belt. A long time ago, it was given to him from the BCI laboratory, at that time Clara was in charge of the laboratory. A few types