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‘Girls too. My real responsibility was to the girls

They are getting down and heading towards the private car, the two of them are side by side. Something serious has happened, McGrath Shady's behavior says at least. Without answering the question, he shook his head and told him to get in the car. The SB called the officers and instructed them not to hold the jaguar, but to see that it reached the fort safely. | Then he got in the car. What does the calculation mean? I, JB, did a lot more than you deserved. Tomorrow I have to hide somewhere, there is no doubt about it. It will not be possible for me to do anything else for you. Believe it. With your help, the length of my own shadow is no longer possible for me. Big weird things are happening, man. '

"What's going on?" There is no doubt that Rana, who knows Sherry, is a victim of anger, resentment, anxiety and frustration.

What did not happen! First, before I woke up, I got a message about Tamar Lake Cobra. Tema's boss from the next country wants us to catch him and hand him over to them. Silence. Okay, okay. When benefits are exchanged between two services, there is no objection to doing the job. We sent two cars to the hotel ambassador. I can know from reliable sources that Taema's cobra got up there with a girl, the girl I saw at the airport. ' | 'I telephoned Tayma, she didn't say all this then!'

Didn't say, because you said they picked them up. I thought when I told them later that we had picked them up, you would be given a big surprise. '

"Did you take the girl too?" | We didn't find either. They were not there. I got a call five minutes after talking to you. According to the hotel, some friends "called them and took them away. However, they later admitted their mistake. It was learned that the cobras made numerous phone calls here and there at night. | 'Why did the people at the hotel lie at first? |' Someone may have paid a bribe to say this. The money may have come out of your cobra's pocket. "No one has even seen the shadow of the girl who was with me in the air. There have been riots in the fort. It was actually complained on the phone. They are taking Taema out of the hotel. One of us can recognize Taema. But you "I really took a big risk in associating with those who were accompanying me. I could not have tried alone, I had to take the help of the police. Luckily, I owed them some benefit."

Seeing all this is bad news, Rana said in a disappointed voice.

McGram Shady laughed out loud. The biggest bad news is that it's not Shanai yet, JB. Your service has refused to give you official status.

Tell me! '

'You're on vacation. Tayma was not allowed to stay in the Republic from the office, nor was she asked to stay in any operation. At least I was told so. It has been made clear that you will not help this Bangladeshi officer under any circumstances. I quoted exactly. By no means do I want to convey that I recommend for the mother to be inactive. Why, for what reason did he say, don't ask me. '

Runner remembered Boss Rahat Khan's words. We will not recognize Tayma if she is in danger, Rana. BCI, Rana Agency, Bangladesh government, no one will help Taema.

But why? He also suppressed the issue of Cobra's defection, although a somewhat bizarre explanation has been found. There was a rift between Rahat Khan and Kurshi Corbett, probably through McGram Shady - Shady has done a couple of things for the BCI before, his record is good, he is also under scrutiny. In the meantime, Rana has brought Kurshi Corbett and his two daughters to the ground, yet why is the BCI chief trying to deny him? 'Shady, do you know who was with me in the car? I know, JB. ' So you ...?

Hands off. My bosses have given strict instructions, don't touch. My idea is that my master and your master are keeping in touch. Catch the cobra, hand it over to us, but don't touch the alligator. I did what I was told to do. On one side the cobra disappears, on the other side ... '

'Girls too. My real responsibility was to the girls, Shady. ' I don't want to know. '

"You don't even have to be informed. Just say, the girls are back to me
