WebNovelAGENT 0084.62%

identification code

Rana put his finger to his lips, shook his head, whispered, 'Later.' If anyone has any doubts about the footed cake, it is useless to bring Rabia here, he thought.

| Rabeya lowered her throat and spoke again. Am I back in service after so many years? Am I an active agent like you? '

Rana's eyes widened without speaking, his ears were alert. Liam is making a croaking noise in the next room. Once he coughed, he probably bumped into something.

Rana, how long have you known Lake? But I did not think it was a special advantage. Of course, your experience is much more than mine. '

What's the matter, why is Rabea not keeping quiet despite the ban? Runner's heart is pounding, though not so much because of Rabia's talkativeness but because of Liamdie's cooing. Rana said absentmindedly as he came to her because Lake was not convenient. , Still squeaking noises from the next room. Then suddenly the curtain moved, and instead of Liamdi came out a tall lake. At first glance, he seemed European. Ekhara, handsome, with twisted hair on both sides of the head, not less than forty years of age. Then the runner broke the mistake. Not European, Arabian. Rabea was out of breath, and when he heard the sound of his release, a gleam appeared in Laker's eyes.

Brother Abbas! ' "Greetings to both of you," said Lake in pure English.

Rana, already standing up, quickly moved between the stranger and Rabia. Laika raised his hands in front of him in a restraining manner.

| Our chief here has asked me to meet Tayma. I think, he said, I can meet Tayma when he comes here, 'said the stranger in a soft, hushed voice. If it is seen, then I have to tell Tayma- "Nine lakes have died in the Hill Tract, and the fire has started in the Sundarbans. Does this mean you know, Masood Rana? ' He paused, his gray eyes fixed on the runner's face.

| If Rahat Khan had not been confined to a safe house, if he had not been deprived of his senses by pentathlon injections, he would undoubtedly have received instructions from Zaheer Abbas, a well-known agent of the BCCI - directly from Rahat Khan. The identification code given by the chief is engraved in the runner's brain. Rana knows the code, Rahat Khan knows, and another will know if he is allowed to communicate with Rana.