Chapter 1:The First Day I met you!

On that day I late to go to work. I don't know why I didn't hear my alarm ringing many times. Well, actually I have dreamed of someone last night! Someone I didn't even know suddenly appeared in my dream.

What actually means by that? I guess the other people maybe have the same experience as I do. But it's okay, I just think of it as our playful mind whenever we have a good sleep. I just let the dream go on like that!

Later, after half an hour I arrived at my workplace. Oops! Before that, I forget to introduce myself. My name is Jordyn Jessa. I'm twenty-five years old. I work in financial management at Prime Beverages Companies. I actually just started working in this company in three months. So, it can be said that I am still new in this work.

After I finished my studies, I have been waiting for a job offer from this company. I really like to work at this company because they are a good company and were always famous for their new potation of product.

So, that my little introduction about my work! This morning, I did arrive late at my work, but I still show my poker face and walk calmly inside the building. I don't have to worry because I'm not the only one who's late. I can see the other people also rushing walking to their own offices.

At that time, I read some novels on my phone while waiting for the elevator. Then, when the lift opens, I take my step and just going inside. I press the number of my office level and continued reading my novel.

While I busy in my own world reading my novel, I suddenly feel that someone was watching me. I stop reading and I turn my face to the left to look beside me. I look at him for a second and turn back my face straight.

I secretly take a glance at him and check out his look. There was one man standing beside me! I can tell that man was good-looking with his spec. He has white skin and of course he tall than me. He looks smart wear his white long sleeves and his blazer in his hand.

I secretly examine his characters in my mind. He looks like a smart and clean guy but I only a simple girl that just started to work. I only wear a blue blouse and a black formal skirt. I don't use spec so I win at the eyes part. I am shorter and he taller. That looks suitable pair right? I suddenly chuckle after mumbling about that thing in my mind. Okay, stop daydreaming! I pretend to make a serious face.

''Ehem...'' He makes a clear sound of his throat and he slowly looked at me. He looks like he gonna asks me something. His eyes gaze at me.

"What can I help you?" I'm wondering and try to ask him politely. But at the same time, the lift opens at my level, and without thinking I just go out from there clueless.

Why he just gazing at me and didn't even answer my question. That was weird! Or maybe he a mute person. If that true, I feel sympathetic to him. I thought.

Then, I walk into the office and going straight to my workstation. I on my computer and put my bag at the side. And take my sit on the chair.

"Jordyn Jessa! Finally, you arrive! I thought you gonna take your emergency leave!" Lily startled me from behind. Her workstation just behind me actually.

She is my best friend but she gets a job offer here first then me. So, she already works at here for around one year. Luckily, I have her here to help me. And this is another reason I want to work in this company.

"Lily!! I was startled you know. You really gonna make my heart out one day."

"Okay, I'm sorry my dear friend. Actually, we gonna skip our friendly greeting this morning because I want you to give me the summary of our finances this month. I need it urgently!" Lily said with a worried face.

"Okay, I can give you. Wait for a moment. " I quickly find the document for her and give it to her.

"Thank god, you done finished it." She takes the document from her hand and kisses it as she feels glad.

"But why we need it now? Didn't our monthly meeting this Friday?" I frown my eyebrows as I wondering.

"Jessa! You must not have read our email yet, right? They send it this early morning and said that our new boss coming today! I don't know why he comes suddenly and wants to do a meeting.''

"Oh really?? Wow... that's good! Luckily I enter the office without coming across him in the elevator or below there.

"Are you sure about that Jessa? We still didn't know his face. You never know that he actually behind you and watching you from the back!" Lily teasing her happily.

"Lilly please! Don't you ever say like that!" I give her a sharp glare.

"Okay... okay... I stopped. So, quickly give me the soft copy of the report. We have 15 minutes to join the meeting room.''

"Okay, do send it to you. Check your email. "

"I got it. Thanks, dear! "

After several minutes, all workers going to the meeting room. They will start the monthly meeting with their new boss in a few minutes.

While they busy going to the meeting room, suddenly Lily asks me with her frowned eyes. Before that, she was laughing first then she whispered to me.

"Your blouse is upside down." Lily secretly laughing at me. She tried to control her laugh with her hand.

"What?? Oh god!" I seriously didn't notice it. I felt embarrassed and slowly rushing into the toilet.

"Lily, you going in first. I changed it first!'' I shouting at her.

"Okay! " Lily just laughed at me! She really thinks that was a funny thing. It's okay, I hope the next turn will be on her!

Later, all of them already going into the meeting room. After that, their new boss comes into the meeting room with his cold face. Once he entered the room, all the employee was whispering to each other especially the woman employee.

They really stunned by his good-looking face and his figure look very mesmerizing. As there was begin to start, I suddenly open the door and take my step in slowly. But then, they look at me like I'm the wrong one. I just giving them the awkward smile. I suddenly felt guilty to enter at the wrong time. I stand there awkwardly for a second.

Then suddenly a man voice said to me. "Just come in. We just started." He says calmly and turns his face to me. He just gives me a stern look without a smile.

For a second, I was standing there like a stone. I totally surprised to see his face. I suddenly remember that man was the same guy I met before at the elevator! Was he my new boss?? If that true, I'm gonna die!

''Don't you want to come in? Or want to stand there only?''

"Oh...okay. I'm sorry." I quickly walking inside and take my seat beside Lily. I can see that Lily gonna laughs at me and she looked at me with a full of questions on her face. We just give our signal eyes secretly.

In fact, I can say that today was my worse day. I hope I can stay work here for a long time!

All of us here were focus to hear the talk from our boss. In the future, I can tell that all of my colleagues will be more enthusiastic to attend the next meeting. If we have a boss like him of course we are more hard-working to do our works. Include me! Okay, I admit that our new boss was handsome.

"Jessa... why you look daydreaming? Are you okay? Have you changed your blouse? " Lily whispered to me and pinched my hand.

"Lily, shut up." I pinched her back at her elbow. She just grins a smile.

When I focus to look in front and see him speaking there, suddenly I remember the incident that happens in the elevator before! My blouse was turn upside down and my boss saw it! What?? That is very embarrassing! 'Jess, calm down... Think positive, I don't think he notices it. Okay, just forget it! I just fighting with my own mind.

"Okay... I think that's all for this morning's meeting. I hope we can work well together in these companies. All of you can continue your works. Dismissed!''

All of them were going out one by one. But, not for our financial department!

"Before that, can the financial department stay for a while. I need some to talk about." He talks with his serious voice and his eyes sometimes were aim at our team. Or it can be said that he actually looked at me. Or maybe not?

Our leader team Mr. Alex was coming towards him. And the other five of us followed our leader from the back. I actually was afraid because I accidentally across him before. Am I afraid he gonna fired me? O maybe I rude at him in the elevator before. 'Oh god, I hope he didn't remember it all.'

"Sir, what can we help you?" Alex asks him politely.

"I want to see the financial report from last year until today. I want the summaries only." He said to my leader but I can see his eyes only look at me.

"Oh, okay sure. Jordyn and Lily in charge of that I believe they will get the report summaries for all our financial documents to you." Alex said while points out at both of us.

Both of us were startled and wide our eyes. Then, suddenly Lily spoke out.

"Don't worry, we have that summary. But, for the last month only. The last year I don't think Jessa finished it yet." Suddenly Lily say my name and didn't back up me at all. I make a sharp glare at her.

"Jessa?" He said curiously

"That's me, sir! My name is Jordyn... Jessa. Jordyn Jessa" I smile awkwardly.

"Oh, I thought that another person. So, I don't care, whoever does the summary, either Jordyn or Jessa... I want that report will be handed to me tomorrow morning. Okay, that's all." Their boss going out and just left them after giving them the strict task.

"So, Jordyn? You hear that too right? So please finish your task without failed our team. Especially me as your team leader! Okay, go back continued your works." Alex said to us.

"Jessa, I'm sorry... I didn't mean to make it like this. I actually wanna teasing you. I don't know that our new boss will be strict like this." Lily tried to coax her.

"It's okay, Lily... I know that he actually wanna give me a punishment!"

"Punishment?? For what?? Did you do something to him??"

"I will tell you later the details. Come let us do our works first. Wait!!! I think I remember something that you don't even will believe!"

"What is that? Why you always give me a full of questions about your life Jessa!"

"Let's work first!"