Chapter 3: A Little Cup of Coffee!

This morning, I wake up early. Luckily last night I didn't have any weird dream. I'm getting prepared myself to go to work. I pick up my clothes properly and I don't want to do the same mistakes as yesterday. I choose to wear a grey formal dress. I have short hair so I just put on a clip hair. I actually don't really have to know how to make up so as long I work in the office, I must use makeup and on top of that, I just apply simple makeup and a light red lipstick.

After done getting dressed, I get out of my room and ready to go to work.

"Good morning, Vic!" I said to my sister. She had her breakfast in the kitchen.

"Good morning! Wow, you wake up early today."

"Yeah, I need something important to do today. Do you wanna know something? Yesterday we got our new boss but unfortunately he very strict one.''

"Oh... the new CEO? He must be old right?" Victoria suddenly laughed a little.

"Nope! The younger one! He was actually the son of our previous boss" I give a wicked smile to my sister.

"Haha... that was nice. So, what are you waiting for? Just make him in your list of prospective candidates of your husband to be.''

"I don't want! He looks weird and mysterious. If can I want to find a doctor to be my future husband!" I laughed aloud.

"Hahaha... that was a nice catch too! If we sick we can see your husband."

"Haha, whatever! Okay then, I went to work first. Bye!"

"Okay bye!"


After an hour, I arrived at my workplace.

"Thank god, I arrived early today." I see there are only a few people who come early. I send a message to Lily to ask where she has been. We promise yesterday to come in early together today. But her shadow was not even visible.

Then, I go up first and went to the elevator with a few of my colleagues there. After a minute, suddenly the elevator we use was stopped moving. Gladly I didn't use the lift alone if not, I seriously have a panic attack.

After that, one of my colleagues presses the button for help. They give a faster response so we just stuck there for around 10 minutes only. The lift then moving like usual. All of us inside the elevator feel relieved that's the elevator gonna working well again. If not, I don't know what will be happened to us.

Finally, I reached my level and walking into my workstation. I take my seat and take my deep breath. I still shocked about what happened just now. Hopefully, they will repair the elevator properly. "

Suddenly the voice of a man came out."Are you okay?" Emmanuel asks her.

"Nope! Huh!" I replied to him without open my eyes. I still panic from the incident just now so I tried to relax my mind.

"Are you sick?" He asks again.

Suddenly I seem familiar with the voice and his body feels very close to me. I quickly open my eyes and he already standing closer beside me.

"Sir! I'm sorry, I didn't notice you came here. Why you didn't make any sound of your step walk?"

"I don't think that necessary to make a sound when we walking"

"What?" I am speechless with his words.

"I don't wanna waste a time, just come to my room and don't forget to bring the financial summary."

"Oh, okay. I'm coming." I really hate this time... why didn't he take time first to have breakfast. I'm so hungry right now! I hope Lily can buy me breakfast.

"So, my dear stomach, please be good to me and tried to be in control first okay? I need to finish my mission with him first. Fighting Jessa!


'Knock... knock... '

"Come in"

"Sir, This is the summary you want." I put the document on his table. When I enter his room, I can smell his perfume. The scent was really good. The same scent I smelled when I close to him. Emmanuel takes the documents and checks the page one by one.

I was standing in front of him and waiting for his response. I just hope that he can be satisfied with my works.

"Err.. sir... how was that? Did it follow what you want?"

He didn't answer me but still focus on checking the summary. I just stand there and waiting for his feedback.

"Okay... you may go."

"What? That all? "

"Yes, I will call you later if there anything I want to change." He said to me even without make a glance at me. I'm really speechless by his words. He calls me to come in and make me waiting there then just let me go?? Huh!

"Oh! Okay. I going out first." I slowly take my walk and get out from there.

"Jessa? What are you doing there?" Lily call me when I still standing outside at his door.

"Lily! Finally, you arrived. I'm really hungry. Did you buy for me the breakfast?"

"Yeah, I did it. Here." Lily gives the food she buys in the plastics.

"Okay, come join me eat at the pantry first. I have something to tell you."

"Any good news?"

"You will know later!"


On the other side, Emmanuel was busy do his works in his office room. He received several calls from their client because soon they will release a new product of beverages. He needs to make a marketing department meeting to enhance their new product.

While sitting down in his room, he suddenly remembers the conversation with his father about all his business. After his father retired, he had to take all responsibilities of their company and need to take care of all of the employees in that companies too. He squeezed his head as he feels a little headache. He so tottering to thinking all of these things. Then, he going out of his room and want to make some coffee for himself.

He goes to the pantry and he saw Jordyn making a coffee alone. He smiles a little before coming toward her there. As Jordyn turn around and she surprised to see Emmanuel was standing between the wall.

"Sir? Do you some coffee?" I ask him bluntly. Actually I feel eerie with myself because I always bravely to ask my boss a casual questions. I don't want him to think me to being rude toward him.


"Do you want me to do it for you?"

"No need. Thanks."

"Oh, okay." When I want to go out of there, suddenly Lily come in from toilet and she make a big smile and said to me louder. I thought for a while what will she going to do with her big smile.

"Jessa, are you done do the coffee? Mike waiting for you there to taste your coffee again. He say that your coffee was so delicious. He wants to try it again."

"What?? Does Mike want a coffee?? When? " I clueless about her saying. But Lily suddenly make a secret wink to me. I just speechless and only standing there while she take my coffee from my hand. Emmanuel who hearing that too also makes his frowned eyesbrows.

"I take this coffee to him ok. You can make another one." "Oh yeah, I forget Mr.Emmanuel has been here also. Sir, I suggest you to tried Jordyn coffee... it's very delicious!"

"Oh... oh yeah?" Emmanuel replied with his curious looking. He takes a glance at Jordyn. He actually wants to ask Jordyn too to make his some but he ashamed about it.

"Sir, don't be. She just kidding. Just do your drink. I do my work first." I bring out Lily with me.

He was actually a little jealous about that. Jordyn didn't even try to make the coffee for him even he reject the offer before.

"Wait!!" Emmanuel suddenly stops them.

"Yes sir?"

He hesitate to ask her to do it too for him because he cares about his pride. Then, he changes the other topic.

"Later at 2 pm, I want all the financial and marketing department to meet me in the meeting room. Please tell the other else." Emmanuel going out from there after said that to her with his gloomy face.

"Oh, okay sir."

After their boss left, Lily teases Jordyn.

"I think our boss has a little interested to you Jessa."

"Lily, please don't talk nonsense."

"I'm serious okay. I saw him before from his back that he smile when he saw you from a far before."

"Don't make a lie Lily. Let's go to work."

"You must believe me, Jess! Didn't you see his face become gloomy after you didn't even do for him a coffee?"


After what happened just now, I actually curious also why Mr.Emmanuel suddenly change his temperament when I didn't make him a coffee. I already offer early but he didn't want to. But then, he wants. 'Arggh!'