
" It's just I never imagined my self as a wife " I said.

" Me too, my mother said I was too strange to be a good husband " he said while smiling.

" But why do you care so much about my comfort " I asked.

" I once had an uncle who was very cruel, he used to hit his wife whenever he feels like. I didn't understand how can a person be such a burden on his family, since that day I decided that i want to be a good husband, father and a friend " he said while looking at the moon.

"you are good enough "I said then I looked at the sky and continued " can you play a song for me"

He smiled and started to play beautiful music. He played all of the songs he made but the one i liked the most was called The promise we made .

Ever since that night we slept in the same room and I started to feel comfortable around him.Day by day I started to know him better, he was a sweet person with a kind heart, he was just not good at showing his feelings.We spent our days having a lot of fun.He teached me how to cook, sometimes we start reading a book under the tree and just like that our days pass peacefully.On an arcadian night near the stars-lake, Henry sat on one leg and offered me a bouquet of flowers and confessed "I love today and every day for the rest of my life , by the time pass my love for you will grow with us and we will be happy , I promise " .

I have never fallen in love before and i don't know how it feels to be in love so i just hugged him without a specific answer .

A couple of months have passed peacefully until we discovered that i was pregnant. Everyone was happy with the news especially Henry but for me it was a shock.

' I am not ready to take responsibilities. I want to play and be lazy ' i though in my mind .

I had to act that I am happy but Henry was the only person who saw through me . At night while I was sitting outside the house watching the full moon and his shining friends , Henry put a shall on my shoulders and sat beside me . He held my hands warmly and said

" I know you are worried my dear but it's okay I am here for you and I promise we will be the happiest family in this world "

I felt easy after hearing his words I looked at the marriage ring in my hand then took a deep breath and said " yes, let's be happy for the rest of our lives but Henry please don't love me too much "

" why " said henry with worried eyes

"I am afraid that I will disappear

one day so I don't want you to treasure me in this way " I said while looking in his Hazel eyes.

Despite his sad heart, Henry drew a broken smile on his face and then he rested his head on my shoulders without saying a word.

My pregnancy months weren't that easy for both of us.My body was weak so I needed a lot of care.Henry gave me all the care and love I need, whenever I feverish something he would run to different places to get me what I want.The thing that troubled us the most was choosing a name for the baby, we thought about it carefully as if we were making life or death decision. At the end we agreed that if it was a girl we would name her Emily and if a boy his name would be Gilbert.My family also had a big role.

Days ‎, ‏months passed by ‎, ‏I started to forget that I this is not my place and before I knew it winter was on the doors. ‏Everything was covered with heavy snow ‎. ‏Mountains, ‏trees and the lake turned to be as white as clouds, ‏this sight can make a person forget that this place was once a green heaven. ‏one of the Christmas early morning I had labor ‎, ‏my mother and sister came to help me. ‏I gave birth to two healthy babies. ‏One was a girl and the other was a boy ‎. ‏Everyone was surprised especially me ‎, ‏I didn't expect to be pregnant with two babies not one ‎. ‏We gave them the names we choose before and everyone was happy ‎. ‏After two days i wanted to take a stroll alone on the frozen hills ‎. ‏I left the children with my mother and went up the hill to search for some herbs ‎، ‏unfortunately my leg slipped and start falling from the hill until I landed in a flat ground then lost my consciousness ‎.

I woke up to find my self lying in a hospital bed, the room was just like any patient rooms in the modern day. My hole family was sitting around me, my father noticed that I woke up, so he went to call a doctor .

" Are you okay my dear ? How do you feel now? " Asked my mother

I sat down properly and started to look around and said " Where is Henry ? "

My mother and sister looked to each other in Astonishment and then my mother asked " who is Henry ?"

"Henry my husband, what about Emily and Gilbert? Where are my children ? " I asked with a loud tone .

" If you want children then go find yourself a husband " said Lina jokingly.

Hanna patted my shoulder and said " i think it was just a dream "

" But it was too real to be a dream . The pain I felt , the fun I had , the love I got , the food I ate and all the feelings I had. How could this be a dream " I said with tears in my eyes.

I think you need more rest " my mother said while lying me down .

I think you need more rest " my mother said while lying me down .

No one believed me no matter how much I told them and just like that 5 days past and with each and every day I believed that it was just a good dream and started to forget about it . I continued my life normally ,but on the fifth day I had a very important meeting with my old colleagues in a hotel. I was already late so I rushed to the elevator and pressed on the 10th floor. The boring elevator music started to play until I finally reached my destination. When the door opened I saw walls made of stones and dirt, I felt as if I was in a cave and there was a bright end to it.

I walked slowly until I reached that bright light to find my self in a place full of green grass , blue sky and many mountains. I walked straightaway until I saw a very familiar scene. Stars-lake and my modest house on top of a small hill across the lake . I couldn't believe my self , I was back in Green- heights. I neither understood how I came back here nor I cared .

I saw my sister Hanna with the folk old style dress , sitting on the lake shore washing some fruits. I ran towards here and when she saw me she looked very surprised. She put her hands on her mouth saying

" OMG , June ! "

She ran and hugged me tightly

" Where have you been for the past 5 years ,my dear June ?. Henry will die from happiness once he sees you "

Looked at her with shocked features and said " 5 years ? "