in case of any danger

Either way, the hair had a few styled flawlessly; twin buns with a faux bang-up had no desire to have a permanent bun so it will have to do-- few strands flowing freely at the side of my face and the back half I said before, with hairpins gifted by the twins.

Since I am only ten years old all I would need to have done is my face moisturiser and add some lip gloss with glitter within to give my well-shaped lips a beautiful sheen.

"Oi! Button up my dress for me,"

"Tch, littlest, why are you so rude when your siblings are absent?"

"Why would you yap like a fool while I'm trying to have a sloth life?"

"Look, your sister wanted to come but I convinced her not to, if not she would have smouldered you to death,"

"Tch, for a pet you are bothersome, my brothers were blind choosing you!"

"They were not blind, in fact, I was gullible in fighting to serve you-"

"Shut up, get dressed before my eldest sister arrives! If you say one more word I will tell my siblings on you!" I yelled feeling incest, ok, so being petty by roaring 'I will tell' is childish but her voice was irritating.


A while later, we sat in the backseat of a stretch limo. Tonight is the engagement party of my eldest brother, his wife to be, is the eldest daughter from an old family. They were old and had a decent rank in society compared to us who only had roots back two generations. From what I knew, my family--dads are not originally from this continent but two generations prior my dads they had arrived and built up a business dealing with transportation, first starting with cars moving to trucks, containers for shipping with our dads and air with my eldest brother.

The company itself is broken down into air, land and sea but each of my siblings has their own speciality with my dads running the helm.

I am already aware as well that the Hugo family wanted a piece of the pie.

I doubt that my fathers with their attitudes allow them to benefit but we will see.

My sister who is already twenty-two had been engaged two years ago shortly after this eyesore in front of me had been brought back by my elder brother Di'ri.

Now the eldest two years later is also getting engaged at twenty-five, following this shortly after will be the second brother, and those after.

I trembled at the thought of marrying someone I have yet to meet and have no care for but thought of the situation clearly noticing that my sister did care for her own fiance.

Sigh, my parents after all are in love, they might forget me by then.

The vehicle came to a stop, I waited for the four to open and the eyesore to step out first.

The dress she wore suited her dainty form, her long hair had been placed in a simple bun and u adorn but her pretty features were still displayed perfectly.

Soon after I stepped out looking around.

The obsession with steps, columns and floor to ceiling windows.

They were granted, basically a way to flaunt one's wealth,  but I rather my courtyard that I had convinced the family to build for me a little over a year ago.

The mansion...with most of my siblings gone, it simply felt to empty.

Shaking the thoughts aside, I allowed Nadia to continue ahead walking behind and taking in my surroundings memorising the escape routes.


"Greetings family Jah," Nadia said crisply, even though she is a ten-year-old child she carried herself like an older person. I simply stood back a bit and continually observed the house scanning everywhere possible and committing the escape routes to memory in case of any danger.

Finally, I heard, "Thank you second miss Jah and company you may enter, a server will lead you to the correct location,"

"Thank you, sir," while all of this is being said I still kept silent, sigh, another misunderstanding. 

Inside a server bowed, while I simply scanned my surroundings with each step, Nadia was led inside by the server while I simply decided out of curiosity to look around the room.

My brother is to be engaged but I have never met the young woman he is to marry, I have heard she is a beauty but that would have to be the case, my eldest brother is too handsome anyway, it would be foolish of him to marry a woman who could not match him at all.

Feeling a bit famished, I reached into my wrist band and pulled out a bar that would quench my hunger for a short while and began to chew.

while I chewed on my bar minding my own business I looked around the small area, there was a vase not too far away, from the amount of raving my elder brother Dy'lan would talk about various vases that first father had collected and stored in the mansion I had a rough idea of this value and quality and found that this vase is not bad and the family seemed to either be spendthrifts or they had a decent amount of savings.

well, it didn't matter, brother knows what is best, and if he didn't then fathers do.

satisfied with this conclusion I then turned around and walked in the direction that eyesore went in also looking at the paintings.

sigh, abstract art is never my thing, so I looked away shoving the last bite of the jar in my mouth before placing the wrapper back in my wristband and decided to quickly wipe my hands mouth and reapplied gloss on my lips and cream hands.