Hog plums

12 years~

I have been dubbed a loli, I laughed inwardly, what a total f*ck up!

I am still young, ok!

This small one will grow tall someday! 

"littlest Jah, little Jah~" 

'om…. Om, Om…stay calm and do not resort to violence!' it has become my chant, the annoying sickly sweet voice continued to sing-song my name. I don't get it at all from beginning til now I have done the same thing! I have never, ever encouraged a soul to bother me and yet. I am being bothered. 

Ayyyyy, I just want to chill alone and decide what I want to do when I grow up! 

Is that too hard? 


Is it?! 

A sigh escaped my lips, my mind seemed to go blank while I tried my best to stay calm. 

"Why are you calling her for? Like an eyesore and a fly, calling, calling! Has she answered yet? No then go away!" 

"Class please focus the exams will begin shortly, the rules are as per usual:

Students will log into the school student system and enter their student ID. 

Please remember that this is the test which will take up 25% of your points! 

Now after you have entered your student ID please select one from the available numbers and wait for your number to be called…"

I blanked out the teacher, rested my head on my arms and closed my eyes to sleep. 

I have no powers, there is no need for me to even bother. 

I mean what was so great about having innate power? 

I still have several brothers to back me up regardless and a sister who is a total siscon. 

I am legit OK about all of this. 

"Little Jah, little Jah, would you like some tea? I also have some wild meat and yellow fruit… Ah, right I found a strange small fruit…"

My bane began to describe the fruit, I am an old soul, being chatted up constantly by toddlers, ah. I feel like these children are simply--oh! Oh! Oh! (x10) he mentioned something interesting, extremely interesting! 

Hog plums! 

Those things went extinct when that damn mad feline Queen appeared and went on a rampage. I remember eating them as a kid, they are basically all seed with simply delicious flesh. 

It was not much but I still enjoyed it, it had made me utterly sad when it was known that no more could be found after that mad queen had finished with her rampage. 

How long had I cried? 

Felt as if I had lost something utterly important? 

Now this bane of my existence appeared and presented them to me. 

I snatched the three fruits in his hands and began eating them, closing my eyes and sighing in bliss. 

"Number 17 please step forward and exit to the designated area," 

"Little Jah; I must leave, I will be back to present the rest I have in my storage band." 

I looked up at him with bug eyes and urged him silently to be quick. 

"When I win I will return," 

I nodded wishing he would disappear quickly so he can reappear faster. 

What's with this little fool? 

Is his brain moving a little slow today? Why is he staring at me today longer than usual? 

Wait! Must I be kinder so he could like, go away faster? 

Sigh, I guess I should be nicer. Yosh! 

I stood, even though my height was pitiful compared to this boy I still leaned forward a bit and patted his chest then took my seat once again. 

The boy still stood there, his eyes blank, his jaw slack. 

I no longer could not be bothered so I lifted the steaming cup of tea and took a sip, turned to look outside at the favoured tree. 

"Number 17! If you do not leave you will automatically forfeit this round and five percent of the overall points will be deducted." 

Slowly my head turned and viewed the boy who still stood there looking more like a dead tree. 

What is his problem? 

Is he sick? 

Did his brain cease functioning? 

I felt irritation rise because of this, what of my hog plums? 

If his brain is broke? 

I felt cold sweat gather on my back. 

Then I will have to suffer through waiting for him to give me more. No! I can't accept this! 

He must be well! 

So silently I scraped my brain for a solution, perhaps offering one of my carefully prepared drinks? 

Ah, but those are only for my siblings! 

What should I do? Ah! But hog plums, I can't give up on the tree, I can always offer him a small bottle, at least inform him that this large one was a special edition or something? 

Ah, forget it I will give him and tell him to shoo--er, go away quickly. 

Reaching into my storage band I pulled out the five hundred millilitre bottle and handed him. 

"For you, if you lose this any rounds give me back my-" 

"I will win them all," 

The bane of my existence took the bottle and left in a hurry almost like that flash guy. 

Mm, I didn't even realise that anyone can move so fast! 

"Did you see that?" 

"I thought it was an illusion or something," 

"No, she actually gave someone something-" 

"Who cares! My little loli actually touched someone and stared at them longer than 2 seconds!" 

"Oh my, that is true I hope he is beaten to a pulp!" 

"I wish so as well," (x10) 

I rolled my eyes before staring out at my favoured tree once more popping a hog plum in my mouth.