What of us now?

(I will swap between FL and other pov)

To the left were weeping willow trees casting an orange glow over the lake.

To the right were what was previously known as maple trees casting a blue glow, while below the red and green grass blanked the floor.

Together it looked like a clash between fire and ice the reflection simply amazing for those who had the opportunity to behold.

Each step I took was sure regardless, neither fast nor slow but at a Tempo that was both leisure and sure.

The girl beside her could not help but secretly stare, though older but to look at the girl known as her master.

From a tiny girl to one close to being mature.

Birdie, officially known as; family name Au and given name Birdrice, still remembers how she had been chosen and the fact that the youngest Jah child, Jah Di'ordi no longer looks on her favourably, because of that one mistake.

It didn't matter though, she will make up for it, Birdie will not make the same mistake again.

Birdie pursed her lips, though up to a few months they spoke like normal especially really the most puzzling matter of the little birdie, that side made her worried deep inside.

"Once upon a time there was a Birdie and a worm," Birdie at the time had been startled.

Birdie had simply been preparing tea for her master at the time of a month.

The first sun was rising and the floor to ceiling window reflecting the beautiful sight.

The master in the forefront and the rising sun as the backdrop, Birdie could not help but have strange thoughts of a goddess blessing the mortals with her presence.

The white rays of the sun cast a white glow against the golden skin, that Blue hair and those eyes enough to drown you.

Birdie had been so distracted that she had missed part of her master's words.

"You are distracted, as my servant pet you need to pay me more heed."

In a petulant tone, Birdie's master complained.

"Second young miss Jah, forgive this servant for her neglect. Please continue."

"En, the first sun is rising. You had once asked me why I am always early. It is simply going by the saying: the early bird catches the first worm."

Birdie felt confused so she had stood there stunned for a while but her master spoke once again, "Serve the tea,"

"Yes, master."

Serving the tea, Birdie had to come closer, inhale that slight frosty yet flaming scent, glimpse the long lashes that were tipped in blue and try her best to not show her nervousness to that master.

So deep in her thoughts was Birdie that she barely noticed that her master had stopped suddenly.

Birdie was afraid that if not for the somewhat musical voice of her master that she would have continued on like a fool making an unforgivable blunder.

"Do you see the colour over there?"

A golden toned hand was raised, the fingers connected to that slim hand were thin with the bone joints almost distinct. The skin itself was flawless, soft to the touch, with a slight sheen.

The wind blew, the curly strands of freed hair moved in the wind, the cold scent almost intoxicating.

Birdie could not understand why she felt so close in worship to this master so much, it is not as if she is a slave but...she simply could not help herself but think, if the master asks her to die, she would gladly do it without question.

Opening her mouth to reply, Birdie was cut off midway when another greeted.

"Greetings to young miss Jah and young miss Au."

Strolling through the garden, I was in a good mood.

The air was fresh carrying the various scent of flowers and trees.

The sight of the lake and scattered students pleasant with a beauty walking with me.

What is not to like?

Mm, I suppose it is when the beauty seems a bit absentminded.

The question I had asked birdie, she had yet to answer when a soft voice was heard suddenly.

I tilted my head to the right and tilted it back slightly to look at the girl who suddenly appeared in front of me, even calling my name.

Hm, who is this now?

"Greetings student Du-Poi. It is a surprise to have you attending our school as well."


"Young miss Au, of course, my family had risen a rank and I also have family here, so this choice was obvious."

"Ah, then it is good."

"Mm, this school is also ranked well so how can I not attend and I have also heard that miss Au and Jah along with a few more of our old classmates are attending this school as well."

"Mm, well, it is good to see a new face."

"Yes, I felt utter relief-"

"Third sister, who are you speaking to?"

I had already felt a bit dissatisfied since this girl had suddenly appeared like a magician and began conversing, but this other girl who is flanked on each side who looked like seniors appeared, my mood seems to turn immediately for the worst.

" Greetings to junior students, I am Du-Poi Brittany, first cousin to student Du-Poi."

"Au Birdice and Jah Di'ordi. Cousin these are my classmates from primary school."


To the side, I simple stood and stared at the new students trying my best to control my anger.

Already, I am a willful person, I have zero respect for those I have shoved into the 'not important' category, basically treating them all like air. Then there is the 'useful' category, now those people are servants I actually acknowledge their presence and treat them with the basic respect.

This girl and those two... They belong to the first, should I really give face?

"I wanted to admire the flowers and the aquamarine blossom trees. I've heard that it is quite beautiful with the triple contrast of the ice and fire backdrop. Yet I am interrupted. Should I give you all face even if I am a senior still?"

"Second miss Jah, forgive me. I am sorry, I was not aware-"

My gaze fell on the girl who hurriedly knelt.

Inwardly I swear I exclaimed like 'what the f**k!?'

Why is this girl so dramatic? "Cousin--you-"

"I advise you to not point at my-"


One word, and Birdie bent her head to went silent.

My gaze travelled directly to her, this girl had become my servant pet for a year now, older than myself by two years she, of course, was taller and had a slightly more mature form to my own.

From a decent family, the Au family to be exact, was a lower family but had risen two ranks already and could be viewed as a lower-middle-class family.

Back in our kingdom, Au Birdice could be seen as an upper-middle-class young lady and myself as a high ranking noble young lady.

What of us now?