Dog betrayer

This is something that will be constantly repeated until it becomes an engraved mantra. 

"The only benefit I seek student Jah is to become one of your secondary male. As you well know, a species like mine only wish is to have a powerful female sire for the future young. A weak female would also cause me to suffer. Even then if I have a powerful female as solely my own. I am sure you are aware that in this world a female with many powerful males increases survival of both themselves and future offspring."

There seems to be something that changed within me suddenly after hearing those words. I did not know how to describe it except that it made me feel rather strange. 

Then the images of my shell living in her last life with her husband rose. From when they met until their death caused my breathing to become difficult and my eyes to dilate. 

I stumbled, my mind going blank. Power rippled over my form. 
