Slowly killing me inside(multiple pov)

The young immortal seemed speechless and asked in a hesitant tone. "Lord Dar..?" Lord Dar ignored him, taking a few steps to the side and waved his hand, displaying several images directly below. 

The Celestial then looked around the lower realm becoming shocked by what he had seen. This battle is small, but the beings who had appeared are by no means weak. They had fought well, pushing back the continuous onslaught of creatures who appeared. 

From where he looked, his eyes laid upon the smaller kingdoms whose rulers had fallen. What..?

"Now you know. The fighting is minor, yes, but if you compare them all you will see that in fact, it is a large scale war. If this continues, the lower realm will fall soon." 

"Then, lord Dar, should we-" the words were cut off when the Lord disappeared in a flash.