Trying to beat karma 4 (various pov)

Back on earth, this girl had been ugly; thick coarse hair, weird blue eyes, dark skin with a more gangly form than petite shape. Her eyes were double-lidded and wide, her lips were too thick, with her only saving grace being her thin straight nose and slightly oval features. At that time, Kim Aryokas could not understand what drew the males to her. 

She was so stupid only able to speak their language brokenly and even her English sounded harsh and uneducated. Don't even mention her clothes. They were nothing more than rags. 

Kim Aryokas had hated her from her bones for some reason. She can never fully understand; envy?

Now, in this world, she looked the same, but more refined. She possessed the physique of a grand matriarch and a rare blue Drakkotas at that. 

She could never understand that clearly she was nothing but still, crushed her under her feet. Kim Aryokas felt unreconciled by this and so she asked in an aggrieved tone.