C: A Ship in Waiting

Neither of Rafaela's stepsisters argued, or indicated that they would inform their mother that she was being derelict in her new duty, when she set them up to watch the same series of navigation theory 3D anims that she'd watched as a child, and then headed for her own room.

She didn't jump directly into the fresher, instead she had her screen create a conference call with SkyWater station's two remaining crew members.

"What's up little one?" Tyr Schmidt asked curiously.

"Raffi isn't a little child anymore Schmidt," Vache Bellamy chided.

"There's no need for her to grow up too fast Bellamy," Schmidt argued.

Rafaela couldn't help grinning at the pair of them. Even though it was after hours and they were obviously eating together, they always referred to each other by the family names that were used in corporate environments.

Her mother had once explained, "Even though manners here are different than the ones I learned as a child, and the manners of those who come from Central are different than those in the Cinder sector, it is the purpose of manners that is important. They are simply sets of rituals that are used to show respect for each other's boundaries. As long as you understand that, you will never need to be offended when someone uses a different set of manners than you are accustomed to, because you will be able to see that they are trying to offer you respect."

Her father had argued, "Manners are used to insult others just as often. They just give you ways to do it politely!"

Her mother had laughingly agreed, "Yes, they can also give you structured ways to show disapproval without letting things devolve into a fist fight. But this is also a respect of boundaries."

Tyr Schmidt and Vache Bellamy obviously respected each other. It was more difficult for her to see Lady Elektra's use of manners as respect, although she was certain that her step mother would never let things devolve into a fist fight.

Rafaela suspected that her father had been very aware of the way Elektra used her strict Central style manners to convey insults about everything in SkyWater station. She just didn't understand why he'd suddenly decided to marry her, and bring her and her daughters back home with him, when they would obviously have preferred to stay in Eks Central.

"Do you need help with something Raffi?" Bellamy asked with concern.

Rafaela focused on the MOUSE pair again and began to explain, "I was thinking that maybe it was time for the two of you to take your own vacation time, since the station move is delayed indefinitely until the corporate accounts are released. Assuming we can even figure out how to move it without the SkyWater freighter. I know that Zhou Shu approved extended leave for everyone who is already on leave." Her throat tightened as she added, "Even though the main refinery has already arrived at the new sector, we can't begin processing until my father's accounts have been settled."

"He might not be dead you know, they are just listed as missing. That freighter could theoretically travel far enough to make it to the next solar system without refuelling." Tyr Schmidt protested gently. His deep voice was rather mournful despite his words.

Vache Bellamy nodded quickly.

Rafaela shook her head and took a deep breath. "You both know as well as I do that they would have found some way to communicate their location if they were still alive. Ships don't just vanish in this era, unless they are suddenly and completely destroyed by something. Especially not ships the size of the SkyWater freighter."

Bellamy grumbled, "Maybe so, but those speculations about it being piracy are complete nonsense! Water is not a rare commodity in this system. The only value those bottles of water hold is in the label Donatella created, and it's not like anyone can sell them in SkyWater's own bottles and not get caught."

"Just because we've cleared the last of this sector doesn't mean you need to send us away," Schmidt added. "A station needs people. We won't abandon you."

"The station system holds it in orbit without any of us doing anything, and I may not be here much longer either," Rafaela pointed out. "Lady Elektra wants her daughters to enter the race the Prince is holding. Apparently she has a residence lease set up somewhere in Eks Central that will start as soon as the corporate accounts are released. So we might all be headed to Central soon, just like they've always wanted, even though I'm the only one who almost has a ship that could enter the race."

"Race?" Schmidt asked blankly.

Rafaela quickly explained, and showed them the news article. "My mother's ship would qualify, unless there are more restrictions in the Eks Corp announcement when it arrives," she pointed out.

"Your mother's ship needs a custom built system core," Bellamy objected. "The only reason it's been left lying about for so long is that getting one made would cost almost as much as replacing the whole ship."

"It would still cost less though. I have pretty much completed its blueprint, and I don't think it would actually be as difficult as everyone thought to completely rewire it and just replace all the subnodes so that it can use a standard core," Rafaela explained with a yawn that she couldn't suppress, and pushed the blueprint into the display field.

"That hundred thousand prize would surely cover the cost and help stabilize SkyWater, but you didn't come up with all of this on the spot tonight," Schmidt pointed out dryly.

Rafaela rolled her eyes. "I've been working on this blueprint for a couple of years now. I'm not sure it's worth the cost to enter that race, but just because we collected enough from the remnants to fulfill the minimum delivery, it doesn't mean the water will deliver itself to the three planets. Zhou Shu sent us the numbers on potential shipping contracts a week ago and I started trying to actually price out the replacements for comparison. The drive system is big enough to carry it, even though we'd have to cobble together a shell and it would burn all of the reaction mass we have left."

Another yawn escaped her as Schmidt and Bellamy examined the data, and she added, "I have to start living on Central time and teaching my stepsisters navigation, unless I want to start a big fight, so I'm going to take a nap."

"It's only us left, so let's all switch over." Bellamy said gently. "I got so used to thinking of them as invaders and resisting any change, that I think I forgot that the person we're actually making things difficult for is you Raffi."

Rafaela started to protest, but Schmidt interrupted, "Aye, go catch a few winks little one. You take after your father, always thinking three steps ahead. But we aren't going anywhere, so just give us the tasks that we can accomplish for you."

"Cobbling stuff together is our specialty," Bellamy added with a grin.

Rafaela was tempted to skip the refresher and crawl into her bed, but she remembered Louise's complaints about her appearance, and went and stood in it for a minimal cleansing first.