D: A Triumph

Doris Rian Donatella examined her full name on the replies to her invitations with distaste. As soon as her marriage contract was finalized, she never intended to write either Rian or Donatella on any kind of correspondence again.

Given that SkyWater had agreed to fund the event after all, she hadn't quite been able to bring herself to remove the name that her mother's second husband had generously given his step-daughters. 

She had warned Arturius that SkyWater wouldn't be able to contribute much, but now she had to acknowledge that she had underestimated her own mother. Elektra had not only given Arturius the information he had needed to acquire several of the most profitable businesses that Eks Corp had let go of during its liquidation, she had also insisted that Prince Brendan repay SkyWater in a timely fashion.