Chapter 24: Revenge

*Song recommendation for this chapter: *

Albaric made his way to the door. He didn't look back. The door closed behind him. Keitel shifted uncomfortably. He came quickly to his feet.

He was about to exit the room when Leila burst into the study.

"Brother!" She cried. "What are you doing up? You should be resting!"

"I'm fine, Leila." Keitel dismissed. Leila laid her eyes on him sharply. Her lips quivered. 

"Don't lie to me," She snapped. She marched into the study. Keitel followed her reluctantly back.

"I heard what happened. I can't believe that woman!" Leila continued. "I don't know why they're treating her like some kind of victim. She's a trained knight. She instigated it."Leila's jaw clenched.

"Leila," Keitel replied calmly. "She is still my wife. I shouldn't have allowed myself to sink to her level. The fault is mine." 

Leila's eyes widened. "Brother, you can't be serious? She is not a wife! She's like a feral dog."

"Leila," Keitel reproached.

  Leila's chest flushed red. After their mother had died, their father had become more and more distant. To Leila, Keitel was more than a brother. He had cared for her and Laurence. He had shown them the love their father had never shown. He had bared the brunt of all their father's whims and cruelty. Leila could not see how her brother could defend this woman. 

"Brother," Leila leaned in seriously. She clasped her hands on her brother's hands.

"It is done now. You won. Send that vile woman away!" Leila urged.

"You know it's not that simple," Keitel shook loose from her grip. He rose to his feet, placing a hand on the chair to balance him.

"Then lock her up! You won. No one will blame you now." Leila pleaded.

Keitel smiled and patted his sister on the head. "Sometimes I forget you are still young Leila."

Leila recoiled angrily. "We are only separated by a few years brother!" She snapped.  She followed him up. "You can do as you please, wasn't that the agreement?"

"Leila, who even told you about this? This is not.." Keitel began.

"Laurence told me. I insisted because you never tell me these things," Leila interrupted.

"I don't recall telling Laurence either," Keitel sighed. "Leila, listen to me. Sending her away. Locking her up. That was never really an option. She is my wife by law and a foreign dignitary. "

"Is this because of father? Is that the real reason?" Leila crossed her arms and huffed.

"No," Keitel answered slowly. "I am Prince. I can not just act as I please. You know this."

Leila eyed her brother suspiciously. "So that's it? This is really your answer?"

Keitel made his way to the door. He turned to his sister and smiled warmly. " I appreciate your concern sister, I do. But this is something I must deal with alone."

Leila was left pouting. Keitel made his way to Lucia's room as fast as he could. He found the room empty. He searched the medical room and the dining room. He could find no sign of her. He staggered breathlessly back to the other side of the palace. Where was she?

Keitel summoned the guards to find her. He instructed them to alert him as soon as she had been found. He went back to his office anxiously. He looked at the figure in front of him in shock.

Lucia was standing in front of his desk. She was dressed in a pale yellow dress. Her hair was tied in an elegant plait. She turned slowly as she heard him enter. Her eyes didn't have the intensity of the day before. Her lips were swollen. Her shawl covered bruised pink skin. 

"I thought you would be recovering?" Keitel questioned.

Lucia eyed him appraisingly. She could see the bandages under his shirt and the sweat on his brow.

"You don't look great either." She stated flatly. Her manner was very different than usual. Her usual intensity was gone. She seemed demure and withdrawn. Keitel gestured for her to sit as he leant against his desk.

"They told me you were badly injured." Keitel continued. Lucia stared into space. She seemed to be lost in thought. 

"They exaggerated." She returned softly. "I'm fine. My mana was depleted. That's it,"

Keitel waited for her to go on. There was a heavy silence.

"I shouldn't have.." Keitel began.

"I lost," Lucia interjected. "That's why I'm here."

"What do you mean?" Keitel examined her. She looked up at him. Her eyes almost glazed over.

"Will you send me back?" She asked point-blank.

"Is that what you want?" Keitel replied softly.

"What I want?" Lucia hesitated. "No. I don't want to go back."

"Then stay," Keitel moved back to his desk. Lucia's eyes fixed on him.

"Then you'll lock me up here?" Her voice sounded almost hopeful. Keitel's eyes narrowed.

"You're a princess of the Empire now. I can't very well throw you in the dungeon." He replied flatly.

Lucia's brows furrowed. She looked at Keitel keenly. 

"Then what? What will you do with me?"Her eyes watered ever so slightly.

Keitel inhaled. He tapped a finger on the desk. His blue eyes watched Lucia carefully.

Keitel's gaze felt excruciating. Lucia's chin jutted out as she bit down on her lip. She gripped her fingers in her palm. Her head dipped down.

"I haven't decided yet," He said at last. 

"You're not going to throw me away?" She said under her breath.

"Are you someone who can be thrown away?" Keitel answered resolutely.

Lucia looked up. She felt a prick in her eyes. She swallowed hard and took a deep breath.

"No," She breathed with a chuckle. "It's hard to get rid of me."

"You can go back to your room." Keitel nodded.  "Continue as you were."

"And when you decide what you're going to do with me?" Lucia said rising. Keitel looked up but said nothing. He informed the guards not to look for her anymore. Lucia slunk back into the hallway. The journey back felt longer than usual. Lucia felt limp and weak. She just wanted to rest.

She turned the handle on her door and slowly entered her room. 

"Clover?" Lucia addressed the seated figure. Clover turned around and smiled.

"I'm sorry. I let myself in again," Clover rose to greet her.

"It's fine." Lucia dismissed. She took a seat across from Clover. Clover studied Lucia for a moment. However, this time, Lucia met Clover's eyes. 

"Thank you for coming yesterday," Lucia bundled herself up. "You must think I'm a fool,"

"What makes you say that?"

"I have all these high ideals, yet whenever it matters, it feels like I can't control myself. I hate it,"

"You're angry. I can see this. Very angry. I'm not sure why. It's about Ramelle, no? What exactly did they do?"

Lucia shifted. Her gaze dropped. "It's not about what they did. It's about what I want to do,"

"Revenge?" Clover questioned soberly. Lucia's eyes darkened.

"It's just..."

"Unfair?" Clover gave a curious smile. 

"I know how it sounds, Clover. Talking as though I deserve to have revenge. It must seem childish. This is the way of the world."

"Feeling anger isn't childish. But you're right about fair and unfair. This world doesn't care." Clover titled their head back and sighed.

"I just don't understand it. I thought the gods gave me this chance to pay them back. But I keep meeting obstacles at every step." Lucia looked at her scuffed hands. Weren't these hands for taking what was stolen from her.

"Not even the gods have control over the flow of this world. The only difference between them and us is they do as they please, while we cannot." Clover said, a hint of annoyance in his voice. Lucia looked at Clover somewhat confused.

"This is why we are born with a life force, mana. It is the force that cannot exalt us to god or crush us into the void." Clover continued. 

"I'm not sure I know what you mean," Lucia stared at Clover puzzled.

"What I'm saying is, if you want something, then you have to take it. Even if it means sacrifice - yours, theirs, it doesn't matter in the end. Nothing will matter. That's the beauty and the ugliness of this world," Clover enthused.

Lucia's brow furrowed. "Are you saying I should still try to get my revenge, after everything?"

"Doesn't the thought of it move your soul? If you are honest with yourself, is there anything else that can fill you?"

Lucia blinked hard. She straightened up.

"Maybe, I know he'll never...I thought for a moment there might be something more. But even if you're right, there's no way to get my revenge now," Lucia said bitterly.

Clover's face twisted into a mischievous grin. Clover leaned in close to Lucia. Holding a hand to Lucia's ear, Clover whispered. Lucia listened intently. Her eyes widened and her lips parted. Her eyes darted to Clover as they pulled away. Lucia's body leaned forward instinctively. Her heart was racing.

"How do.." She started.

"Ah!" Clover gestured with a finger, "Not important! But I know it is absolutely true."

Lucia's mind raced. "I...I don't know,"

"Don't answer yet," Clover chimed. "I will leave you to think about."

Clover jumped to their feet. They strolled merrily to the door. Lucia didn't look up from where she was sitting. She was lost in thought. Her eyes were set rigidly ahead and her whole body was tensed. Clover smiled and left the room.