Chapter 35: The Emperor's hand

Michael and the Sword Saint began to make preparations to leave. Lucia was left in the tent with Clover.

"It's been a while!" Clover exclaimed. Hearing the news didn't seem to affect Clover as it had the others. They addressed Lucia with the usual airy attentiveness.

"What a mess!"

Lucia nodded. 

"You look sad. "Clover observed.

Lucia, who was lost in thought, refocused her eyes on Clover. Despite the words, Clover's face appeared more curious than empathetic. It was true that Clover didn't know DB well. Yet, the indifference annoyed Lucia. She thought about the conversations she had had with Clover. Yes, Clover had listened but she wondered if that was the same of understanding. 

She shook the thought from her head. Now wasn't the time to be doubting what allies she had left. Lucia cleared her throat.

"I am," She said plainly. "Aren't you?" She asked. She had meant it to be neutral but the tone had taken the provocative cadence.

Clover appeared to think about the question for a moment. 

"Yes, I am too," Clover replied. The tone didn't match the words.

  "Lucia, I've missed you!" Clover sighed, taking Lucia's hands.

"I've missed you too, Clover. Your letter was quite a surprise. It seems thanks to you, a lot of progress had been made on the door..." Lucia started.

The conversation was interrupted by a knight at the door. They were ready to depart. Clover waved them off. The galloped away at full speed. Lucia braced herself. She prayed Keitel was still alive.


Unlike Lucia, Michael had no doubts about leaving Clover in charge.

Over the past few weeks, Michael had learned a lot about Clover. At first, he had been suspicious of Clover's intentions. However, Clover's vast knowledge of magic and demons had been a great help. Michael came to believe that Clover indeed knew the Cirillian wizard. 

In fact, it appeared that Clover had been a mentor to the wizard. Clover also knew Michael's secret. It turned out Clover knew all along. It had become necessary to share once the door had been translated. Not only were the conditions to open the door inscribed but also how to reseal the door. The wizard must have been worried about what would happen after his death. So, he had put this on the door too. 

The Cirillian wizards had encoded the door with a condition only Michael could meet. To reenact the spell that sealed the door as the Cirillian wizard had written it, required the blood of a descendent. When the Cirillian wizard took Michael in, he never once said he was related to Michael. However, Michael had always suspected.

Otherwise, why would such a man take in a random kid off the streets? Not out of the kindness of his heart evidently. In the wizard's belongings, Michael had found the proof. The wizard had kept a journal. He wrote that he was a great uncle of some kind. He had sought Michael out when he heard his parents died. His plan was for Michael to take over his legacy. No wonder he had been so livid at the thought of Michael becoming a knight. He had been waiting for Michael's mana to awaken.

Of course, this had happened before the wizard's death but Michael had kept it from him. The wizard's mind was impossible to know. He might have been happy or he might have been angered. Michael had decided not to tell him. There was no way to guess how the wizard would have reacted.

In the wizard's place, Clover had been a helpful guide. Teaching Michael the magic to reseal the door was no easy task. Clover had offered help no questions asked. Michael paid no heed to Clover's reaction. After all, everyone reacts differently to grief.

The thought of that demon scum taking away everything DB had worked for sickened Michael. He wasn't happy with the idea of working with Lucia again. But circumstances made that the last thing on his mind. 

Michael didn't know what to expect in the capital. The demon might not even be there. However, if it was as the Sword Saint had said, Laurence must have an ace up his sleeve. It was too risky to plot an assassination of the Emperor while Valentus was still alive. Everyone knew He and the Emperor were old friends.

The Sword Saint was said to have the strength of a thousand knights in glory days. Valentus was a respected figure among the knights. Probably more so than the Emperor himself. If the Sword Saint had an interest in the throne, they would have lined up behind him. It made sense to involve demons. Only they had the ability to best the Empire's knights. The question was how they got to this side in the first place. The seal was still holding. No deals could have been made. There were more questions than answers.


By and by, the group reached the capital. The sight of the Sword Saint drew everyone's attention. As they approached the royal palace, the knight who had chased Lucia reluctantly let her pass. Not even they would dare defy the sword saint. 

The procession proceeded to the throne room. Valentus stormed into the room unceremoniously. The guards ran out to protect the Emperor. The court turned in shock. A flood of whispers rippled across the room. Laurence held out a hand. The room fell to silence again. The guards returned to Laurence's side. He had evidently predicted the likelihood of the Sword Saint's reappearance.

Valentus marched up to Laurence with undisguised hostility. Laurence cast an eye over the crowd. The corner of his lip trembled. He broke into a cold smile. Before he could say another word, the minister of finance intercepted Valentus.

"What is the meaning of this Sword Saint?" The minister cried in outrage. The court seemed to agree. Many nodded and repeated the sentiment.

"Where is the Emperor?" Valentus demanded. He directed his question directly to Laurence, ignoring the court.

"If you've come all this way then you already know." Laurence held his ground. "The Emperor has left this world."

Valentus lunged forward. The guards immediately braced for attack. Laurence cleared his throat loudly.

"Ah! Before you go any further, Sword Saint, perhaps you should ask about the circumstances of his death!" Laurence added smugly.

"Prince Laurence's claim to the throne is legitimate. He is supported by the court." The finance minister interjected.

"Any usurper can make such a claim," Valentus levied. " It doesn't matter to me whether you were supported by the whole Empire. If you killed the Emperor, you surely didn't expect I would allow you to sit on that throne."

"Then it is a good thing I DIDN'T kill him," Laurence retorted condescendingly. "The Emperor died from...a sudden illness. There are witnesses."

"That's right!" Members of the court interceded.  Valentus cast a silencing glare over the court. 

"That doesn't explain why you are sitting on the throne!" Valentus challenged. "You were not the heir apparent."

"This court..." The minister of finance began to interject.

"This court has changed much since my last visit!" Valentus rebuked. It was true. A number of faces among the court had disappeared. Laurence's expression didn't give away any acknowledgement. Valentus continued.

"The Emperor made your brother Crown Prince. If, and I do not believe it happened as you say, if the Emperor is dead, you have no claim to the throne."

Laurence inhaled. "These spurious claims seem to lack foundation." Laurence's eyes narrowed on Lucia. "Don't tell me you believe the words of this traitorous spy over the entire court? IF you want evidence, we have it here." Laurence waved a hand.

A document was brought out and held up to the court.

"It is my fathers will. He wrote a new one on his deathbed. It names me as heir apparent. See for yourself." Laurence beckoned.

Valentus examined the document. A hush fell over the crowd. Valentus scanned the page. He passed the document back. His expression changed. He appeared to be lost in thought.

"Well?" Laurence questioned. "Feel free to have it authenticated."

"It appears to be the Emperor's hand," Valentus admitted.

"I don't know what outrageous tale you were told to bring these haphazard accusations, but it is as I have told you. Now as for my brother and his wife, they are the ones who raised a hand against me. I only responded in kind. You will find my brother safe and content in the dungeon. You can take him with you. However, this woman must remain here. I believe her to be a spy. I want to have her interrogated."

Valentus cast a glance over to Lucia and then back to Laurence.

"I will have those documents authenticated first. If your claim is legitimate I will take the Prince and go. In the meantime, you have no claim on this woman."

"Fine, but then I will keep my brother as leverage. He will not be held in the dungeons but he will be confined to the palace."Laurence levelled.

"Very well." Valentus submitted.

Valentus led his party out of the court. Laurence watched them leave with a smile. Once the door closed behind them, Lucia approached the Sword Saint.

"It's a lie!" She cried. "He practically admitted it to us before."

"I have no doubt that child probably killed the Emperor. However, without proof, not even I can raise a hand against him. It would be the same as declaring war." Valentus paused thoughtfully. "For now, let's go get the Prince."