Chapter 40: Reconciliation

In the Capital, Keitel had been confined to the royal palace for a number of weeks. He was satisfied that since Leila was out of harm's way he could try to make a move against Laurence. However, Laurence had proven to be impervious to Keitel's attempts to placate him.

Likewise, Laurence had not taken any moves against him. Keitel wondered why. Perhaps, Laurence was still sentimental about their relationship. Either way, Keitel knew that Laurence's amity would only go so far. Once, the Sword Saint had the Emperor's will authenticated, it wouldn't be long before.

Luckily, Valentus was taking his time to validate the will. Keitel knew he had to use the time to get close to Laurence. The only interaction they had was at dinner. Laurence had decided that they were to eat together. At first, Keitel thought it was the golden opportunity to get in with Laurence.

However, he had soon realised that the dinners were Laurence's playground. Whenever Keitel tried to get more information, Laurence would immediately shut down the conversation. Keitel began to wonder why Laurence had invited him at all.

Eventually, he decided to confront him once and for all. The dinner had proceeded as usual. Laurence would arrive late. Laurence would make idle chatter. Keitel would be forced to listen and respond to the events of Laurence's day. As they both finished eating their meal, Keitel broached the subject.

"What do you get out of this, Laurence?" Keitel asked flatly. "How long are you going to play this game of pretend?"

Laurence dabbed the side of his mouth with his handkerchief. He set it down in front of him in a grandiose manner.

"I could ask you the same thing brother." Laurence returned. "I know you only eat these meals with me because you want to figure out what I'm up to."

"You've hardly left me with a choice," Keitel stared Laurence down. "Did you really need to kill him? Did you have to go that far?"

Laurence smirked. "Aha, and now it comes out. The real question you wanted to ask. Finally."

" Why did you kill father? I don't believe you hated him. I just want to know why." Keitel implored. There was a part of him that still couldn't accept that this was his little brother. The brother that cried out when it was dark. Or the brother he had comforted when their mother died. The one who he had trained with and grown up with.

"It's easy for you to sit there in judgement of me. You, who were the perfect son. The one that father actually loved," Laurence started.

Keitel shook his head. "Father pushed me harder than everyone! It's just how he was,"

Laurence exhaled angrily. "Wrong! To you, he may have been the tough father. To me, I was just a bastard who he kept around to compare you against." Laurence leaned forward towards Keitel. "Shall I tell you something?" He whispered with a wicked grin.

"Shall I tell you how he begged for you in the end? How he cursed me? How quickly that tough act turned into the sobs of a belligerent old fool."

Keitel sprung up from his chair. It fell back with a crash. The silverware was dashed to the ground as Keitel lunged towards Laurence. He caught Laurence's collar. Keitel raised his fist to strike him. Before he could move, he found himself surrounded by knights' blades.

"Temper! Temper!" Laurence laughed. "You asked brother," Laurence reminded. Keitel released him. The guards pushed Keitel back into his seat. Keitel's nostrils flared as he exhaled tempestuously. Laurence cast an eye over him.

"There's no need to get bent out of shape. As you always say, what's done is done." Laurence smirked. "Now let me answer your first question."

Keitel turned to face him. Laurence tapped his finger thoughtfully on the table.

"Why have these dinners?" Laurence repeated. "Call it nostalgia if you will. You probably think I've forgotten how you treated me when we were young. I haven't. Now that father's dead, I can finally see clearly."

"What does that mean?" Keitel scoffed.

"It means I'm weighing up my options." Laurence's eyes belayed the seriousness of his words. "In truth, I wish we could go back to those days. But despite your half-hearted attempts to appease me brother, you've missed the point entirely."

"What point would that be?" Keitel added impatiently.

"I'm getting there," Laurence chuckled. "You see, relationships can't be fixed so easily. I thought if that girl was out of the way, maybe you'd come around to my way of looking at things. You seem to be a lot more upset about your father than I had anticipated. OR is it the fact I'm Emperor now," Laurence smirked again.

"Either way," Laurence continued. "We'll never be able to reconcile while you're still so angry at me. So what options do I have?"

"If you want to reconcile..." Keitel began.

"Please, save your breath. I don't want to hear any more obvious attempts to butter me up," Laurence interrupted with a dismissive wave. 

"What I want is for us to be true brothers again. Now, I've been faced with the fact that I may have to kill you since I couldn't think of any way to bring you around. But! As luck would have it, a solution has recently been presented to me." Laurence smiled.

"What solution?" Keitel asked uneasily.

Laurence sat back in his chair with smug satisfaction. He motioned to the guards. The door opened and a cloaked figure stepped in. Keitel's eyes widened.

"Now, you remember my friend here?" Laurence gestured. "You see, he felt really bad about screwing up. So, as penance, he's offered to do a bit of overtime."

Keitel tried to rise to his feet. The guards pinned him down. Neri stepped into the light and removed his hood. His face lit up and devilish delight. Laurence beckoned Neri to his side. Neri skipped over.

"Yes, yes I felt very bad." Neri chimed. "This time I'll do a good job." His eyes glowed nefariously.

Laurence curled his finger calling Neri closer. He whispered something into Neri's ear. Neri gave a wide smile. The guards began to drag Keitel up. Keitel struggled back.

"You're playing with fire, Laurence!" Keitel yelled as they hauled him away. 

He was brought down into the darkest depths of the dungeons. He was strapped down onto a chair. Neri stood in front of him with a look of childish glee.

"Why are you doing this? Why are you helping my brother?" Keitel interrogated.

Neri eyed him coldly. "I don't care about that human." Neri pouted. "I just do as the Master tells me."

"Then it was your master who was trying to kill Lucia? " Keitel inferred.

"I was never going to kill that pretty girl..." Neri seemed to catch himself. He turned to Keitel angrily. 

"Stop trying to trick me," Neri snarled. "Since you like to hear my secrets, shall I tell you one more?" Neri pulled a blade to Keitel's neck.

"The Master really told me to kill you," Neri whispered. " Since that loud mouth human isn't doing what he's supposed to, I had to come back here to finish the job."

Neri pulled back. He circumvented the blade between his fingers.

"I do hate when my master is angry with me." Neri sighed. "'How lucky!' I thought when that human called me back here. Now I can make up for it." 

"Why does your master want me dead?" Keitel asked defiantly.

"I don't know why you keep asking questions. Humans always ask questions! All the time with questions," Neri ranted. "What difference will it do now? You'll be dead soon!" Neri rejoined with eerie elation. 

"Humour me." Keitel set his eyes on Neri firmly.

Neri tilted his head to one side as if deliberating. He scratched his head. 

"It's so it can't be opened again," Neri replied. Master said he's sick of seeing the others' faces. He wants them to get lost. He promised if I help he'll let me play out here as I like,"

"What can't be opened again? The demonic door?" Keitel asked with intense interest.

Neri nodded. He turned back to Keitel with rapid agility. He pointed the blade to Keitel.

"Okay question time is over," Neri smiled. Keitel pushed back off the floor. He broke free the rope tying his hands. It crumbled like a solid bloke and fell to the floor. While Neri had been speaking, he had seeped ice magic along the rope waiting for the moment it would be fragile enough to break. 

Keitel sent a wall of ice between him and Neri. He dashed down the hallway. Neri shattered the ice with a flick of his wrist. He stared down Keitel with annoyance. He stamped his way through the rest of the ice petulantly. He walked slowly after Keitel.

Keitel came to the end of the hall. He tried to turn the handle to the barred iron door. It was locked.