Chapter 43: The Coronation

The next few days flew like a whirlwind. Preparations were made for Keitel to take the throne. With no other heirs, even the remaining court members couldn't intercede. A national day of mourning was held for the Emperor's passing. 

Laurence's funeral, on the other hand, was carried out in secret. 

It felt uncanny for Lucia to be back in the Princess' dress. Although the palace had resumed operating, as usual, there was a sense of uneasiness. Everyone was waiting for Keitel to be made Emperor. Lucia noticed a change had come over Keitel. Aside from in an official capacity, he hardly spoke.  Lucia had tried on several occasions to talk to him but he quickly shut her down.

On the day of Keitel's coronation, Lucia tried once more.

"Please talk to me," Lucia pleaded.

"There's nothing to say." Keitel dismissed. 

"You are not alone," Lucia remarked. "If you grieve your brother..." 

"He's dead. What else is there?"Keitel interrupted.

"We can avenge him," Lucia whispered, putting her hand on Keitel's shoulder. 

Keitel gave Lucia a sad smile.

"He wasn't someone who deserves to be avenged," Keitel said in a low voice. "My brother got what was coming to him. He killed my father - and the members of the court. He killed everyone who supported me. He tried to kill you. I shouldn't even grieve his death."

"No one would judge you for mourning his death. He was still your brother," Lucia said, pulling Keitel's face to hers.

"I knew that it was coming. I don't believe it could have ended any other way. Yet, somehow I never imagined this was how I would become Emperor..."Keitel's voice trailed off. Lucia squeezed his hand. 

"When I sat with him down in the dungeon, I didn't even try to leave." Keitel continued. " I just kept waiting. As though, this was one of his pranks- Like he would get up at any moment. I don't know what's wrong with me. When did I become so weak?" Keitel's voice was barely audible.

"It's not a weakness to feel compassion for others. I would rather serve an Emperor  who knows compassion than merciless disregard." Lucia returned. 

Keitel slipped from her fingers and pulled his waistcoat on. Lucia cast an eye over his chiselled physique. He was dressed in a richly embroidered suit. He looked every inch the Emperor. His unflinching blue eyes reminded Lucia of how he had looked that day. It sent a shiver down her spine.

Keitel's coronation was a national affair. The streets leading up to the palace were packed with citizens. The sisters were waiting in the temple. Keitel made his way through the procession as the sisters began their blessing. 

The Emperor's jade crown was placed upon his head. It was only brought out during the inauguration ceremony. Keitel sat on the throne. His cool eyes looked out apathetically over the crowd. They all bowed before him.

  He was named Emperor. 

Lucia sat by his side. She was no longer a princess either. She was the mother of the nation: The Empress. The crowds roared as the word spread. The palace broke into a frenzy. The celebration lasted for several days.

Meanwhile, within the first few weeks of being Emperor, Keitel began to make changes. He executed many of the dissident members of the court. Those who survived were stripped of their land and wealth. He appointed trusted members of his knight's guard in their place. 

Albaric and Michael were given a court position. Victor still had not been found. It was assumed he had been killed by Laurence or Soir.  All traces of the demon Neri were met with a dead end. Moreover, there were no further sightings of any demons. 

Everything became strangely peaceful,  with the exception of Lucia and Keitel's relationship. Lucia wondered why Keitel had made her Empress. He had been even more distant since the day he became Emperor. The loss of his brother and father seemed to change something in Keitel. 

Even though Leila returned to the palace, it didn't seem to bring him any comfort. He immersed himself in the running of the Empire. Lucia was reminded of the merciless Emperor she had met the day she died. Keitel was decisive and impassioned in his rulings.

  Elsewhere, the door remained tightly guarded under the watchful eye of the Sword Saint. Clover and Michael continued working towards sealing the door. The matter appeared to be close to a resolution.

Lucia spent her days between her duties as Empress and sword training. As Keitel was Emperor all the restrictions imposed before were gone. She was free to do as she pleased. Leila never dared to interfere with her again. 

As the weeks turned into months, Lucia began to wonder why she was still in the palace. She had stayed because she wanted to be of some help to Keitel. However, he remained as distant as ever. Far from blaming him, Lucia felt powerless to help. Every attempt she had made only seemed to push him further away. Lucia knew the time had come. 

Lucia realised it was more than grief that had changed Keitel's heart. In truth, she knew this day would come. This wasn't a real marriage, after all. It had been forced by the previous Emperor. Now that Keitel was free to make his own decision, it only made sense that he would pull away. 

Keitel was still fair and dutiful. That was why he had made her Empress. She had saved his life. He had rewarded her accordingly. He had tried to make the best of a bad situation. Even after her poor judgement, Keitel had still tried to make their marriage work. That was the kind of man he was. 

To Lucia, it didn't seem out of the ordinary for him to have a change of heart once he had the power to change his mind. In fact, she saw it as the inevitable conclusion to their relationship. He had stayed with her out of a sense of duty. 

Lucia resolved to speak to Ketel once more. The next free chance she got, Lucia made her way to the throne room. She knew the court was still in session so he wouldn't be able to refuse her. Her name was announced to the court. As she entered, she greeted Keitel who was sitting upon the throne. He looked down at her indifferently. 

"The Empress greets his Majesty," She bowed.

"There's no need for formality," Keitel dismissed. He waved away those remaining in the room. 

" On the contrary, it appears to be the only capacity in which we may talk," Lucia replied.

Keitel looked down sternly. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"It doesn't mean anything. Only, that I don't know how else to approach this sensitive matter," Lucia met his gaze.

"What matter?" Keitel leant back.

" I know you made me Empress out of the sense of loyalty you feel towards me. However, the truth is that you did not choose me as your bride. It was something forced upon us both." Lucia stated. 

Keitel remained quiet.

"I want to remain by your side, this has not changed. But, I won't stand in your way if this is not something you want anymore." Lucia continued. "Thanks to you, I have realised I want more to life than just revenge - I won't deny it anymore. But, this is also why I won't trap you in a marriage with me any longer. I still want to serve as best I can. For me, that is with a sword in hand on the battlefield."

Keitel's jaw clenched. He tilted his head to one side and answered in a low voice.

"So what is it you are saying? You no longer wish to be Empress?"

"I'm saying, I don't deserve to be your Empress. In the end, I am just a knight." Lucia smiled openly. "I wish for you to find happiness - even if it is not with me."

  "Just a knight?" Keitel repeated thoughtfully.  "Perhaps, you are right." He remarked coming down from the throne. He walked up to Lucia with blank expression. He looked her straight in the eyes.

"Maybe it is time to find a new Empress?" Keitel tilted her face towards his. 

Lucia felt a lump rise in her throat but held her ground. She knew it was coming. She truly wished for him to be happy. If that meant leaving his side, that was what she would do. Her green eyes flickered with emotion as she held back her tears. It was the end.

"And what will you do?" Keitel said, passing her by.

"I will go back to Veldeer," Lucia answered composing herself. "I want to stay there until the door is sealed."

"I see," Keitel said flatly. "It might be a while before I can find a new Empress," he said, turning back to her. 

"I will remain here until she can take over my duties," Lucia replied decidedly. 

"I imagine Leila can handle it," Keitel said, taking a step close to Lucia. Her eyes remained firmly ahead. She could feel his breath on the back of her neck. It made her hair stand on edge. He played with loose hair escaping from her hair tie. 

"We can get rid of you right away," He whispered. "Maybe,  you can even leave by tomorrow."

Lucia inhaled a shallow breath. 

"If that is what you wish," She answered, holding back the trembles in her voice. Keitel dropped the strand of hair and came around to face Lucia. He held a hand to her cheeks as he gazed down appraisingly.

"Then, I suppose this is goodbye, little wife?" His blue eyes smouldered.