Chapter 45: Unwavering Conviction

Despite the day of sealing looming closer, Lucia experienced the bliss of love like she had never before. There was more good news for Keitel. His close friend, Victor had been rescued from a pack of demons. Keitel had assumed his friend had been killed by Laurence.

Victor was worse for wear but made a rapid recovery. Keitel felt a sense of relief to have his old friend back at his side. Victor, likewise realised that much had changed in the palace. The greatest change was Keitel himself.

Although their friendship resumed as before, Victor saw how Keitel doted on Lucia. Victor quickly put his past resentment aside. Besides, there was hardly time to complain. The Empire was making the last preparations to seal the demonic door.

In Veldeer, Michael finally felt ready to complete the sealing. At first, the visions of the mysterious white-haired woman appeared to Michael regularly. However, as time went on, they progressively disappeared. 

Clover made no attempt to explain what they meant, who she was or why that memory kept appearing. Michael wondered how great Clover's mana must be the longer the procedure went on. Clover seemed to have a never-ending supply of magic.

The last of the Sword Saint's preparations were complete and the door was finally ready to be sealed. The last thing they needed was royal blood. Valentus sent word to the palace to inform Keitel.

Keitel and Lucia meanwhile, had fallen into their roles with the conviction and dedication that was expected of them. However,  every chance they got, they spent together. The day the letter finally arrived, was a sharp reminder of reality.

It was finally time.

Keitel gathered the officials and court members. Lucia sat at his side as they both proceeded over the meeting. Valentus, Albaric and Michael were summoned to the palace.

Keitel's cold sharp eyes appraised the courtroom. Lucia sat by his side. Her fiery temperament had flourished into a sense of conviction. Over the months, her training had managed to tame her usual fits of rage.  She sat with the absolute presence and composure of a true Empress. 

Michael noticed the change at once. As he bowed before the Empress and Emperor with the rest of the court, he felt reassured of their victory.

"We expected we will meet fierce resistance once the sealing begins." Keitel began. "However, thanks to the Sword Saint all the preparations have been made. A stronghold has been created around the door."

"We have the numbers. The demons are few. We will be fighting by your side. We cannot fail." Lucia followed.

The troops started to move out of the Capital. More than a thousand knights, a small fraction of the Empire's army,  began the march to Veldeer. Lucia and Keitel rode along with the procession. They were clad in the Empire's trilothian black steel, leading the troops. The sun followed them across the flaming sky like an emissary of the gods themselves

Although they had taken all the precautions, nobody expected much of a fight. Even if the demon lord appeared, the Sword Saint would be there to cut him down. Troops piled into Veldeer.

Most of Fraxinus Great Wood had been cleared to create the fort surrounding the door.  The area was a stronghold fortified by a wall as high as the door itself. The door looked the same as ever. It was an ominous rune-covered in the wizard's carvings. It emitted a murderous aura that not even the stronghold could conceal. 

Once the Empire's armies had arrived in force at the door, the sealing began. Under Clover's tutelage, Michael carried out the ceremony. The sealing began in the early morning before the sun had even graced the sky. Lucia and Keitel stood by in the camps nearby waiting for any sign of the demons.

Hovering across the horizon, a smouldering red formation materialised. At first, the men thought it was the sun peeking up over the skyline. However, in moments it became clear that it was man-made light. Thousands of torches shimmered over the hills at all sides. The scouts came riding back at full speed.

"The demons!" Cried, one knight. "There's so many."

"No," The Sword Saint boomed. "Those are no demons,"

Lucia followed Keitel out of the tent to catch a glimpse of what was approaching. Her eyes fell on the enemies flag.

"It's Ramelle," She said in a low voice. 

An attache was sent out to meet Ramelle's army. Word returned that they would only speak to the Emperor and Empress. The Sword Saint and Lucia rode out to confront them. 

Upon his horse, sat Duke Morton with his odious grin. He came down with a smug grin. The King remained firmly upon his horse without acknowledging them.

"What is the meaning of this?" Valentus demanded.

"You are not the Emperor," Duke Morton sniffed indignantly.

"You can hardly expect us to bring the Emperor out here." Lucia retorted. "You have crossed into our borders, you must know this is an act of war."

Duke Morton's face twisted into a grin. "Ah, the Empress, What an honour!"

"I will ask you once more. Why are you here?" Lucia demanded.

"Isn't it obvious?" Duke Morton smirked. "Let us put our cards on the table. That door is the only security we have against the Empire. Without it what will protect us from the great Empire's wrath?"

"You would not need to fear the Empire's wrath if you had not acted against us," Lucia remarked.

"How quickly you forget where you have come! Ramelle like all the nations on this continent, have grown sick of the Empire's tyranny," 

"Do not speak of the Empire's 'tyranny' when your own greed is so evidently the source of your contentions. You've made a grave error in coming here," Lucia addressed him coldly. "You're outmatched in every way. "

"It will certainly be a one-sided battle. As you know our army is not great. We've had to dig to the end of the barrel just to scrape up what we have" Duke Morton conceded. "Nevertheless, we will fight until the bitter end if that is what you want Empress,"

"Your arrogance knows no bounds." Valentus snarled. He looked over the Ranks of Ramelle's army. "You've brought women and frail old men onto the battle to fight for you? Is this how you mean to defeat us - by holding your own country hostage?"

"Believe it or not, I would prefer that we settle this without unnecessary bloodshed" Duke Morton shrugged. 

Lucia looked at the scared young men and women amongst Ramelle's army. She was bitterly reminded of how they had taken her. History was repeating itself even without her. She knew what awaited them. It made her stomach turn.

"What do you want?" Lucia interrogated. 

Duke Morton gave a twisted smile. "One on one combat. If you win, I will surrender. Choose a representative among you. We will do the same. Return here at daybreak, shall we say?"

Valentus glanced at Lucia. "Very well. We will consult with the Emperor."

On the ride back, Lucia thought over the proposal. If the demons did attack the Empire's army would be overwhelmed with having to deal with an attack at both ends. A single, decisive fight, on the other hand, would be over quickly. Lucia suspected that Duke Morton had a further trick up his sleeve. However, whatever it was, there was too much at stake to refuse. She told Keitel her thoughts once she returned. Everyone was waiting.

"It's a trap," Valentus stated firmly.

"Even if it is a trick, as Lucia has said, many will die if we refuse - of that I am certain," Keitel responded. 

"But who will go? He's clearly betting that either the Emperor or Empress will be the contender," Victor hypothesised.

"I should go instead," Albaric proposed.

"We know they've been consorting with the demons," Lucia levelled. "We shouldn't be surprised if the demon lord himself appears,"

"Then it should be me," Valentus rejoined.

"But if it's not the demon lord and he is waiting to strike once you've been weakened..." Victor interrupted.

Lucia put her hand on Keitel's shoulder. He knew what she would say before she even spoke.

"I will go," She said. The others broke out in an argument. Lucia dismissed them with a wave.

"This all happened because I came to the Empire. The battle between me and him is unavoidable. I need to finish what I started. Friends, I ask you one more time to put your trust in me. "

The group fell silent. All eyes fell to the Emperor. Keitel inhaled deeply. 

"I wish to speak to my wife alone," He instructed. The others promptly left the tent. Lucia sank down on one knee beside him.

"Just listen to me," Lucia pleaded, "I know in the past I have made the wrong decisions. This is all happening because I was blinded by getting my revenge. I was lost in my own anger. I became everything I hated. I was the 'villainess' in our story. The people of Ramelle are not to blame. I see that now. Even when you put your trust in me, I was the one who let you down. That is why I must go. I'm not fighting for myself anymore. I want to fight to protect the people I love. This time I will not fail. I cannot fail."

Her emerald eyes shun with unwavering conviction. Keitel stared down at Lucia. His heart sank. He pressed her soft hand to his cheek. The words came out like jagged blades in his throat. 

"Then go, little wife."