A little insight into the life of Emperor ‘Wu Wei Tian’.

It was at the age of 14 that Emperor Wu Wei Tian, father of princess Wu Ying Yue, took the throne, not so willingly. The previous Emperor, Wu Yan Dong, had four sons, all three older than the current Emperor. It was a well known fact that a Emperor gets the throne at the price of his brothers' blood, as every possible candidate to the throne would scheme indirectly, who didn't want the power, authority, women, that came with the throne?!

However, since an early age the current Emperor wasn't ambitious at all. He did not want the throne or anything related to it. From his young age, being 4th in line of succession, he thought he will not have much chance for the throne. So, he wanted to grow up peacefully and he would wait for his come-of-age ceremony to get some land and then would spent all his life as a duke. But sadly his wish never came true.

At that time, the Shuang Kingdom was a small nation. Assuming it to not have much strength the neighboring country started attacking in order to invade Shuang nation. During that time the previous Emperor was already on the verge of death. The eldest prince went on war with the second prince leaving the then 13 years old Wei Tian and his second brother (19 years old), in charge of the palace and the capital. A month later news came his eldest brother died in the battle field, while his second brother was still leading the army.

Six months later before the previous Emperor died, he announced Wei Tian as the next Emperor, with the most capable candidate, his eldest son, gone back to the heaven. In his heart he knew all his sons detested the throne, which was unusual cause he too had to fight his brothers to get the throne. He has heard and seen how greedy one can be for the throne, cause he too was once. However, his sons were different and this worried him a lot. His eldest son was knowledgeable, ambitious, was filial, every aspect of being an Emperor was okay, but his lust for women was unbounded. This lust for women could have resulted in his downfall if others tried to manipulate him through women.

His second son though, had made it complete clear that he was not interested for the throne and had great desire to be a general. The then second prince wanted to be on the battle field fighting for his country people. The second prince detested studying and even if he was punished severely by Imperial tutors he would not study. Whenever the second prince could find time he would go to the then great general to learn how to fight on the battlefield. At first, the then general rejected to take the second prince as a disciple, but watching the second prince being so persistent he gave in, and asked the Emperor, himself, to let the second prince follow him. Though the Emperor got a headache from this request he knew he could not turn it away, and reluctantly agreed to the general. There went his second son.

The third son had a weak body from birth. Even though he was weak, his cunningness was not second to any of his son. He could also have been a perfect candidate for the throne. However, like the others the third prince wasn't ambitious as well. He loved to read, do calligraphy, read poems, and draw. He just wanted to be famous as the most literate figure of his time, contributing more to literature and art. So him being crafty was of no use as he did not want to scheme and get the throne from his brothers.

His fourth son, well.... he did not know know enough about his fourth son. Always the quiet one, would do what told him to do, and do nothing willingly. It was quite visible that he was waiting to come-of-age and leave the palace for his dukedom. Pathetic. His all sons were pathetic. In his early years, it was difficult for his wife and concubines to get pregnant, but when they got pregnant he was bestowed with four sons, one after another. He was ecstatic! But time showed him how useless each of them turned out to be!

After learning about the death of the eldest prince it almost caused him to die on the spot from the shock. Even though he was on the verge of his death he had to assign a person to protect this Kingdom, and this dynasty. When he thought about crowning third prince the Emperor, he gots news that the third prince fell ill, and was in coma now. The imperial doctors couldn't say when the third prince would wake up. But he was clear in his heart this was all...NONSENSE! Hmph!

With his heavy heart he passed the decree that the then fourth prince, Wu Wei Tian, was crowned as the next Emperor. Therefore, Wu Wei Tian, bestowed name Emperor XiWang, meaning 'Hope',of Shuang Dynasty, took the throne on year 60x, After which the Emperor, with great remorse, closed his eyes to never open them again.

Young Emperor XiWang was confused beyond words. Within the difference of a day he was made the emperor, even without him wanting the throne. He did not have time to take into account the huge change that occurred in his life as he took over all the major responsibilities that came with the throne. Devising strategies to fight the enemy, allocating resources and aid to the army, as well as to the common people affected by the war. When it was not enough he, himself, went to the battlefield to fight and increase the army's morale; while his third brother took care of everything in the capital. It was hard to deny even though his second brother and third brother did not take the throne they did provided him with immense support, or else all these would be too overwhelming.

Just because Shuang nation was small doesn't mean their defense and intelligence was any less than the neighboring country. This was after a year worth of fight Emperor XiWang, himself, killed the enemy Emperor in his own palace, after infiltrating successfully.

It was before this victory that he had saved cultivator Ruan from the streets. Back then cultivator Ruan was a teenager who had just left his clan, and master, to roam around the world to save everyone in need. Learning that people were suffering due to the war he went to the border to help the sufferers of the war. But when the enemy country almost destroyed a small village near south region of the border to create entry path for them. Cultivator Ruan wanting to protect the common people used up all his power. However, he alone wasn't enough to protect all these people. When he was left dying on the street with all other dead bodies, he was scooped up by Emperor XiWang and his life was then saved. Once his health improved feeling his life now belonged to the person who saved him. But he didn't ever imagine it was the Emperor who saved him!

He was quite taken back to see the Emperor XiWang enter his small tent suddenly. "Your..your Emperor.. thanks to the son of heaven for saving me. I..I..don't know how..how.. to ever repay you.", young cultivator Ruan said as he quickly got up from the bed,  and kneeled in front of the Emperor.

"There's no need to kneel when you are sick. Quickly get up.", Wu Wei Tian said as he helped cultivator Ruan on the bed.

"I heard you are a cultivator who helped the soldiers stationed in this village to fight the enemy soldiers. It's Zhen ( 'I' used only by the Emperor) who should be thankful to you. As you bought the reinforcement enough time to come and save this place, or else it would have been difficult to take it back from the enemy if they had succeeded in acquiring this land. You should rest more.", Emperor XiWang said as he poured water for cultivator Ruan.

"Not at all. Please don't be thankful to this commoner. As a cultivator it was my duty to protect and save  the people who needs my help. It should be 'I' who is really thankful to you, for not only saving me, but the whole nation. Emperor as your name entails you are the hope of this nation. It is my honour to be in your presence. You are my savior. Is there anything I can do for you?", cultivator Ruan said before taking a sip from the glass of water given by the Emperor.

Emperor Xiwang looked into cultivator Ruan's eyes deeply. The eyes looking back at him were clear and sincere, and there was this unknowing glimmer in those eyes, which made it difficult to tear his eyes away from those deep blue eyes.

He forced himself to look away from those eyes, and stared straight through the window of the tent, nearby. He could see soldiers moving around the tent. Everyone catching their breath when they could before they face any other battles. Though the whole nation was in chaos he didn't know why felt the most calm here, now, at this moment, in a small tent with a complete stranger.

"What's your name cultivator?", Emperor XiWang said while still looking out of the window.

" It's Ruan Feng Guang.", lightly cultivator Ruan replied while looking at the Emperor. He was visibly a teenager like him, maybe younger. But he was already so tall, and well built, though the armor looked heavy to wear, on him it looked weightless. He seemed way more mature than his age. Particularly those eyes which felt like could swallow ones soul with one look. But at this moment as the orange and pink glow from the setting sun fell on Emperor XiWang, his handsome features became more gentle. It was hard to look away from him.

" Feng Guang..", Emperor XiWang savored the taste of calling out this name.

Hearing his name in that deep voice made cultivator Ruan's ears' tickle.

"I mean.., cultivator Ruan, can you follow me from now on?", Emperor XiWang said as he finally looked at the beautiful man in front of him.

"Emperor. Emperor! XiWang!", cultivator Ruan called out to the Emperor who seemed to be in a daze, clutching a cup of tea.

" Why didn't you drink the tea while it was warm?", cultivator Ruan nagged as he took the cup full of tea, to prepare another cup.

"Why are you calling me?", Emperor XiWang smiled at the man who stayed by his side through thick and thin. Still looking as beautiful as the first time.

" Oh! First Lady Shen has arrived, and is waiting outside the door. Quickly ask the soldiers to let her in.", cultivator Ruan said as he opened the tea box lid.

Emperor Xiwang called his personal Eunuch, and said, "Let First Lady Shen enter, and let me judge how she is suitable for Dawang's 6th daughter."