The fourth level part 2

The third fighter stepped forward, he made a long sword appear with red flames on it, Anaya bit her lower lip in anticipation, finally a hand-to-hand fight.

She deployed her chakra in her hands, her feet and on her vital points to protect them, she also called on the lightning element all over her body to increase her speed and to be able to create slight paralysis in specific places of her opponent.

Finally she changed her whip into a scimitar, it was the weapon she felt the most comfortable with.

She decided not to take any risks and directly used the light energy on her scimitar, the blade turned golden like a sun and the golden flames that appeared on it seemed larger than the ones she was using with the energy of the sacred fire.

That made her smile, because it was enough for her golden flames to come into contact with her opponent for him to be reduced to ashes.