Best trick to distract him

Alec was very excited, he couldn't wait to show to Liam how awesome those instant teleportation portal spells were, he replied with his eyes shining like a kid who would want to show it's new toys: "Okay I'm coming, you'll see how these teleportation spells are so cool."

Celia didn't even have time to tell him to give her back Basile, when he was already jumping into a vortex that had just formed.

Shit, thought Celia, luckily children under the age of twelve didn't count as a person for the use of a instant teleportation portal, otherwise Basile might have been lost who knows where.

The first time they had used the instant teleportation portal spells, they had explained to them how it worked.

It was only one person by instant teleportation portal, except children under twelve who did not count and could be accompanied by an adult, and to teleport as precisely as possible, you just had to think either of the place or of the person that you wanted to join.