
Entering the city was rather simple for Thexan. As he was a general and not an assassin, Thexan spectacularly failed in his attempt to sneak by the droids. Falling back on plan C for combat, he mowed down platoon after platoon of droids. Whenever a tank showed up, he simply crushed it using the force.

Of course his presence was not ignored, Viceroy Gunray in a panic sent most of his army to battle Thexan. This forced Thexan to change his tactics, guerrilla warfare was not his strong side but he could manage. These droids where so useless Thexan was able to execute his attacks and subsequent escapes with relative ease.

About an hour has passed and Thexan is still looking for some shelter. Reaching out with the force, he senses two beings within a group of people heading for the hangars. "Thats my way out". With that said he took off in that direction


"Master did you sense that?". "Yes I did Obi Wan, someone very powerful has been giving the Viceroy som issues, explains why we are moving unopposed"

The Queens entourage arrived at the hangar to the sight of a man. Dressed in black with a yellow lightsaber, this man was mowing down the droids guarding the pilots. Once done, not really waiting for an invitation, the man rushes into the Queens ship, preparing to escape the planet.


Thats those droids out of the way, now, to pilot my way out of here, wonder who those people by the door are? As I'm going through the preflight check I hear the cocking of blasters. *exhale*, don't these people know we have more important things to focus on?


"Hands up and step away from the dashboard" yells Panaka to the man. Yet Thexan would have none of it, with but gesture of his finger Panaka and the five other men with him fall to the floor unconscious. "He can yell at me when were in hyperspace" retorts Thexan, to the jedi who just entered the cockpit.

QUI GON: "I agree, questions can wait till were free of the blockade"

THEXAN: "Theres a blockade?"

OBI WAN: "Yes. Can you fly us past it?"

THEXAN: "Most likely, from what I've seen so far the guys running this show clearly don't know what they are doing"

Thexan takes off heading for the blockade, with the shields up, he warms up the hyperdrive before even leaving the atmosphere.

THEXAN: "Do we have a destination?"

QUI GON: "Yes, Coruscant"

THEXAN: "Republic capitol, nice"

Once in space Thexan inputs the coordinates and engages the hyperdrive. A few jostles indicate something is wrong but the ship goes into hyperspace anyways.

THEXAN: "Hyperdrive's, leaking. Multiple possible reasons, foremost being bad maintenance. Were going to have to land somewhere. One of you check for possible landing spots."

A few minutes go by before Obi Wan answers.

"Here, Tatooine its a little out of the way but its close enough"

THEXAN: "That will do"

QUI GON: "I will go inform the Queen of this development"

Not long after the ship drops out of hyperspace to the sight of Tatooine. here is where the future changes, here is where the fate of a young boy is forever altered.