Thexan couldn't really say he had ever been to Coruscant. Most of his live was drenched in combat training and war, with very few breaks in between. This planet was new to him, unlike Zakuul, Coruscant was... Ugly to say the least. Not a single stretch of indigenous nature as far as the eye could see. Zakuul, mixed nature with technology, creating a beautiful planet to look at. Much like Naboo, now that he thought about it, just, with more technology, and a military.
Meeting the chancellor and his little butt buddies was rather boring. One of them was so steeped in darkness it reminded Thexan of certain sith he killed. So sure of themselves, so much faith in the so called dark side of the force. Pff, to Thexan there was no dark side, neither was there a light side. There was just Offense and Defense. The different ways one could use the force.
After the awkward meeting with government leaders, that Thexan blatantly ignored when not quipping sarcastic comments, where they were appropriately inappropriate. (Many glares and sneers from the butt buddies). Thexan headed with Qui Gon toward the jedi temple, all while educating his older companion on how he would go about invading the temple. To Thexan's great pleasure, many jedi stopped pretending to not have emotions, instead letting an expression somewhere between constipation and fear paint their faces.
Standing before the Jedi High Council, Thexan listened to Qui Gon report on what happened during their mission, the escape from Naboo, the dark Jedi with delusions of grandeur, and a little kid who just so happens to have a stronger connection to the force than most Jedi combined. Thexan turned his head at that part. 'Huh, that explains why the force made me feel like he was important, Anakin is its child'. Thexan thought.
Eventually everyone's attention shifted to Thexan. Thexan, wanting this to go in his direction, states his name, likes and dislikes as well as his dream for the future. 'Always wanted to be better than Father at the one thing that matters'
A little green goblin asks is he is a descendant of Valkorion. Thexan, internally laughing answers yes. 'You have no idea, my little green friend'.
Subsequent questions about the dark jedi and Thexan's battle with him were asked. Thexan answered what he could gleam off his assailant. 178 units tall (AN: because space, CM don't exist so units instead, same thing different name) very likely a native of Dathomir due to facial tattoos, somewhat strong in a mediocre sense, and wielded a double bladed saber-staff.
Finishing with that interrogation, the Jedi asked Thexan if he would continue guarding the Queen. Not thinking of anything better to do, especially considering he is in the future compared to his own time. Thexan confirmed his service to the Queen of Naboo.
Although Thexan doesn't have anything better to do now, he hopes to get his hands on a ship so he can visit his home planet, see what 3600 years has done to his home.
'Hopefully this situation in the senate can end quickly, im a soldier, not a bootlicking bribe receiver'.
Cool, I hope im getting better at this.
Now the only plans I have for Thexan as of now is to head back to Zakuul, during the ten year period between Phantom Menace and attack of the clones.
If you guys have any ideas as for extra things Thexan should do during this ten year period, hit me up and I will consider your idea.