Only you.

"Hey Alex." I look up from my book to see Sydney, the school's quarterback standing in front of my table.

"Hi." I look to Mia but she shrug so I look back to Sydney.

Sydney is not like your typical quarterback. He's not a bully, doesn't sleep around and isn't rude. He's just a redhead who's smart, nerdy, sweet and a shy type. He's not in any relationship. He's in shape and he has grey eyes.

"So I was thinking," He scratches the back of his neck.

"You were thinking?" I urge him.

I see Matt Harper walk in and he looks at me. He frowns when he sees Sydney in front of my locker and walks to his seat.

"Are you free Friday night?" Matt coughs and I look at him confused. I shake my head and turn back to Sydney.

"Friday night you say?" He nods. "Why?" I cock my head a little to the left to study him.

"Um... I was, I was thinking if you'd like to go out with me."





"It's alright if you want to say no. I get it." I do want to say no, but I look at Matt again to see him watching us closely.

Might as well stir up some trouble.

I smile to myself and I look at Sydney.

"You know what Syd, I am free Friday night and I'd love to go out with you." I say and his eyes widen.

"Really?" He asks shocked and I nod. "I'll come pick you up?" He asks and I nod again.

"Sure thing." I smile again and he smiles also.

"I'll see you Friday night at 8."

"See you at 8" With that he walks away.

Today's Wednesday so I still have two days till Friday.

I look back at Matt to see him frowning before he puts his head on the table.

"Did Sydney just ask you out and did you just say yes?!" Mia whisper shouts and I look at her.

"Yeah. Why?"

"You never say yes to his dates! Why now?" She asks and I shrug.

It's true. Sydney has been trying to take me out since tenth grade. it's always one excuse or the other.

I look to Matt again and Mia gasps.

"Don't tell me," She gasps again. "Did you say yes because of Matt?!"

"Maybe?" I say and she shakes her head.

"Why would you want to do that?"

"I don't know actually."

"Does Matt even pay attention to you? I'm sure the guy doesn't even know your name or even where you live." I smile

"My my Mia. You'll be surprised when you find out just how much he knows about me." She widens her eyes.

"What have you been keeping from me Alexis?" She asks and I shrug.

I didn't tell her about the little adventure we had the other night and what happened at the field so I fill her in.

"Is something going on between you two?" She asks.

I look at her in confusion. "What do you mean?"

"From what I've heard and witnessed, Matt Harper is just a cold guy who doesn't talk with anyone. He doesn't even give anyone face. Just a single stare from him could make you quiver in fear. But all what you just told me, shows another side of him. Another side which he just shows you and you alone."


"That's not true. I'm sure he acts like that to someone else. Right?"

"If he does, then I know nothing about it and I pretty know everything that's going on in this school." She flips her hair and I look at Matt again.

He still had his head on his table and I truly wonder if what Mia says is true.

Does Matt Harper only act friendly to me and cold to others?

And if yes, why?

The teacher walks in and I put my attention on him.


Today's Friday, which makes it the day I have a date with Sydney.


Why did I even agree to have a date with him?! I don't even like him that way!


Now I'm in the hallway, hitting my head on my locker repeatedly.

"Hey Alex, what's got you so grumpy" Mia walks up to me and I groan.

"I think I made a mistake Mia." I whine.

"What have you done this time?" She folds her arm together, raises her eyebrows and I frown.

"What does that mean?" I ask her.

"You always do something Alex so it's really nothing new."

"Is that what you think of me? That I'm full of mistakes?" I point to myself and Mia eyes widen.

"No no no Alex. You got it all wrong. What I meant is that you do stupid things that always result in you regretting it later on."

"Oh so then I'm stupid?!"

"Alex! You know that's not what I mean!" She snaps and I sigh.

"You know what? Just forget it." I pick my floor and I walk away.

"Alex! Alex!! C'mon don't be like this!" She calls but I don't listen nor do I stop.

Now I'm called stupid.

First a whore, now stupid!

What next? An idiot?


I get to the field, throw my bag on the floor and I kick the nearest stone away from me.

"What's got you so cranky?" I turn to see Matt Harper standing behind me with his hands in his pocket.

I put my hands on my hips.

"What's it to you?" I ask and he looks around before he looks at me again.

"Well, you walked, no, sorry, wrong choice of words. You stomped out here, with frustration written all over your face, and you kicked a stone. No girl ever kicks a stone except she is mad." I look around before I look at him again

"So what's got you cranky?" He asks again and I shrug.

"I had a fight with my best friend."


"Yeah. And It's my fault. I was frustrated about my da-" I see Matt Harper looking at me intensely and I clear my throat. "I was frustrated about something, so I took it out on her."

"What were you frustrated about?" He asks and I shake my head.

"Nothing important." He nods but I know he doesn't believe me.

I'm not about to tell him I was doubting a date I agreed on because I wanted to make him jealous.

"My sister always told me when she had a fight with her best friend, she'd go apologize with cookies and like that, they are 'besties again' as she calls it."

Okay what?

"You have a sister?!" I say shocked and he face turned hard.




"Forget I said anything." He turns and walks away.

Okay, that was weird.

I shake my head and sigh. I pick up my bag and head inside.

Looks like I have to get cookies from the cafeteria.

We have recess now so Jane should be in the library.

She's like the smart one between us so she takes her studies seriously.

I spot her two rows to the back when I get in. I walk silently to her and I stop right in front of her.

"Here to yell at me again?" She doesn't look up and I sigh.

I put the box of chocolate milk on her table and she stops what's she doing.

The cafeteria didn't have cookies and There were no other options.

"What's this for?" She cocks an eyebrow.

"I'm sorry. I was just frustrated about my date with Sydney tonight and I wanted to vent it on something or someone. I'm sorry it had to be you."

"It's alright. I understand but if you don't want to go out with Sydney, then don't."

I sit down in front of her.

"But I've already said yes. I don't want to back out at the last minute, it's not fair on him."

"And you think lying to him is fair on him?" I look down. "Honey, you don't like the boy like he likes you. You are just lying to him and yourself." I sigh.

"So why don't you tell him the truth. I'm sure he'll understand."

"You are right. Sydney's not a douche like most guys."

"But it might hurt him." She points out.

"Yeah." I sigh. "But what has to be done, has to be done."

"That's my girl." She smiles. "So where did you get the idea of milk?" She opens the box and takes a sip.

"Matt Harper gave me the idea." She coughs on her drink.

"He what?"

"He told me to give you a box of cookies. Not directly but yeah. But unfortunately, the cafeteria didn't have cookies so I got chocolate milk instead."

"That's weird. I didn't picture Matt as that kind of person."

"Well he is." She takes another sip. "So we friends now?" I ask and she smiles.

"We've always been friends, you are just the big baby here."

"And that's why you are the smart one."