He Kissed Me.

I turn around, my body a little stiff but my bed seemed softer my usual. As if all the times I ever slept on it, this was the best yet.

But wait, bed? 

If I remember well, I wasn't at home last night. I stormed out of the house in anger so how is it possible I'm back on my bed? 

Wasn't I just waiting for Harper to come around?

Wasn't I just with Harper? 


It was as if my heart missed a beat and the whole world stopped. 

I open my eyes suddenly and sit up immediately. 

That was a dream right? 

I let out an awkward laugh. "It has to be."

There's no way I could have kissed him. There has to be no way. 

He hates my guts!! 

How would the great and arrogant Matt Harper kiss someone like me? 


I look down at my clothes to see I'm still in the fit I wore yesterday, and his hoodie on me. 

"Oh my Lord!" I jump out of bed. 

This can't be happening.