Earlier That Morning.



I woke up to my alarm blasting in my ear and I groan. I open one eye and stop the ringing of the alarm before it wakes Alex up.

She stirs beside me and I stiffen. She needs the rest. She needs rest from people. She needs rest from herself honestly. She has really gone through a lot for an 18 year old.

When I see she doesn't move again, I gently stand up without having to touch her, or make a sound.

I walk towards the bathroom to get ready for school.

Thirty minutes later, I was done and Alex was still asleep. Truthfully, she looked peaceful. Ever since the past years, I never knew she could look this peaceful while sleeping. She looked like nothing in the world could ever bother her. Like nothing in the world could ever tamper with that peace.

Well until a certain Matt Harper walked into her life.