
I huff and sit in front of Mia during lunch and I placed my food on the table.

"Alex?" She looks up in amazement.

"One and only." I respond dryly.

"What are you doing here? I thought you were home sick." She states.

"I was." I confirmed. "Until a particular somebody texted me that my brother was about to commit murder."

"Oh." She mutters. "How's he?" She asks.

"Who are we talking about here?" I ask.

Because I know two people I'm worried about.

"Who else? Alec."

"Well, I attended to the bruises on his knuckles and he's alright since he's shouting he loves me at every chance he sees me."

"Yeah, he's alright." She nods.

I pick on my food. I glance towards Matt's seat to find it empty.

Wonder where he is. Wonder how bad he's injured. Wonder if he's alright.

"Okay, I'm just going to ask." I turn to her and she sighs. "What the fuck happened?"