How Did You Know?


Mia managed get me to have something in my stomach. I've been here for five hours.

Five freaking hours and I haven't heard anything yet.

Alec came and left. Emeril sat down alone in a corner in silence. Oliver sat beside me.

Aunt Rosa comes out of Harper's room and I immediately stand up.

"How is he?" I asked immediately.

"H-he regained consciousness." She answers softly.

Oh my god.

I felt relieved.

"Can I see him?"

She shakes her head. "It was just for a moment. He's back as sleep now."


Although I was relieved and glad he was awake, aunt Rosa seemed a little off. She seemed anxious about something.

"Is something wrong?" I ask her as I hold her hand but she flinches a little.

"Everything's fine." She smiles. "I I'm just really glad he's alright."


"You should go home now honey." She holds my hand.