His Smile.

I strip off all my clothes when I got into my room. Turned on the shower and I waited for the water to get heated a bit in the bathroom, then walked under the shower head and let the warm water cool my nerves down.

I really had a stressful day today. Shocking revelations and being beat by the rain.

Such a day.

I sighed for the umpteenth time and stayed under the shower for as long as I could remember.

The next moments passed in a blur and the next thing I knew, rays if sunshine were coming through my window.

Great. It's a new day already.

I groaned and turned to face away from the window.

That slight move made me realize I had woken up with a headache. I didn't even sleep well the night before. Just had like 2 hours of sleep.

It took me a while to get up from my bed and I dragged myself to the bathroom.