Arcane Arts of Terrenia

Section T-21 is located in the center of the library and has more books than the other section. Most of the books are thicker too. It proves that this world attaches importance to knowledge about arcane arts.

Jack was very excited. Witnessing millions of books arranged neatly on the tall bookshelf never ceased to amaze him. And the fact that all the books are manually written by its author impressed him even more.

But at the same time, he also found an obvious flaw. As far as Jack knows, all this book has never been audited before. No auditors mean that the book's content is very biased toward the writer's point of view and has low credibility.

Maybe It is okay for fiction books, but not for practical ones such as magic, material arts, and potions-making books. If the book carries incorrect information, the readers could be hurt because of it, or worse. Moreover, the librarians didn't seem to notice this flaw.

Jack needs to inform Izack Newtown about this problem immediately. The sooner, the better. And more importantly, he can get a reward out of it. Or better, a good connection.

This problem gave Jack the idea to plagiarize printing devices for his next project. If the management approves his suggestion, all books will be reviewed before being replaced by the new one. And this one smells like profits… No... Double profits! Because it will make his brand new and improved paper sell like sweets before Halloween.

Jack was amused by how perfect his plan is. Without him knowing, he starts grinning like an idiot while walking toward section T-21. It makes the other visitor feel disgusted and avoid him. Fortunately, Jack didn't realize it.

After arriving at his destination, Jack uses a ladder to reach the top shelf before taking the book that Izack recommends. The super thick book has a brown leather cover with a golden title, extremely heavy, and smells weird. It seems that this book uses parchment-like paper.

When reading the word under the title, Jack's mouths twitched.

'No wonder he can pinpoint the location accurately. Turns out, he is the one who wrote this book. Damn… What a sly old man.'

'Concept of Magic for Dummies and How to Awaken It' by Izack Newtown.

However, after reading for an hour, Jack changed his mind. Among the books he has read in this library, this book is definitely the best in terms of content quality, detail, wording, and delivery method. Deserves to be called as a masterpiece of a professional writer. Straightforward and easy to understand.

The first volume is talking about the definition of mana and Arcane Arts.

In short, mana is some kind of energy source that resides in everything. Humans, animals, plants, water, rock, even air carry them naturally with varying amounts. But at the same time, it is also so much more.

According to research, every individual's mana has its own signature, just like fingerprints. Unfortunately, their magical technology is not advanced enough to be able to implement it to create a personal identity.

Mana carries the characteristics of its carrier. For example, Mana of a person that loves nature is more compatible with wind or water elements when a hot-blooded person is compatible with fire elements.

They still can use spells from every element. But when casting spells with the elements that they are compatible with, the casting time is reduced. In a real battle, one second can determine a person's life and death.

In plants, the characteristic that mana carries is called magical properties. People utilize it to create different kinds of potion and poison.

Oh! In order to cast a spell, one needs a magic circle.

Because it is the real-world, magic needs to follow the laws of thermodynamics. To change the mana energy into another form, someone needs a catalyst, and in this world, it is called a magic circle.

Jack guessed that this magic circle is more like a device or program that could convert mana into another form.

Izack Newtown definite Arcane Arts as an expression or application of human creative skill and imagination to manipulate mana and create magic.

He mentioned that the mystery behind the arcane art is like a bottomless pit. The more we dig a hole, the more questions we will find. That's why, even after thousands of years of study, we are barely scratching at its surface.

The second volume is talking about the classification of mana.

Mana is divided into two classifications. Active and dormant. Active mana can be directly used to cast a spell, while the dormant one needs a particular means to form magic.

The active type used by humans, monsters, magical beasts, and animals. While mana stone and other magical ingredients fall into the dormant category. Plants can be categorized as hybrids that belong to both of these categories at the same time.

After a monster or magical beast dies, the mana in their body will gather at their forehead before crystallized into a mana stone and become dormant. Strangely, this process does not happen to humans and animals. The 'why' though, no one knows yet.

The rest of the volume explains in-depth about mana compatibility with certain elements. Most of them are just a bunch of theories that are not yet proven, so Jack just skimmed through it before arriving at the final volume. How to awaken your mana.

But before Jack could open the next page, his stomach growled, begging him to be filled with food.

"Huff… I guess I need a break. Hmm… It's about an hour before the sun is gone. Looking for food outside will be inefficient.

"Let's see what the cafeteria on the second floor has to offer."

After asking the librarian and writing his name in the logbook, Jack carries old man Izack's book to the second floor. He spent one silver coin to order a cup of coffee, pineapple juice, and a few pastries before finding a secluded spot at the corner of the room.

Standing while carrying a big book put quite a burden on his tiny legs. So he chose a place with a low table and soft rug to straighten his feet.

While waiting for his food, Jack read the third volume.

Mana is produced and stored in the Mana Central located on the abdominal, approximately three fingers from the navel area. Mana Central is not a physical organ but has a similar function as a heart.

To awaken it, you need to learn to feel the mana itself before guiding them to flow throughout your body. Each kingdom or organization has its own methods, but the basic principle is quite similar.

The book recorded the most conventional method that uses mana stone as a medium.

Fortunately, Jack carried about five kilograms in his bag, so trying the method right away is possible.

But before he could read about the process, a beautiful waiter came with the foods he ordered.

"Excuse me, sir." Said the waiter politely.

Jack ignored her and swallowed a lump of saliva when he smelled a faint aroma of fresh coffee brewed in hot water. Before the waiter could put the cup on the table, his hands nimbly snatch it and bring it in front of his lips.

After blowing the surface with some air a few times, Jack finally could taste again the heavenly flavor of a coffee.



"What the fu*k! What kind of coffee is this?!"