A New Home

On the way to the adventurers' residential area, Jack spent five bronze coins to fill his stomach with a special menu from a famous restaurant. A hint of regret reflected his eyes when he realized how expensive the pastries sold in the library.

The restaurant was filled with adventurers of different races. From muscular Barbarians, Dwarfs with long hair and beard, Antiokians, and many others. But Jack couldn't find any Elfs. The only elf he had ever seen in Alexandrium was Arquene.

Most of them are in groups of four to seven people who are clearly members of the same party. Seeing them reminded Jack that he needs to join or form a party before start adventuring.

An ideal party consists of mele warriors and long-range attackers such as archers or mages. But after observing for a while, Jack realized that there were very few archers there. And mages are even fewer.

It means that these two occupations are either hard to master or less useful in a real battle. But Jack bet his money on the former. Because without the assistance of a targeting system like in a game, hitting an enemy with an arrow or spell would be very hard to do.

This fact forces Jack to reassess his previous thought of becoming a mage.

'Some brought their magic staff when the other didn't. I wonder… Is there more than one type of mage in this world?

'When I think about it, Old man Izack also didn't carry a staff. Well… maybe when a mage is strong enough, they don't need help from a magic circle to cast a spell anymore.

'But this contradicts Izack's statement in his book that says a magic circle is a must to cast a spell. Besides, if we could directly convert an energy source into another matter without the aid of a catalyst, it would violate several laws of physics. Hmm…'

When pondering about this matter, Jack suddenly notices a few strange glances from a group of five sitting at a table across his own. The silver badge in their chest indicates that four of them are already at rank C or D.

Jack suddenly felt like an idiot. Wearing a new bronze badge was akin to announcing that he is fresh in this line of business. He felt even dumber when seeing a lot of empty plates on top of his table.

To a group of rogue adventurers, a newbie that orders expensive meals smells like easy money. No wonder their eyes were filled with nefarious intent. For them, extorting money from Jack was akin to taking candy from a baby.

'Cih… No matter how good the organization is, there are always bad apples among its members...'

Realizing that he has become a subject of a criminal act, Jack stood up from his seat before briskly walked toward the exit. And yes, when he left the restaurant, they followed right behind him.

Fortunately, apartment Alex-01 was only a hundred meters from the restaurant. After showing a letter from Tarud to the guards, Jack was allowed into the apartment.

He could see four disappointed faces in the distance as he wiped the cold sweat off his forehead. It seems that entering this apartment requires special permits. This proved that Tarud was a well-known adventurer.

'Trying to rob me, huh? I will make sure to pay all of you back in kind when I was strong enough.' Jack is a peaceful person, but he didn't easily forget about a grudge. And revenge is a dish best served cold.

'Another three-story building, huh? Is this the limit of this world's construction technology?' Another money-making idea began to take shape in his mind.

'Hmm… Room 208 should be on the second floor.'

Alex-01 has six rooms on each floor or 18 apartments total. Beside it stood a similar building with Alex-02 painted big on its wall. But from the looks of it, that building has more than 10 rooms on each floor.

This signifies the difference between Alex-01 and Alex02. The former is specially built for high-ranked adventurers who occupy a vital position in the guild when the latter is for ordinary A-rank adventurers. Of course, the size and facilities are vastly different.

Apartment no. 208 is located on the northeast corner of Alex-01 second floor. Jack didn't notice any sign of life whatsoever when walking up the stairs. Rather than an apartment, the building is more like a haunted house.

But it is good news for Jack. In this kind of environment, he could meditate or do some research and experiments in peace without worry about the surroundings.

When arriving at the apartment door, Jack inserted the key he got from Tarud before twisting it until he could hear a click sound. But before he could open it, the door of apartment 207 behind him suddenly opened.

Attracted by its sound, Jack twisted his neck and saw an old man with a slightly hunched back come out from apartment 207. His current height is about 160 cm. Wearing a loose gray robe and having long hair and mustache of the same color.

At a glimpse, he looked like a simple and amiable old man. But deep within his gaze flickered a profound light.

The old man smiles before speaking in a deep and wise voice. "Good evening, young man. Emonar is my name. So you are my new neighbor, no wonder the hallway is very rowdy this afternoon. Hahaha."

Jack slightly bowed and responded in a respectful manner, "My name is Jack Walker. It's a pleasure to meet you, Sir Emonar, and sorry about the inconvenience."

Emonar made a soft laugh before saying, "Don't worry about it. We need more occupants anyway, or this place will really turn into a haunted house.

"By the way. If you need my help or if those four ruffians dare to bother you again, do not hesitate to ask for my help, Jack. I didn't travel much with this old body of mine, so I'll be around most of the time."

Jack raised his brow in surprise. He didn't know that Emonar was aware of the incident that happened before he entered the building. As far as he remembers, all the curtains in the apartment are tightly closed.

Nonetheless, he needed to express his gratitude. "Thank you, Sir Emonar. I will keep that in mind."

"Haha. Don't mention it. We are neighbors now. Well then, till next time, young lad…" After saying that, Emonar walked toward the declining stairs and left.

Jack was looking in his direction for a few seconds before speaking in a low voice, "What a strong old man, at least at the same level as Izack Newtown."

Somehow, the calm aura emanated from Emonar reminded him of a calm before a big storm.

"I expect no less from adventurer executive premises. This place is literally packed with experts. But, the most dangerous place is the safest."

After entering his new home, Jack arrives at a luxurious living room about six meters in length and width with a square wooden table and four chairs at its center. On top of the table lies an elegant lantern and a set of silverware for four people.

Grey marbles cover the entire floor when the wall is painted with a combination of white and blue exotic patterns.

Other than that, he could find a rocking chair, wooden writing table coupled with a chair, and a cupboard with a transparent front.

The room to his right was split equally into two bedrooms when on the opposite side, he could see something that resembled a kitchen and a bathroom.

After putting all his belongings in the bedroom, Jack went to take a shower before changing his clothes.

Suddenly, Jack smacked his forehead when realizing that he had forgotten something important. "Sh*t! I was too occupied with weapons and armor that forgot to buy a change of clothes."

Didn't have another choice. Jack wore the undershirt that he got from Tarud.

The excitement he got from becoming an Awakened has not disappeared yet, so he decided to meditate before hitting the sack.

After closing his eyes, Jack focused his attention on a portion of his mana before moving it around to feel the structure of his body from the inside.

Unlike another Terrenian, he had learned about human anatomy from books and the internet, so he had a clear picture of it in his head. He only needed fifteen minutes to imagine a clear 3D projection of his own body in his mind.

After that, he started to check every nook and crook of his body anatomy, hoping to find a hidden mana pathway that Izack Newtown didn't mention in his book. According to his knowledge, the human body holds a vast number of secrets and mysteries. Finding a few of them would give him an advantage over other adventurers.

An hour later, the corner of his mouth suddenly arched up along with his eyes opening.

"Great! I could find at least ten hidden mana pathways in my body. Sadly, I only understand how to use one of them. But it's okay. For now…"

Jack closed his eyes again and focused all of his attention on his eyeballs. At the outer side of his eyes, Jack could feel a tiny path that could lead his mana into the pupils. According to his analysis, he could get an eye ability when this pathway is opened.

Without hesitation, Jack started to force his mana into the pathway. With a smile on his face, he anticipated getting his first ability.

But when his mana reaches the pupil area, the only thing he got was excruciating pain.
